from ..merkle_minimal import merkleize_chunks from ..hash_function import hash from .ssz_typing import ( SSZValue, SSZType, BasicValue, BasicType, Series, Elements, Bool, Container, List, Bytes, uint, ) # SSZ Serialization # ----------------------------- BYTES_PER_LENGTH_OFFSET = 4 def serialize_basic(value: SSZValue): if isinstance(value, uint): return value.to_bytes(value.type().byte_len, 'little') elif isinstance(value, Bool): if value: return b'\x01' else: return b'\x00' else: raise Exception(f"Type not supported: {type(value)}") def deserialize_basic(value, typ: BasicType): if issubclass(typ, uint): return typ(int.from_bytes(value, 'little')) elif issubclass(typ, Bool): assert value in (b'\x00', b'\x01') return typ(value == b'\x01') else: raise Exception(f"Type not supported: {typ}") def is_empty(obj: SSZValue): return type(obj).default() == obj def serialize(obj: SSZValue): if isinstance(obj, BasicValue): return serialize_basic(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Series): return encode_series(obj) else: raise Exception(f"Type not supported: {type(obj)}") def encode_series(values: Series): if isinstance(values, bytes): # Bytes and BytesN are already like serialized output return values # Recursively serialize parts = [(v.type().is_fixed_size(), serialize(v)) for v in values] # Compute and check lengths fixed_lengths = [len(serialized) if constant_size else BYTES_PER_LENGTH_OFFSET for (constant_size, serialized) in parts] variable_lengths = [len(serialized) if not constant_size else 0 for (constant_size, serialized) in parts] # Check if integer is not out of bounds (Python) assert sum(fixed_lengths + variable_lengths) < 2 ** (BYTES_PER_LENGTH_OFFSET * 8) # Interleave offsets of variable-size parts with fixed-size parts. # Avoid quadratic complexity in calculation of offsets. offset = sum(fixed_lengths) variable_parts = [] fixed_parts = [] for (constant_size, serialized) in parts: if constant_size: fixed_parts.append(serialized) else: fixed_parts.append(offset.to_bytes(BYTES_PER_LENGTH_OFFSET, 'little')) variable_parts.append(serialized) offset += len(serialized) # Return the concatenation of the fixed-size parts (offsets interleaved) with the variable-size parts return b''.join(fixed_parts + variable_parts) # SSZ Hash-tree-root # ----------------------------- def pack(values: Series): if isinstance(values, bytes): # Bytes and BytesN are already packed return values return b''.join([serialize_basic(value) for value in values]) def chunkify(bytez): # pad `bytez` to nearest 32-byte multiple bytez += b'\x00' * (-len(bytez) % 32) return [bytez[i:i + 32] for i in range(0, len(bytez), 32)] def mix_in_length(root, length): return hash(root + length.to_bytes(32, 'little')) def is_bottom_layer_kind(typ: SSZType): return ( isinstance(typ, BasicType) or (issubclass(typ, Elements) and isinstance(typ.elem_type, BasicType)) ) def item_length(typ: SSZType) -> int: if issubclass(typ, BasicValue): return typ.byte_len else: return 32 def chunk_count(typ: SSZType) -> int: if isinstance(typ, BasicType): return 1 elif issubclass(typ, Elements): return (typ.length * item_length(typ.elem_type) + 31) // 32 elif issubclass(typ, Container): return len(typ.get_fields()) else: raise Exception(f"Type not supported: {typ}") def hash_tree_root(obj: SSZValue): if isinstance(obj, Series): if is_bottom_layer_kind(obj.type()): leaves = chunkify(pack(obj)) else: leaves = [hash_tree_root(value) for value in obj] elif isinstance(obj, BasicValue): leaves = chunkify(serialize_basic(obj)) else: raise Exception(f"Type not supported: {type(obj)}") if isinstance(obj, (List, Bytes)): return mix_in_length(merkleize_chunks(leaves, pad_to=chunk_count(obj.type())), len(obj)) else: return merkleize_chunks(leaves) def signing_root(obj: Container): # ignore last field fields = [field for field in obj][:-1] leaves = [hash_tree_root(f) for f in fields] return merkleize_chunks(chunkify(b''.join(leaves)))