import pytest from eth2spec.phase1 import spec as _spec from preset_loader import loader from tests.phase1 import helpers as _helpers from tests.phase0.conftest import ( pytest_addoption, deposit_data_leaves, ) # This is redfined so that the constants are re-applied @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def config(request): config_name = request.config.getoption("--config") presets = loader.load_presets('../../configs/', config_name) _spec.apply_constants_preset(presets) @pytest.fixture def num_validators(config): return _spec.SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * 8 #This is redefined so that the BeaconState is the new SSZ Object @pytest.fixture def state(num_validators, deposit_data_leaves): return _helpers.create_genesis_state(num_validators, deposit_data_leaves) @pytest.fixture def spec(): return _spec @pytest.fixture def helpers(): return _helpers