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-To learn more about sharding and eth2.0/Serenity, see the [sharding FAQ](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Sharding-FAQ) and the [research compendium](https://notes.ethereum.org/s/H1PGqDhpm).
+To learn more about sharding and Ethereum 2.0 (Serenity), see the [sharding FAQ](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Sharding-FAQ) and the [research compendium](https://notes.ethereum.org/s/H1PGqDhpm).
-This repo hosts the current eth2.0 specifications. Discussions about design rationale and proposed changes can be brought up and discussed as issues. Solidified, agreed upon changes to spec can be made through pull requests.
+This repository hosts the current Eth 2.0 specifications. Discussions about design rationale and proposed changes can be brought up and discussed as issues. Solidified, agreed-upon changes to the spec can be made through pull requests.
## Specs
-Core specifications for eth2.0 client validation can be found in [specs/core](specs/core). These are divided into phases. Each subsequent phase depends upon the prior. The current phases specified are:
+Core specifications for Eth 2.0 client validation can be found in [specs/core](specs/core). These are divided into phases. Each subsequent phase depends upon the prior. The current phases specified are:
### Phase 0
* [The Beacon Chain](specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Core specifications for eth2.0 client validation can be found in [specs/core](sp
* [Light client syncing protocol](specs/light_client/sync_protocol.md)
-### Design goals
+## Design goals
The following are the broad design goals for Ethereum 2.0:
* to minimize complexity, even at the cost of some losses in efficiency
diff --git a/configs/constant_presets/README.md b/configs/constant_presets/README.md
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--- a/configs/constant_presets/README.md
+++ b/configs/constant_presets/README.md
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ Later-fork constants can be ignored, e.g. ignore phase1 constants as a client th
Each preset is a key-value mapping.
**Key**: an `UPPER_SNAKE_CASE` (a.k.a. "macro case") formatted string, name of the constant.
-**Value**: can be any of:
+**Value** can be either:
- an unsigned integer number, can be up to 64 bits (incl.)
- a hexadecimal string, prefixed with `0x`
Presets may contain comments to describe the values.
-See `mainnet.yaml` for a complete example.
+See [`mainnet.yaml`](./mainnet.yaml) for a complete example.
diff --git a/configs/fork_timelines/README.md b/configs/fork_timelines/README.md
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--- a/configs/fork_timelines/README.md
+++ b/configs/fork_timelines/README.md
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@
This directory contains a set of fork timelines used for testing, testnets, and mainnet.
A timeline file contains all the forks known for its target.
-Later forks can be ignored, e.g. ignore fork `phase1` as a client that only supports phase 0 currently.
+Later forks can be ignored, e.g. ignore fork `phase1` as a client that only supports Phase 0 currently.
## Format
Each preset is a key-value mapping.
**Key**: an `lower_snake_case` (a.k.a. "python case") formatted string, name of the fork.
-**Value**: an unsigned integer number, epoch number of activation of the fork
+**Value**: an unsigned integer number, epoch number of activation of the fork.
Timelines may contain comments to describe the values.
-See `mainnet.yaml` for a complete example.
+See [`mainnet.yaml`](./mainnet.yaml) for a complete example.
diff --git a/specs/bls_signature.md b/specs/bls_signature.md
index 18e2d8c9a..d119c4499 100644
--- a/specs/bls_signature.md
+++ b/specs/bls_signature.md
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Let `bls_aggregate_signatures(signatures: List[Bytes96]) -> Bytes96` return `sig
## Signature verification
-In the following `e` is the pairing function and `g` is the G1 generator with the following coordinates (see [here](https://github.com/zkcrypto/pairing/tree/master/src/bls12_381#g1)):
+In the following, `e` is the pairing function and `g` is the G1 generator with the following coordinates (see [here](https://github.com/zkcrypto/pairing/tree/master/src/bls12_381#g1)):
g_x = 3685416753713387016781088315183077757961620795782546409894578378688607592378376318836054947676345821548104185464507
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--- a/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md
+++ b/specs/core/0_beacon-chain.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 -- The Beacon Chain
-**NOTICE**: This document is a work in progress for researchers and implementers.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
## Table of contents
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- [`BeaconBlock`](#beaconblock)
- [Beacon state](#beacon-state)
- [`BeaconState`](#beaconstate)
- - [Custom Types](#custom-types)
+ - [Custom types](#custom-types)
- [Helper functions](#helper-functions)
- [`xor`](#xor)
- [`hash`](#hash)
@@ -134,25 +134,25 @@ Code snippets appearing in `this style` are to be interpreted as Python code.
