# Phase 0 -- Honest Validator This is an accompanying document to [Phase 0 -- The Beacon Chain](./beacon-chain.md), which describes the expected actions of a "validator" participating in the Ethereum proof-of-stake protocol. ## Table of contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Beacon chain responsibilities](#beacon-chain-responsibilities) - [Attestation aggregation](#attestation-aggregation) - [Aggregation selection](#aggregation-selection) ## Introduction This document represents the changes to be made in the code of an "honest validator" to implement Deneb. ## Beacon chain responsibilities ### Attestation aggregation #### Aggregation selection Aggregator selection is now balance based. `state` is the `BeaconState` at the previous epoch of `slot` to allow lookahead. ```python def is_aggregator(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot, index: CommitteeIndex, slot_signature: BLSSignature) -> bool: committee = get_beacon_committee(state, slot, index) committee_balance = get_total_balance(state, set(committee)) balance = state.balances[validator] modulo = max(1, committee_balance // balance // TARGET_AGGREGATORS_PER_COMMITTEE) return bytes_to_uint64(hash(slot_signature)[0:8]) % modulo == 0 ```