SPEC_DIR = ./specs SSZ_DIR = ./ssz TEST_LIBS_DIR = ./tests/core PY_SPEC_DIR = $(TEST_LIBS_DIR)/pyspec TEST_VECTOR_DIR = ../eth2.0-spec-tests/tests GENERATOR_DIR = ./tests/generators DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_COMPILER_DIR = ./deposit_contract/compiler DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TESTER_DIR = ./deposit_contract/tester CONFIGS_DIR = ./configs # Collect a list of generator names GENERATORS = $(sort $(dir $(wildcard $(GENERATOR_DIR)/*/.))) # Map this list of generator paths to "gen_{generator name}" entries GENERATOR_TARGETS = $(patsubst $(GENERATOR_DIR)/%/, gen_%, $(GENERATORS)) GENERATOR_VENVS = $(patsubst $(GENERATOR_DIR)/%, $(GENERATOR_DIR)/%venv, $(GENERATORS)) # To check generator matching: #$(info $$GENERATOR_TARGETS is [${GENERATOR_TARGETS}]) MARKDOWN_FILES = $(wildcard $(SPEC_DIR)/phase0/*.md) $(wildcard $(SPEC_DIR)/phase1/*.md) $(wildcard $(SSZ_DIR)/*.md) $(wildcard $(SPEC_DIR)/networking/*.md) $(wildcard $(SPEC_DIR)/validator/*.md) COV_HTML_OUT=.htmlcov COV_INDEX_FILE=$(PY_SPEC_DIR)/$(COV_HTML_OUT)/index.html .PHONY: clean partial_clean all test citest lint generate_tests pyspec install_test open_cov \ install_deposit_contract_tester test_deposit_contract install_deposit_contract_compiler \ compile_deposit_contract test_compile_deposit_contract check_toc all: $(PY_SPEC_ALL_TARGETS) # deletes everything except the venvs partial_clean: rm -rf $(TEST_VECTOR_DIR) rm -rf $(GENERATOR_VENVS) rm -rf .pytest_cache rm -f .coverage rm -rf $(PY_SPEC_DIR)/.pytest_cache rm -rf $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_COMPILER_DIR)/.pytest_cache rm -rf $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TESTER_DIR)/.pytest_cache rm -rf $(PY_SPEC_DIR)/phase0 rm -rf $(PY_SPEC_DIR)/phase1 rm -rf $(PY_SPEC_DIR)/$(COV_HTML_OUT) rm -rf $(PY_SPEC_DIR)/.coverage rm -rf $(PY_SPEC_DIR)/test-reports rm -rf eth2spec.egg-info dist build clean: partial_clean rm -rf venv rm -rf $(PY_SPEC_DIR)/venv rm -rf $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_COMPILER_DIR)/venv rm -rf $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TESTER_DIR)/venv # The pyspec is rebuilt to enforce the /specs being part of eth2specs source distribution. It could be forgotten otherwise. dist_build: pyspec python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel dist_check: python3 -m twine check dist/* dist_upload: python3 -m twine upload dist/* # "make generate_tests" to run all generators generate_tests: $(GENERATOR_TARGETS) # "make pyspec" to create the pyspec for all phases. pyspec: . venv/bin/activate; python3 setup.py pyspecdev # installs the packages to run pyspec tests install_test: python3.8 -m venv venv; . venv/bin/activate; pip3 install .[lint]; pip3 install -e .[test] test: pyspec . venv/bin/activate; cd $(PY_SPEC_DIR); \ python -m pytest -n 4 --cov=eth2spec.phase0.spec --cov=eth2spec.phase1.spec --cov-report="html:$(COV_HTML_OUT)" --cov-branch eth2spec find_test: pyspec . venv/bin/activate; cd $(PY_SPEC_DIR); \ python -m pytest -k=$(K) --cov=eth2spec.phase0.spec --cov=eth2spec.phase1.spec --cov-report="html:$(COV_HTML_OUT)" --cov-branch eth2spec citest: pyspec mkdir -p tests/core/pyspec/test-reports/eth2spec; . venv/bin/activate; cd $(PY_SPEC_DIR); \ python -m pytest -n 4 --junitxml=eth2spec/test_results.xml eth2spec open_cov: ((open "$(COV_INDEX_FILE)" || xdg-open "$(COV_INDEX_FILE)") &> /dev/null) & check_toc: $(MARKDOWN_FILES:=.toc) %.toc: cp $* $*.tmp && \ doctoc $* && \ diff -q $* $*.tmp && \ rm $*.tmp codespell: codespell . --skip ./.git -I .codespell-whitelist lint: pyspec . venv/bin/activate; cd $(PY_SPEC_DIR); \ flake8 --ignore=E252,W504,W503 --max-line-length=120 ./eth2spec \ && cd ./eth2spec && mypy --follow-imports=silent --warn-unused-ignores --ignore-missing-imports --check-untyped-defs --disallow-incomplete-defs --disallow-untyped-defs -p phase0 \ && mypy --follow-imports=silent --warn-unused-ignores --ignore-missing-imports --check-untyped-defs --disallow-incomplete-defs --disallow-untyped-defs -p phase1; install_deposit_contract_tester: cd $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TESTER_DIR); python3 -m venv venv; . venv/bin/activate; pip3 install -r requirements.txt test_deposit_contract: cd $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TESTER_DIR); . venv/bin/activate; \ python -m pytest . install_deposit_contract_compiler: cd $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_COMPILER_DIR); python3.7 -m venv venv; . venv/bin/activate; pip3.7 install -r requirements.txt compile_deposit_contract: cd $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_COMPILER_DIR); . venv/bin/activate; \ python3.7 deposit_contract/compile.py contracts/validator_registration.vy test_compile_deposit_contract: cd $(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_COMPILER_DIR); . venv/bin/activate; \ python3.7 -m pytest . CURRENT_DIR = ${CURDIR} # Runs a generator, identified by param 1 define run_generator # Started! # Create output directory # Navigate to the generator # Create a virtual environment, if it does not exist already # Activate the venv, this is where dependencies are installed for the generator # Install all the necessary requirements # Run the generator. The generator is assumed to have an "main.py" file. # We output to the tests dir (generator program should accept a "-o " argument. # `-l minimal general` can be added to the generator call to filter to smaller configs, when testing. echo "generator $(1) started"; \ mkdir -p $(TEST_VECTOR_DIR); \ cd $(GENERATOR_DIR)/$(1); \ if ! test -d venv; then python3 -m venv venv; fi; \ . venv/bin/activate; \ pip3 install -r requirements.txt; \ python3 main.py -o $(CURRENT_DIR)/$(TEST_VECTOR_DIR) -c $(CURRENT_DIR)/$(CONFIGS_DIR); \ echo "generator $(1) finished" endef # The tests dir itself is simply build by creating the directory (recursively creating deeper directories if necessary) $(TEST_VECTOR_DIR): $(info creating test output directory, for generators: ${GENERATOR_TARGETS}) mkdir -p $@ $(TEST_VECTOR_DIR)/: $(info ignoring duplicate tests dir) # For any generator, build it using the run_generator function. # (creation of output dir is a dependency) gen_%: $(TEST_VECTOR_DIR) $(call run_generator,$*)