from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Command from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py from distutils import dir_util from distutils.util import convert_path from pathlib import Path import os import re import string import textwrap from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, List, Sequence, Optional, TypeVar, Tuple from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import ast import subprocess import sys import copy from collections import OrderedDict import json # NOTE: have to programmatically include third-party dependencies in ``. def installPackage(package: str): subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', package]) RUAMEL_YAML_VERSION = "ruamel.yaml==0.17.21" try: import ruamel.yaml except ImportError: installPackage(RUAMEL_YAML_VERSION) from ruamel.yaml import YAML MARKO_VERSION = "marko==1.0.2" try: import marko except ImportError: installPackage(MARKO_VERSION) from marko.block import Heading, FencedCode, LinkRefDef, BlankLine from marko.inline import CodeSpan from marko.ext.gfm import gfm from marko.ext.gfm.elements import Table # Definitions in PHASE0 = 'phase0' ALTAIR = 'altair' BELLATRIX = 'bellatrix' CAPELLA = 'capella' EIP4844 = 'eip4844' # The helper functions that are used when defining constants CONSTANT_DEP_SUNDRY_CONSTANTS_FUNCTIONS = ''' def ceillog2(x: int) -> uint64: if x < 1: raise ValueError(f"ceillog2 accepts only positive values, x={x}") return uint64((x - 1).bit_length()) def floorlog2(x: int) -> uint64: if x < 1: raise ValueError(f"floorlog2 accepts only positive values, x={x}") return uint64(x.bit_length() - 1) ''' OPTIMIZED_BLS_AGGREGATE_PUBKEYS = ''' def eth_aggregate_pubkeys(pubkeys: Sequence[BLSPubkey]) -> BLSPubkey: return bls.AggregatePKs(pubkeys) ''' class ProtocolDefinition(NamedTuple): # just function definitions currently. May expand with configuration vars in future. functions: Dict[str, str] class VariableDefinition(NamedTuple): type_name: Optional[str] value: str comment: Optional[str] # e.g. "noqa: E501" type_hint: Optional[str] # e.g., "Final" class SpecObject(NamedTuple): functions: Dict[str, str] protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition] custom_types: Dict[str, str] constant_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] preset_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] config_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] ssz_dep_constants: Dict[str, str] # the constants that depend on ssz_objects ssz_objects: Dict[str, str] dataclasses: Dict[str, str] def _get_name_from_heading(heading: Heading) -> Optional[str]: last_child = heading.children[-1] if isinstance(last_child, CodeSpan): return last_child.children return None def _get_source_from_code_block(block: FencedCode) -> str: return block.children[0].children.strip() def _get_function_name_from_source(source: str) -> str: fn = ast.parse(source).body[0] return def _get_self_type_from_source(source: str) -> Optional[str]: fn = ast.parse(source).body[0] args = fn.args.args if len(args) == 0: return None if args[0].arg != 'self': return None if args[0].annotation is None: return None return args[0] def _get_class_info_from_source(source: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: class_def = ast.parse(source).body[0] base = class_def.bases[0] if isinstance(base, ast.Name): parent_class = else: # NOTE: SSZ definition derives from earlier phase... # e.g. `phase0.SignedBeaconBlock` # TODO: check for consistency with other phases parent_class = None return, parent_class def _is_constant_id(name: str) -> bool: if name[0] not in string.ascii_uppercase + '_': return False return all(map(lambda c: c in string.ascii_uppercase + '_' + string.digits, name[1:])) def _load_kzg_trusted_setups(preset_name): """ [TODO] it's not the final mainnet trusted setup. We will update it after the KZG ceremony. """ file_path = str(Path(__file__).parent) + '/presets/' + preset_name + '/trusted_setups/testing_trusted_setups.json' with open(file_path, 'r') as f: json_data = json.load(f) trusted_setup_G1 = json_data['setup_G1'] trusted_setup_G2 = json_data['setup_G2'] trusted_setup_G1_lagrange = json_data['setup_G1_lagrange'] roots_of_unity = json_data['roots_of_unity'] return trusted_setup_G1, trusted_setup_G2, trusted_setup_G1_lagrange, roots_of_unity ALL_KZG_SETUPS = { 'minimal': _load_kzg_trusted_setups('minimal'), 'mainnet': _load_kzg_trusted_setups('mainnet') } ETH2_SPEC_COMMENT_PREFIX = "eth2spec:" def _get_eth2_spec_comment(child: LinkRefDef) -> Optional[str]: _, _, title = child._parse_info if not (title[0] == "(" and title[len(title)-1] == ")"): return None title = title[1:len(title)-1] if not title.startswith(ETH2_SPEC_COMMENT_PREFIX): return None return title[len(ETH2_SPEC_COMMENT_PREFIX):].strip() def _parse_value(name: str, typed_value: str, type_hint: Optional[str]=None) -> VariableDefinition: comment = None if name == "BLS12_381_Q": comment = "noqa: E501" typed_value = typed_value.strip() if '(' not in typed_value: return VariableDefinition(type_name=None, value=typed_value, comment=comment, type_hint=type_hint) i = typed_value.index('(') type_name = typed_value[:i] return VariableDefinition(type_name=type_name, value=typed_value[i+1:-1], comment=comment, type_hint=type_hint) def _update_constant_vars_with_kzg_setups(constant_vars, preset_name): comment = "noqa: E501" kzg_setups = ALL_KZG_SETUPS[preset_name] constant_vars['KZG_SETUP_G1'] = VariableDefinition(constant_vars['KZG_SETUP_G1'].value, str(kzg_setups[0]), comment, None) constant_vars['KZG_SETUP_G2'] = VariableDefinition(constant_vars['KZG_SETUP_G2'].value, str(kzg_setups[1]), comment, None) constant_vars['KZG_SETUP_LAGRANGE'] = VariableDefinition(constant_vars['KZG_SETUP_LAGRANGE'].value, str(kzg_setups[2]), comment, None) constant_vars['ROOTS_OF_UNITY'] = VariableDefinition(constant_vars['ROOTS_OF_UNITY'].value, str(kzg_setups[3]), comment, None) def get_spec(file_name: Path, preset: Dict[str, str], config: Dict[str, str], preset_name=str) -> SpecObject: functions: Dict[str, str] = {} protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition] = {} constant_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] = {} preset_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] = {} config_vars: Dict[str, VariableDefinition] = {} ssz_dep_constants: Dict[str, str] = {} ssz_objects: Dict[str, str] = {} dataclasses: Dict[str, str] = {} custom_types: Dict[str, str] = {} with open(file_name) as source_file: document = gfm.parse( current_name = None should_skip = False for child in document.children: if isinstance(child, BlankLine): continue if should_skip: should_skip = False continue if isinstance(child, Heading): current_name = _get_name_from_heading(child) elif isinstance(child, FencedCode): if child.lang != "python": continue source = _get_source_from_code_block(child) if source.startswith("def"): current_name = _get_function_name_from_source(source) self_type_name = _get_self_type_from_source(source) function_def = "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in source.splitlines()) if self_type_name is None: functions[current_name] = function_def else: if self_type_name not in protocols: protocols[self_type_name] = ProtocolDefinition(functions={}) protocols[self_type_name].functions[current_name] = function_def elif source.startswith("@dataclass"): dataclasses[current_name] = "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in source.splitlines()) elif source.startswith("class"): class_name, parent_class = _get_class_info_from_source(source) # check consistency with spec assert class_name == current_name if parent_class: assert parent_class == "Container" # NOTE: trim whitespace from spec ssz_objects[current_name] = "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in source.splitlines()) else: raise Exception("unrecognized python code element: " + source) elif isinstance(child, Table): for row in child.children: cells = row.children if len(cells) >= 2: name_cell = cells[0] name = name_cell.children[0].children value_cell = cells[1] value = value_cell.children[0].children if isinstance(value, list): # marko parses `**X**` as a list containing a X value = value[0].children if not _is_constant_id(name): # Check for short type declarations if value.startswith(("uint", "Bytes", "ByteList", "Union", "Vector", "List", "ByteVector")): custom_types[name] = value continue if value.startswith("get_generalized_index"): ssz_dep_constants[name] = value continue value_def = _parse_value(name, value) if name in preset: preset_vars[name] = VariableDefinition(value_def.type_name, preset[name], value_def.comment, None) elif name in config: config_vars[name] = VariableDefinition(value_def.type_name, config[name], value_def.comment, None) else: if name == 'ENDIANNESS': # Deal with mypy Literal typing check value_def = _parse_value(name, value, type_hint='Final') constant_vars[name] = value_def elif isinstance(child, LinkRefDef): comment = _get_eth2_spec_comment(child) if comment == "skip": should_skip = True # Load KZG trusted setup from files if any('KZG_SETUP' in name for name in constant_vars): _update_constant_vars_with_kzg_setups(constant_vars, preset_name) return SpecObject( functions=functions, protocols=protocols, custom_types=custom_types, constant_vars=constant_vars, preset_vars=preset_vars, config_vars=config_vars, ssz_dep_constants=ssz_dep_constants, ssz_objects=ssz_objects, dataclasses=dataclasses, ) class SpecBuilder(ABC): @property @abstractmethod def fork(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def imports(cls, preset_name: str) -> str: """ Import objects from other libraries. