# Ethereum 2.0 Data Availability Sampling **Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers. ## Table of contents <!-- TOC --> <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [Data Availability Sampling](#data-availability-sampling) - [GossipSub](#gossipsub) - [Horizontal subnets](#horizontal-subnets) - [Vertical subnets](#vertical-subnets) - [Slow rotation: Backbone](#slow-rotation-backbone) - [Quick rotation: Sampling](#quick-rotation-sampling) - [DAS during network instability](#das-during-network-instability) - [Stage 0: Waiting on missing samples](#stage-0-waiting-on-missing-samples) - [Stage 1: Pulling missing samples from known peers](#stage-1-pulling-missing-samples-from-known-peers) - [Stage 2: Pulling missing data from validators with custody.](#stage-2-pulling-missing-data-from-validators-with-custody) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- /TOC --> ## Data Availability Sampling TODO: Summary of Data Availability problem TODO: Summary of solution, why 2x extension, and randomized samples ## GossipSub ### Horizontal subnets TODO ### Vertical subnets #### Slow rotation: Backbone TODO #### Quick rotation: Sampling TODO ### DAS during network instability The GossipSub based retrieval of samples may not always work. In such event, a node can move through below stages until it recovers data availability. #### Stage 0: Waiting on missing samples Wait for the sample to re-broadcast. Someone may be slow with publishing, or someone else is able to do the work. Any node can do the following work to keep the network healthy: - Common: Listen on a horizontal subnet, chunkify the block data in samples, and propagate the samples to vertical subnets. - Extreme: Listen on enough vertical subnets, reconstruct the missing samples by recovery, and propagate the recovered samples. This is not a requirement, but should improve the network stability with little resources, and without any central party. #### Stage 1: Pulling missing samples from known peers The more realistic option, to execute when a sample is missing, is to query any node that is known to hold it. Since *consensus identity is disconnected from network identity*, there is no direct way to contact custody holders without explicitly asking for the data. However, *network identities* are still used to build a backbone for each vertical subnet. These nodes should have received the samples, and can serve a buffer of them on demand. Although serving these is not directly incentivised, it is little work: 1. Buffer any message you see on the backbone vertical subnets, for a buffer of up to two weeks. 2. Serve the samples on request. An individual sample is just expected to be `~ 0.5 KB`, and does not require any pre-processing to serve. A validator SHOULD make a `DASQuery` request to random peers, until failing more than the configured failure-rate. TODO: detailed failure-mode spec. Stop after trying e.g. 3 peers for any sample in a configured time window (after the gossip period). #### Stage 2: Pulling missing data from validators with custody. Pulling samples directly from nodes with validators that have a custody responsibility, without revealing their identity to the network, is an open problem.