## Terminology
-* **Validator** - a registered participant in the beacon chain. You can become one by sending ether into the Ethereum 1.0 deposit contract.
-* **Active validator** - an active participant in the Ethereum 2.0 consensus invited to, among other things, propose and attest to blocks and vote for crosslinks.
-* **Committee** - a (pseudo-) randomly sampled subset of [active validators](#dfn-active-validator). When a committee is referred to collectively, as in "this committee attests to X", this is assumed to mean "some subset of that committee that contains enough [validators](#dfn-validator) that the protocol recognizes it as representing the committee".
-* **Proposer** - the [validator](#dfn-validator) that creates a beacon chain block.
-* **Attester** - a [validator](#dfn-validator) that is part of a committee that needs to sign off on a beacon chain block while simultaneously creating a link (crosslink) to a recent shard block on a particular shard chain.
-* **Beacon chain** - the central PoS chain that is the base of the sharding system.
-* **Shard chain** - one of the chains on which user transactions take place and account data is stored.
-* **Block root** - a 32-byte Merkle root of a beacon chain block or shard chain block. Previously called "block hash".
-* **Crosslink** - a set of signatures from a committee attesting to a block in a shard chain that can be included into the beacon chain. Crosslinks are the main means by which the beacon chain "learns about" the updated state of shard chains.
-* **Slot** - a period during which one proposer has the ability to create a beacon chain block and some attesters have the ability to make attestations.
-* **Epoch** - an aligned span of slots during which all [validators](#dfn-validator) get exactly one chance to make an attestation.
-* **Finalized**, **justified** - see the [Casper FFG paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.09437).
-* **Withdrawal period** - the number of slots between a [validator](#dfn-validator) exit and the [validator](#dfn-validator) balance being withdrawable.
-* **Genesis time** - the Unix time of the genesis beacon chain block at slot 0.
+* **Validator**—a registered participant in the beacon chain. You can become one by sending ether into the Ethereum 1.0 deposit contract.
+* **Active validator**—an active participant in the Ethereum 2.0 consensus invited to, among other things, propose and attest to blocks and vote for crosslinks.
+* **Committee**—a (pseudo-) randomly sampled subset of [active validators](#dfn-active-validator). When a committee is referred to collectively, as in "this committee attests to X", this is assumed to mean "some subset of that committee that contains enough [validators](#dfn-validator) that the protocol recognizes it as representing the committee".
+* **Proposer**—the [validator](#dfn-validator) that creates a beacon chain block.
+* **Attester**—a [validator](#dfn-validator) that is part of a committee that needs to sign off on a beacon chain block while simultaneously creating a link (crosslink) to a recent shard block on a particular shard chain.
+* **Beacon chain**—the central PoS chain that is the base of the sharding system.
+* **Shard chain**—one of the chains on which user transactions take place and account data is stored.
+* **Block root**—a 32-byte Merkle root of a beacon chain block or shard chain block. Previously called "block hash".
+* **Crosslink**—a set of signatures from a committee attesting to a block in a shard chain that can be included into the beacon chain. Crosslinks are the main means by which the beacon chain "learns about" the updated state of shard chains.
+* **Slot**—a period during which one proposer has the ability to create a beacon chain block and some attesters have the ability to make attestations.
+* **Epoch**—an aligned span of slots during which all [validators](#dfn-validator) get exactly one chance to make an attestation.
+* **Finalized**, **justified**—see the [Casper FFG paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.09437).
+* **Withdrawal period**—the number of slots between a [validator](#dfn-validator) exit and the [validator](#dfn-validator) balance being withdrawable.