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def preparations(cls) -> str: """ Define special types/constants for building pyspec or call functions. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def sundry_functions(cls) -> str: """ The functions that are (1) defined abstractly in specs or (2) adjusted for getting better performance. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: """ The constants that are required for SSZ objects. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(cls, spec_object) -> Dict[str, str]: # TODO """ The constants that are required for custom types. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def implement_optimizations(cls, functions: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod @abstractmethod def build_spec(cls, preset_name: str, source_files: List[Path], preset_files: Sequence[Path], config_file: Path) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() # # Phase0SpecBuilder # class Phase0SpecBuilder(SpecBuilder): fork: str = PHASE0 @classmethod def imports(cls, preset_name: str) -> str: return '''from lru import LRU from dataclasses import ( dataclass, field, ) from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Set, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, TypeVar, NamedTuple, Final ) from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_impl import hash_tree_root, copy, uint_to_bytes from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import ( View, boolean, Container, List, Vector, uint8, uint32, uint64, Bytes1, Bytes4, Bytes32, Bytes48, Bytes96, Bitlist) from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import Bitvector # noqa: F401 from eth2spec.utils import bls from eth2spec.utils.hash_function import hash ''' @classmethod def preparations(cls) -> str: return ''' SSZObject = TypeVar('SSZObject', bound=View) ''' @classmethod def sundry_functions(cls) -> str: return ''' def get_eth1_data(block: Eth1Block) -> Eth1Data: """ A stub function return mocking Eth1Data. """ return Eth1Data( deposit_root=block.deposit_root, deposit_count=block.deposit_count, block_hash=hash_tree_root(block)) def cache_this(key_fn, value_fn, lru_size): # type: ignore cache_dict = LRU(size=lru_size) def wrapper(*args, **kw): # type: ignore key = key_fn(*args, **kw) nonlocal cache_dict if key not in cache_dict: cache_dict[key] = value_fn(*args, **kw) return cache_dict[key] return wrapper _compute_shuffled_index = compute_shuffled_index compute_shuffled_index = cache_this( lambda index, index_count, seed: (index, index_count, seed), _compute_shuffled_index, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 3) _get_total_active_balance = get_total_active_balance get_total_active_balance = cache_this( lambda state: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), compute_epoch_at_slot(state.slot)), _get_total_active_balance, lru_size=10) _get_base_reward = get_base_reward get_base_reward = cache_this( lambda state, index: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), state.slot, index), _get_base_reward, lru_size=2048) _get_committee_count_per_slot = get_committee_count_per_slot get_committee_count_per_slot = cache_this( lambda state, epoch: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), epoch), _get_committee_count_per_slot, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 3) _get_active_validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices get_active_validator_indices = cache_this( lambda state, epoch: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), epoch), _get_active_validator_indices, lru_size=3) _get_beacon_committee = get_beacon_committee get_beacon_committee = cache_this( lambda state, slot, index: (state.validators.hash_tree_root(), state.randao_mixes.hash_tree_root(), slot, index), _get_beacon_committee, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT * 3) _get_matching_target_attestations = get_matching_target_attestations get_matching_target_attestations = cache_this( lambda state, epoch: (state.hash_tree_root(), epoch), _get_matching_target_attestations, lru_size=10) _get_matching_head_attestations = get_matching_head_attestations get_matching_head_attestations = cache_this( lambda state, epoch: (state.hash_tree_root(), epoch), _get_matching_head_attestations, lru_size=10) _get_attesting_indices = get_attesting_indices get_attesting_indices = cache_this( lambda state, data, bits: ( state.randao_mixes.hash_tree_root(), state.validators.hash_tree_root(), data.hash_tree_root(), bits.hash_tree_root() ), _get_attesting_indices, lru_size=SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT * 3)''' @classmethod def hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: return {} @classmethod def hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(cls, spec_object) -> Dict[str, str]: return {} @classmethod def implement_optimizations(cls, functions: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: return functions @classmethod def build_spec(cls, preset_name: str, source_files: Sequence[Path], preset_files: Sequence[Path], config_file: Path) -> str: return _build_spec(preset_name, cls.fork, source_files, preset_files, config_file) # # AltairSpecBuilder # class AltairSpecBuilder(Phase0SpecBuilder): fork: str = ALTAIR @classmethod def imports(cls, preset_name: str) -> str: return super().imports(preset_name) + '\n' + f''' from typing import NewType, Union as PyUnion from eth2spec.phase0 import {preset_name} as phase0 from eth2spec.test.helpers.merkle import build_proof from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import Path ''' @classmethod def preparations(cls): return super().preparations() + '\n' + ''' SSZVariableName = str GeneralizedIndex = NewType('GeneralizedIndex', int) ''' @classmethod def sundry_functions(cls) -> str: return super().sundry_functions() + '\n\n' + ''' def get_generalized_index(ssz_class: Any, *path: Sequence[PyUnion[int, SSZVariableName]]) -> GeneralizedIndex: ssz_path = Path(ssz_class) for item in path: ssz_path = ssz_path / item return GeneralizedIndex(ssz_path.gindex()) def compute_merkle_proof_for_state(state: BeaconState, index: GeneralizedIndex) -> Sequence[Bytes32]: return build_proof(state.get_backing(), index)''' @classmethod def hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(cls) -> Dict[str, str]: constants = { 'FINALIZED_ROOT_INDEX': 'GeneralizedIndex(105)', 'CURRENT_SYNC_COMMITTEE_INDEX': 'GeneralizedIndex(54)', 'NEXT_SYNC_COMMITTEE_INDEX': 'GeneralizedIndex(55)', } return {**super().hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants(), **constants} @classmethod def implement_optimizations(cls, functions: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: if "eth_aggregate_pubkeys" in functions: functions["eth_aggregate_pubkeys"] = OPTIMIZED_BLS_AGGREGATE_PUBKEYS.strip() return super().implement_optimizations(functions) # # BellatrixSpecBuilder # class BellatrixSpecBuilder(AltairSpecBuilder): fork: str = BELLATRIX @classmethod def imports(cls, preset_name: str): return super().imports(preset_name) + f''' from typing import Protocol from eth2spec.altair import {preset_name} as altair from eth2spec.utils.ssz.ssz_typing import Bytes8, Bytes20, ByteList, ByteVector, uint256 ''' @classmethod def preparations(cls): return super().preparations() @classmethod def sundry_functions(cls) -> str: return super().sundry_functions() + '\n\n' + """ ExecutionState = Any def get_pow_block(hash: Bytes32) -> Optional[PowBlock]: return PowBlock(block_hash=hash, parent_hash=Bytes32(), total_difficulty=uint256(0)) def get_execution_state(_execution_state_root: Bytes32) -> ExecutionState: pass def get_pow_chain_head() -> PowBlock: pass class NoopExecutionEngine(ExecutionEngine): def notify_new_payload(self: ExecutionEngine, execution_payload: ExecutionPayload) -> bool: return True def notify_forkchoice_updated(self: ExecutionEngine, head_block_hash: Hash32, safe_block_hash: Hash32, finalized_block_hash: Hash32, payload_attributes: Optional[PayloadAttributes]) -> Optional[PayloadId]: pass def get_payload(self: ExecutionEngine, payload_id: PayloadId) -> ExecutionPayload: # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise NotImplementedError("no default block production") EXECUTION_ENGINE = NoopExecutionEngine()""" @classmethod def hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(cls, spec_object) -> str: constants = { 'MAX_BYTES_PER_TRANSACTION': spec_object.preset_vars['MAX_BYTES_PER_TRANSACTION'].value, } return {**super().hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(spec_object), **constants} # # CapellaSpecBuilder # class CapellaSpecBuilder(BellatrixSpecBuilder): fork: str = CAPELLA @classmethod def imports(cls, preset_name: str): return super().imports(preset_name) + f''' from eth2spec.bellatrix import {preset_name} as bellatrix ''' # # EIP4844SpecBuilder # class EIP4844SpecBuilder(CapellaSpecBuilder): fork: str = EIP4844 @classmethod def imports(cls, preset_name: str): return super().imports(preset_name) + f''' from