from copy import deepcopy from typing import List from eth2spec.test.context import spec_state_test, never_bls, with_phases from eth2spec.test.helpers.state import next_epoch from eth2spec.test.helpers.block import build_empty_block_for_next_slot, apply_empty_block from eth2spec.test.helpers.attestations import get_valid_attestation def check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, current_justified_changed, previous_justified_changed, finalized_changed): if current_justified_changed: assert state.current_justified_epoch > prev_state.current_justified_epoch assert state.current_justified_root != prev_state.current_justified_root else: assert state.current_justified_epoch == prev_state.current_justified_epoch assert state.current_justified_root == prev_state.current_justified_root if previous_justified_changed: assert state.previous_justified_epoch > prev_state.previous_justified_epoch assert state.previous_justified_root != prev_state.previous_justified_root else: assert state.previous_justified_epoch == prev_state.previous_justified_epoch assert state.previous_justified_root == prev_state.previous_justified_root if finalized_changed: assert state.finalized_epoch > prev_state.finalized_epoch assert state.finalized_root != prev_state.finalized_root else: assert state.finalized_epoch == prev_state.finalized_epoch assert state.finalized_root == prev_state.finalized_root def next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, fill_cur_epoch, fill_prev_epoch): post_state = deepcopy(state) blocks = [] for _ in range(spec.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH): block = build_empty_block_for_next_slot(spec, post_state) if fill_cur_epoch: slot_to_attest = post_state.slot - spec.MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY + 1 if slot_to_attest >= spec.get_epoch_start_slot(spec.get_current_epoch(post_state)): cur_attestation = get_valid_attestation(spec, post_state, slot_to_attest) block.body.attestations.append(cur_attestation) if fill_prev_epoch: slot_to_attest = post_state.slot - spec.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH + 1 prev_attestation = get_valid_attestation(spec, post_state, slot_to_attest) block.body.attestations.append(prev_attestation) spec.state_transition(post_state, block) blocks.append(block) return state, blocks, post_state @with_phases(['phase0', 'phase1']) @never_bls @spec_state_test def test_finality_rule_4(spec, state): yield 'pre', state blocks = [] for epoch in range(4): prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, True, False) blocks += new_blocks # justification/finalization skipped at GENESIS_EPOCH if epoch == 0: check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, False, False, False) # justification/finalization skipped at GENESIS_EPOCH + 1 elif epoch == 1: check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, False, False, False) elif epoch == 2: check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, False, False) elif epoch >= 3: # rule 4 of finality check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, True, True) assert state.finalized_epoch == prev_state.current_justified_epoch assert state.finalized_root == prev_state.current_justified_root yield 'blocks', blocks, List[spec.BeaconBlock] yield 'post', state @with_phases(['phase0', 'phase1']) @never_bls @spec_state_test def test_finality_rule_1(spec, state): # get past first two epochs that finality does not run on next_epoch(spec, state) apply_empty_block(spec, state) next_epoch(spec, state) apply_empty_block(spec, state) yield 'pre', state blocks = [] for epoch in range(3): prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, False, True) blocks += new_blocks if epoch == 0: check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, False, False) elif epoch == 1: check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, True, False) elif epoch == 2: # finalized by rule 1 check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, True, True) assert state.finalized_epoch == prev_state.previous_justified_epoch assert state.finalized_root == prev_state.previous_justified_root yield 'blocks', blocks, List[spec.BeaconBlock] yield 'post', state @with_phases(['phase0', 'phase1']) @never_bls @spec_state_test def test_finality_rule_2(spec, state): # get past first two epochs that finality does not run on next_epoch(spec, state) apply_empty_block(spec, state) next_epoch(spec, state) apply_empty_block(spec, state) yield 'pre', state blocks = [] for epoch in range(3): if epoch == 0: prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, True, False) check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, False, False) elif epoch == 1: prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, False, False) check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, False, True, False) elif epoch == 2: prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, False, True) # finalized by rule 2 check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, False, True) assert state.finalized_epoch == prev_state.previous_justified_epoch assert state.finalized_root == prev_state.previous_justified_root blocks += new_blocks yield 'blocks', blocks, List[spec.BeaconBlock] yield 'post', state @with_phases(['phase0', 'phase1']) @never_bls @spec_state_test def test_finality_rule_3(spec, state): """ Test scenario described here """ # get past first two epochs that finality does not run on next_epoch(spec, state) apply_empty_block(spec, state) next_epoch(spec, state) apply_empty_block(spec, state) yield 'pre', state blocks = [] prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, True, False) blocks += new_blocks check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, False, False) # In epoch N, JE is set to N, prev JE is set to N-1 prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, True, False) blocks += new_blocks check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, True, True) # In epoch N+1, JE is N, prev JE is N-1, and not enough messages get in to do anything prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, False, False) blocks += new_blocks check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, False, True, False) # In epoch N+2, JE is N, prev JE is N, and enough messages from the previous epoch get in to justify N+1. # N+1 now becomes the JE. Not enough messages from epoch N+2 itself get in to justify N+2 prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, False, True) blocks += new_blocks # rule 2 check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, False, True) # In epoch N+3, LJE is N+1, prev LJE is N, and enough messages get in to justify epochs N+2 and N+3. prev_state, new_blocks, state = next_epoch_with_attestations(spec, state, True, True) blocks += new_blocks # rule 3 check_finality(spec, state, prev_state, True, True, True) assert state.finalized_epoch == prev_state.current_justified_epoch assert state.finalized_root == prev_state.current_justified_root yield 'blocks', blocks, List[spec.BeaconBlock] yield 'post', state