# Bellatrix -- Fork Logic ## Table of contents <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Helper functions](#helper-functions) - [Misc](#misc) - [Modified `compute_fork_version`](#modified-compute_fork_version) - [Fork to Bellatrix](#fork-to-bellatrix) - [Fork trigger](#fork-trigger) - [Upgrading the state](#upgrading-the-state) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> ## Introduction This document describes the process of Bellatrix upgrade. ## Configuration | Name | Value | | - | - | | `BELLATRIX_FORK_VERSION` | `Version('0x02000000')` | | `BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH` | `Epoch(144896)` (Sept 6, 2022, 11:34:47am UTC) | ## Helper functions ### Misc #### Modified `compute_fork_version` ```python def compute_fork_version(epoch: Epoch) -> Version: """ Return the fork version at the given ``epoch``. """ if epoch >= BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH: return BELLATRIX_FORK_VERSION if epoch >= ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH: return ALTAIR_FORK_VERSION return GENESIS_FORK_VERSION ``` ## Fork to Bellatrix ### Fork trigger TBD. Social consensus, along with state conditions such as epoch boundary, finality, deposits, active validator count, etc. may be part of the decision process to trigger the fork. For now we assume the condition will be triggered at epoch `BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH`. Note that for the pure Bellatrix networks, we don't apply `upgrade_to_bellatrix` since it starts with Bellatrix version logic. ### Upgrading the state As with the Phase0-to-Altair upgrade, the `state_transition` is modified to upgrade the `BeaconState`. The `BeaconState` upgrade runs as part of `process_slots`, slots with missing block proposals do not affect the upgrade time. If `state.slot % SLOTS_PER_EPOCH == 0` and `compute_epoch_at_slot(state.slot) == BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH`, an irregular state change is made to upgrade to Bellatrix. The upgrade occurs after the completion of the inner loop of `process_slots` that sets `state.slot` equal to `BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH`. When multiple upgrades are scheduled for the same epoch (common for test-networks), all the upgrades run in sequence before resuming the regular state transition. ```python def upgrade_to_bellatrix(pre: altair.BeaconState) -> BeaconState: epoch = altair.get_current_epoch(pre) post = BeaconState( # Versioning genesis_time=pre.genesis_time, genesis_validators_root=pre.genesis_validators_root, slot=pre.slot, fork=Fork( previous_version=pre.fork.current_version, current_version=BELLATRIX_FORK_VERSION, epoch=epoch, ), # History latest_block_header=pre.latest_block_header, block_roots=pre.block_roots, state_roots=pre.state_roots, historical_roots=pre.historical_roots, # Eth1 eth1_data=pre.eth1_data, eth1_data_votes=pre.eth1_data_votes, eth1_deposit_index=pre.eth1_deposit_index, # Registry validators=pre.validators, balances=pre.balances, # Randomness randao_mixes=pre.randao_mixes, # Slashings slashings=pre.slashings, # Participation previous_epoch_participation=pre.previous_epoch_participation, current_epoch_participation=pre.current_epoch_participation, # Finality justification_bits=pre.justification_bits, previous_justified_checkpoint=pre.previous_justified_checkpoint, current_justified_checkpoint=pre.current_justified_checkpoint, finalized_checkpoint=pre.finalized_checkpoint, # Inactivity inactivity_scores=pre.inactivity_scores, # Sync current_sync_committee=pre.current_sync_committee, next_sync_committee=pre.next_sync_committee, # Execution-layer latest_execution_payload_header=ExecutionPayloadHeader(), ) return post ```