eth2spec.capella import {preset_name} as capella ''' @classmethod def preparations(cls): return super().preparations() + '\n' + ''' T = TypeVar('T') # For generic function ''' @classmethod def sundry_functions(cls) -> str: return super().sundry_functions() + '\n\n' + ''' def retrieve_blobs_sidecar(slot: Slot, beacon_block_root: Root) -> PyUnion[BlobsSidecar, str]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument return "TEST"''' @classmethod def hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(cls, spec_object) -> str: constants = { 'BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT': spec_object.constant_vars['BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT'].value, 'FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB': spec_object.preset_vars['FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB'].value, 'MAX_BLOBS_PER_BLOCK': spec_object.preset_vars['MAX_BLOBS_PER_BLOCK'].value, } return {**super().hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(spec_object), **constants} spec_builders = { builder.fork: builder for builder in (Phase0SpecBuilder, AltairSpecBuilder, BellatrixSpecBuilder, CapellaSpecBuilder, EIP4844SpecBuilder) } def is_byte_vector(value: str) -> bool: return value.startswith(('ByteVector')) def objects_to_spec(preset_name: str, spec_object: SpecObject, builder: SpecBuilder, ordered_class_objects: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """ Given all the objects that constitute a spec, combine them into a single pyfile. """ new_type_definitions = ( '\n\n'.join( [ f"class {key}({value}):\n pass\n" if not is_byte_vector(value) else f"class {key}({value}): # type: ignore\n pass\n" for key, value in spec_object.custom_types.items() ] ) ) def format_protocol(protocol_name: str, protocol_def: ProtocolDefinition) -> str: protocol = f"class {protocol_name}(Protocol):" for fn_source in protocol_def.functions.values(): fn_source = fn_source.replace("self: "+protocol_name, "self") protocol += "\n\n" + textwrap.indent(fn_source, " ") return protocol protocols_spec = '\n\n\n'.join(format_protocol(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.protocols.items()) for k in list(spec_object.functions): if k in [ "ceillog2", "floorlog2", "compute_merkle_proof_for_state", ]: del spec_object.functions[k] functions = builder.implement_optimizations(spec_object.functions) functions_spec = '\n\n\n'.join(functions.values()) # Access global dict of config vars for runtime configurables for name in spec_object.config_vars.keys(): functions_spec = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % name, 'config.' + name, functions_spec) def format_config_var(name: str, vardef: VariableDefinition) -> str: if vardef.type_name is None: out = f'{name}={vardef.value},' else: out = f'{name}={vardef.type_name}({vardef.value}),' if vardef.comment is not None: out += f' # {vardef.comment}' return out config_spec = 'class Configuration(NamedTuple):\n' config_spec += ' PRESET_BASE: str\n' config_spec += '\n'.join(f' {k}: {v.type_name if v.type_name is not None else "int"}' for k, v in spec_object.config_vars.items()) config_spec += '\n\n\nconfig = Configuration(\n' config_spec += f' PRESET_BASE="{preset_name}",\n' config_spec += '\n'.join(' ' + format_config_var(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.config_vars.items()) config_spec += '\n)\n' def format_constant(name: str, vardef: VariableDefinition) -> str: if vardef.type_name is None: if vardef.type_hint is None: out = f'{name} = {vardef.value}' else: out = f'{name}: {vardef.type_hint} = {vardef.value}' else: out = f'{name} = {vardef.type_name}({vardef.value})' if vardef.comment is not None: out += f' # {vardef.comment}' return out constant_vars_spec = '# Constant vars\n' + '\n'.join(format_constant(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.constant_vars.items()) preset_vars_spec = '# Preset vars\n' + '\n'.join(format_constant(k, v) for k, v in spec_object.preset_vars.items()) ordered_class_objects_spec = '\n\n\n'.join(ordered_class_objects.values()) ssz_dep_constants = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: '%s = %s' % (x, builder.hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants()[x]), builder.hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants())) ssz_dep_constants_verification = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: 'assert %s == %s' % (x, spec_object.ssz_dep_constants[x]), builder.hardcoded_ssz_dep_constants())) custom_type_dep_constants = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: '%s = %s' % (x, builder.hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(spec_object)[x]), builder.hardcoded_custom_type_dep_constants(spec_object))) spec = ( builder.imports(preset_name) + builder.preparations() + '\n\n' + f"fork = \'{builder.fork}\'\n" # The constants that some SSZ containers require. Need to be defined before `new_type_definitions` + ('\n\n' + custom_type_dep_constants + '\n' if custom_type_dep_constants != '' else '') + '\n\n' + new_type_definitions + '\n' + CONSTANT_DEP_SUNDRY_CONSTANTS_FUNCTIONS # The constants that some SSZ containers require. Need to be defined before `constants_spec` + ('\n\n' + ssz_dep_constants if ssz_dep_constants != '' else '') + '\n\n' + constant_vars_spec + '\n\n' + preset_vars_spec + '\n\n\n' + config_spec + '\n\n' + ordered_class_objects_spec + ('\n\n\n' + protocols_spec if protocols_spec != '' else '') + '\n\n\n' + functions_spec + '\n\n' + builder.sundry_functions() # Since some constants are hardcoded in, the following assertions verify that the hardcoded constants are # as same as the spec definition. + ('\n\n\n' + ssz_dep_constants_verification if ssz_dep_constants_verification != '' else '') + '\n' ) return spec def combine_protocols(old_protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition], new_protocols: Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition]) -> Dict[str, ProtocolDefinition]: for key, value in new_protocols.items(): if key not in old_protocols: old_protocols[key] = value else: functions = combine_dicts(old_protocols[key].functions, value.functions) old_protocols[key] = ProtocolDefinition(functions=functions) return old_protocols T = TypeVar('T') def combine_dicts(old_dict: Dict[str, T], new_dict: Dict[str, T]) -> Dict[str, T]: return {**old_dict, **new_dict} ignored_dependencies = [ 'bit', 'boolean', 'Vector', 'List', 'Container', 'BLSPubkey', 'BLSSignature', 'Bytes1', 'Bytes4', 'Bytes8', 'Bytes20', 'Bytes32', 'Bytes48', 'Bytes96', 'Bitlist', 'Bitvector', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'uint128', 'uint256', 'bytes', 'byte', 'ByteList', 'ByteVector', 'Dict', 'dict', 'field', 'ceillog2', 'floorlog2', 'Set', 'Optional', 'Sequence', ] def dependency_order_class_objects(objects: Dict[str, str], custom_types: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Determines which SSZ Object is dependent on which other and orders them appropriately """ items = list(objects.items()) for key, value in items: dependencies = [] for line in value.split('\n'): if not re.match(r'\s+\w+: .+', line): continue # skip whitespace etc. line = line[line.index(':') + 1:] # strip of field name if '#' in line: line = line[:line.index('#')] # strip of comment dependencies.extend(re.findall(r'(\w+)', line)) # catch all legible words, potential dependencies dependencies = filter(lambda x: '_' not in x and x.upper() != x, dependencies) # filter out constants dependencies = filter(lambda x: x not in ignored_dependencies, dependencies) dependencies = filter(lambda x: x not in custom_types, dependencies) for dep in dependencies: key_list = list(objects.keys()) for item in [dep, key] + key_list[key_list.index(dep)+1:]: objects[item] = objects.pop(item) def combine_ssz_objects(old_objects: Dict[str, str], new_objects: Dict[str, str], custom_types) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Takes in old spec and new spec ssz objects, combines them, and returns the newer versions of the objects in dependency order. """ for key, value in new_objects.items(): old_objects[key] = value return old_objects def combine_spec_objects(spec0: SpecObject, spec1: SpecObject) -> SpecObject: """ Takes in two spec variants (as tuples of their objects) and combines them using the appropriate combiner function. """ protocols = combine_protocols(spec0.protocols, spec1.protocols) functions = combine_dicts(spec0.functions, spec1.functions) custom_types = combine_dicts(spec0.custom_types, spec1.custom_types) constant_vars = combine_dicts(spec0.constant_vars, spec1.constant_vars) preset_vars = combine_dicts(spec0.preset_vars, spec1.preset_vars) config_vars = combine_dicts(spec0.config_vars, spec1.config_vars) ssz_dep_constants = combine_dicts(spec0.ssz_dep_constants, spec1.ssz_dep_constants) ssz_objects = combine_ssz_objects(spec0.ssz_objects, spec1.ssz_objects, custom_types) dataclasses = combine_dicts(spec0.dataclasses, spec1.dataclasses) return SpecObject( functions=functions, protocols=protocols, custom_types=custom_types, constant_vars=constant_vars, preset_vars=preset_vars, config_vars=config_vars, ssz_dep_constants=ssz_dep_constants, ssz_objects=ssz_objects, dataclasses=dataclasses, ) def parse_config_vars(conf: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Parses a dict of basic str/int/list types into a dict for insertion into the spec code. """ out: Dict[str, str] = dict() for k, v in conf.