from py_ecc.bls import G2ProofOfPossession as bls from py_ecc.bls.g2_primatives import signature_to_G2 as _signature_to_G2 # Flag to make BLS active or not. Used for testing, do not ignore BLS in production unless you know what you are doing. bls_active = True STUB_SIGNATURE = b'\x11' * 96 STUB_PUBKEY = b'\x22' * 48 STUB_COORDINATES = _signature_to_G2(bls.Sign(0, b"")) def only_with_bls(alt_return=None): """ Decorator factory to make a function only run when BLS is active. Otherwise return the default. """ def runner(fn): def entry(*args, **kw): if bls_active: return fn(*args, **kw) else: return alt_return return entry return runner @only_with_bls(alt_return=True) def Verify(PK, message, signature): return bls.Verify(PK, message, signature) @only_with_bls(alt_return=True) def AggregateVerify(pairs, signature): return bls.AggregateVerify(pairs, signature) @only_with_bls(alt_return=True) def FastAggregateVerify(PKs, message, signature): return bls.FastAggregateVerify(PKs, message, signature) @only_with_bls(alt_return=STUB_SIGNATURE) def Aggregate(signatures): return bls.Aggregate(signatures) @only_with_bls(alt_return=STUB_SIGNATURE) def Sign(SK, message): return bls.Sign(SK, message) @only_with_bls(alt_return=STUB_COORDINATES) def signature_to_G2(signature): return _signature_to_G2(signature)