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and (v.startswith("0x") or k == 'PRESET_BASE' or k == 'CONFIG_NAME'): # Represent byte data with string, to avoid misinterpretation as big-endian int. # Everything except PRESET_BASE and CONFIG_NAME is either byte data or an integer. out[k] = f"'{v}'" else: out[k] = str(int(v)) return out def load_preset(preset_files: Sequence[Path]) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Loads the a directory of preset files, merges the result into one preset. """ preset = {} for fork_file in preset_files: yaml = YAML(typ='base') fork_preset: dict = yaml.load(fork_file) if fork_preset is None: # for empty YAML files continue if not set(fork_preset.keys()).isdisjoint(preset.keys()): duplicates = set(fork_preset.keys()).intersection(set(preset.keys())) raise Exception(f"duplicate config var(s) in preset files: {', '.join(duplicates)}") preset.update(fork_preset) assert preset != {} return parse_config_vars(preset) def load_config(config_path: Path) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Loads the given configuration file. """ yaml = YAML(typ='base') config_data = yaml.load(config_path) return parse_config_vars(config_data) def _build_spec(preset_name: str, fork: str, source_files: Sequence[Path], preset_files: Sequence[Path], config_file: Path) -> str: preset = load_preset(preset_files) config = load_config(config_file) all_specs = [get_spec(spec, preset, config, preset_name) for spec in source_files] spec_object = all_specs[0] for value in all_specs[1:]: spec_object = combine_spec_objects(spec_object, value) class_objects = {**spec_object.ssz_objects, **spec_object.dataclasses} # Ensure it's ordered after multiple forks new_objects = {} while OrderedDict(new_objects) != OrderedDict(class_objects): new_objects = copy.deepcopy(class_objects) dependency_order_class_objects(class_objects, spec_object.custom_types) return objects_to_spec(preset_name, spec_object, spec_builders[fork], class_objects) class BuildTarget(NamedTuple): name: str preset_paths: List[Path] config_path: Path class PySpecCommand(Command): """Convert spec markdown files to a spec python file""" description = "Convert spec markdown files to a spec python file" spec_fork: str md_doc_paths: str parsed_md_doc_paths: List[str] build_targets: str parsed_build_targets: List[BuildTarget] out_dir: str # The format is (long option, short option, description). user_options = [ ('spec-fork=', None, "Spec fork to tag build with. Used to select md-docs defaults."), ('md-doc-paths=', None, "List of paths of markdown files to build spec with"), ('build-targets=', None, "Names, directory paths of compile-time presets, and default config paths."), ('out-dir=', None, "Output directory to write spec package to") ] def initialize_options(self): """Set default values for options.""" # Each user option must be listed here with their default value. self.spec_fork = PHASE0 self.md_doc_paths = '' self.out_dir = 'pyspec_output' self.build_targets = """ minimal:presets/minimal:configs/minimal.yaml mainnet:presets/mainnet:configs/mainnet.yaml """ def finalize_options(self): """Post-process options.""" if len(self.md_doc_paths) == 0: print("no paths were specified, using default markdown file paths for pyspec" " build (spec fork: %s)" % self.spec_fork) if self.spec_fork in (PHASE0, ALTAIR, BELLATRIX, CAPELLA, EIP4844): self.md_doc_paths = """ specs/phase0/ specs/phase0/ specs/phase0/ specs/phase0/ """ if self.spec_fork in (ALTAIR, BELLATRIX, CAPELLA, EIP4844): self.md_doc_paths += """ specs/altair/light-client/ specs/altair/light-client/ specs/altair/light-client/ specs/altair/light-client/ specs/altair/ specs/altair/ specs/altair/ specs/altair/ specs/altair/ """ if self.spec_fork in (BELLATRIX, CAPELLA, EIP4844): self.md_doc_paths += """ specs/bellatrix/ specs/bellatrix/ specs/bellatrix/ specs/bellatrix/ specs/bellatrix/ sync/ """ if self.spec_fork in (CAPELLA, EIP4844): self.md_doc_paths += """ specs/capella/ specs/capella/ specs/capella/ specs/capella/ specs/capella/ """ if self.spec_fork == EIP4844: self.md_doc_paths += """ specs/eip4844/ specs/eip4844/ specs/eip4844/ specs/eip4844/ specs/eip4844/ """ if len(self.md_doc_paths) == 0: raise Exception('no markdown files specified, and spec fork "%s" is unknown', self.spec_fork) self.parsed_md_doc_paths = self.md_doc_paths.split() for filename in self.parsed_md_doc_paths: if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception('Pyspec markdown input file "%s" does not exist.' % filename) self.parsed_build_targets = [] for target in self.build_targets.split(): target = target.strip() data = target.split(':') if len(data) != 3: raise Exception('invalid target, expected "name:preset_dir:config_file" format, but got: %s' % target) name, preset_dir_path, config_path = data if any((c not in string.digits + string.ascii_letters) for c in name): raise Exception('invalid target name: "%s"' % name) if not os.path.exists(preset_dir_path): raise Exception('Preset dir "%s" does not exist' % preset_dir_path) _, _, preset_file_names = next(os.walk(preset_dir_path)) preset_paths = [(Path(preset_dir_path) / name) for name in preset_file_names] if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise Exception('Config file "%s" does not exist' % config_path) self.parsed_build_targets.append(BuildTarget(name, preset_paths, Path(config_path))) def run(self): if not self.dry_run: dir_util.mkpath(self.out_dir) for (name, preset_paths, config_path) in self.parsed_build_targets: spec_str = spec_builders[self.spec_fork].build_spec( name, self.parsed_md_doc_paths, preset_paths, config_path) if self.dry_run: self.announce('dry run successfully prepared contents for spec.' f' out dir: "{self.out_dir}", spec fork: "{self.spec_fork}", build target: "{name}"') self.debug_print(spec_str) else: with open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, name+'.py'), 'w') as out: out.write(spec_str) if not self.dry_run: with open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, ''), 'w') as out: # `mainnet` is the default spec. out.write("from . import mainnet as spec # noqa:F401\n") class BuildPyCommand(build_py): """Customize the build command to run the spec-builder on build""" def initialize_options(self): super(BuildPyCommand, self).initialize_options() def run_pyspec_cmd(self, spec_fork: str, **opts): cmd_obj: PySpecCommand = self.distribution.reinitialize_command("pyspec") cmd_obj.spec_fork = spec_fork cmd_obj.out_dir = os.path.join(self.build_lib, 'eth2spec', spec_fork) for k, v in opts.items(): setattr(cmd_obj, k, v) self.run_command('pyspec') def run(self): for spec_fork in spec_builders: self.run_pyspec_cmd(spec_fork=spec_fork) super(BuildPyCommand, self).run() class PyspecDevCommand(Command): """Build the markdown files in-place to their source location for testing.""" description = "Build the markdown files in-place to their source location for testing." user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run_pyspec_cmd(self, spec_fork: str, **opts): cmd_obj: PySpecCommand = self.distribution.reinitialize_command("pyspec") cmd_obj.spec_fork = spec_fork eth2spec_dir = convert_path(self.distribution.package_dir['eth2spec']) cmd_obj.out_dir = os.path.join(eth2spec_dir, spec_fork) for k, v in opts.items(): setattr(cmd_obj, k, v) self.run_command('pyspec') def run(self): print("running build_py command") for spec_fork in spec_builders: self.run_pyspec_cmd(spec_fork=spec_fork) commands = { 'pyspec': PySpecCommand, 'build_py': BuildPyCommand, 'pyspecdev': PyspecDevCommand, } with open("", "rt", encoding="utf8") as f: readme = # How to use "VERSION.txt" file: # - dev branch contains "", where "X.Y.Z" is the target version to release dev into. # -> Changed as part of 'master' backport to 'dev' # - master branch contains "X.Y.Z", where "X.Y.Z" is the current version. # -> Changed as part of 'dev' release (or other branch) into 'master' # -> In case of a commit on master without git tag, target the next version # with ".postN" (release candidate, numbered) suffixed. # See with open(os.path.join('tests', 'core', 'pyspec', 'eth2spec', 'VERSION.txt')) as f: spec_version = setup( name='eth2spec', version=spec_version, description="Eth2 spec, provided as Python package for tooling and testing", long_description=readme, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", author="ethereum", url="", include_package_data=False, package_data={'configs': ['*.yaml'], 'presets': ['*.yaml'], 'specs': ['**/*.md'], 'eth2spec': ['VERSION.txt']}, package_dir={ "eth2spec": "tests/core/pyspec/eth2spec", "configs": "configs", "presets": "presets", "specs": "specs", }, packages=find_packages(where='tests/core/pyspec') + ['configs', 'specs'], py_modules=["eth2spec"], cmdclass=commands, python_requires=">=3.8, <4", extras_require={ "test": ["pytest>=4.4", "pytest-cov", "pytest-xdist"], "lint": ["flake8==5.0.4", "mypy==0.981", "pylint==2.15.3"], "generator": ["python-snappy==0.6.1", "filelock"], }, install_requires=[ "eth-utils>=2.0.0,<3", "eth-typing>=3.2.0,<4.0.0", "pycryptodome==3.15.0", "py_ecc==6.0.0", "milagro_bls_binding==1.9.0", "remerkleable==0.1.25", "trie==2.0.2", RUAMEL_YAML_VERSION, "lru-dict==1.1.8", MARKO_VERSION, ] )