+* **Genesis time**—the Unix time of the genesis beacon chain block at slot 0.
## Constants
-Note: the default mainnet values for the constants are included here for spec-design purposes.
-The different configurations for mainnet, testnets, and yaml-based testing can be found in the `configs/constant_presets/` directory.
+*Note*: The default mainnet values for the constants are included here for spec-design purposes.
+The different configurations for mainnet, testnets, and YAML-based testing can be found in the `configs/constant_presets/` directory.
These configurations are updated for releases, but may be out of sync during `dev` changes.
### Misc
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ These configurations are updated for releases, but may be out of sync during `de
| `MIN_PER_EPOCH_CHURN_LIMIT` | `2**2` (= 4) |
| `CHURN_LIMIT_QUOTIENT` | `2**16` (= 65,536) |
* For the safety of crosslinks `TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE` exceeds [the recommended minimum committee size of 111](https://vitalik.ca/files/Ithaca201807_Sharding.pdf); with sufficient active validators (at least `SLOTS_PER_EPOCH * TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE`), the shuffling algorithm ensures committee sizes of at least `TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE`. (Unbiasable randomness with a Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) will improve committee robustness and lower the safe minimum committee size.)
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ These configurations are updated for releases, but may be out of sync during `de
| `INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT` | `2**25` (= 33,554,432) |
-* **The `BASE_REWARD_QUOTIENT` is NOT final. Once all other protocol details are finalized it will be adjusted, to target a theoretical maximum total issuance of `2**21` ETH per year if `2**27` ETH is validating (and therefore `2**20` per year if `2**25` ETH is validating, etc etc)**
+* **The `BASE_REWARD_QUOTIENT` is NOT final. Once all other protocol details are finalized, it will be adjusted to target a theoretical maximum total issuance of `2**21` ETH per year if `2**27` ETH is validating (and therefore `2**20` per year if `2**25` ETH is validating, etc.)**
* The `INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT` equals `INVERSE_SQRT_E_DROP_TIME**2` where `INVERSE_SQRT_E_DROP_TIME := 2**12 epochs` (~18 days) is the time it takes the inactivity penalty to reduce the balance of non-participating [validators](#dfn-validator) to about `1/sqrt(e) ~= 60.6%`. Indeed, the balance retained by offline [validators](#dfn-validator) after `n` epochs is about `(1 - 1/INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT)**(n**2/2)` so after `INVERSE_SQRT_E_DROP_TIME` epochs it is roughly `(1 - 1/INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT)**(INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT/2) ~= 1/sqrt(e)`.
### Max operations per block
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ The types are defined topologically to aid in facilitating an executable version
-## Custom Types
+## Custom types
We define the following Python custom types for type hinting and readability:
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ We define the following Python custom types for type hinting and readability:
## Helper functions
-Note: The definitions below are for specification purposes and are not necessarily optimal implementations.
+*Note*: The definitions below are for specification purposes and are not necessarily optimal implementations.
### `xor`
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ def xor(bytes1: Bytes32, bytes2: Bytes32) -> Bytes32:
The `hash` function is SHA256.
-Note: We aim to migrate to a S[T/N]ARK-friendly hash function in a future Ethereum 2.0 deployment phase.
+*Note*: We aim to migrate to a S[T/N]ARK-friendly hash function in a future Ethereum 2.0 deployment phase.
### `hash_tree_root`
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ def get_churn_limit(state: BeaconState) -> int:
### Routines for updating validator status
-Note: All functions in this section mutate `state`.
+*Note*: All functions in this section mutate `state`.
#### `initiate_validator_exit`
@@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ Transition section notes:
Beacon blocks that trigger unhandled Python exceptions (e.g. out-of-range list accesses) and failed `assert`s during the state transition are considered invalid.
-Note: If there are skipped slots between a block and its parent block, run the steps in the [state-root](#state-caching), [per-epoch](#per-epoch-processing), and [per-slot](#per-slot-processing) sections once for each skipped slot and then once for the slot containing the new block.
+*Note*: If there are skipped slots between a block and its parent block, run the steps in the [state-root](#state-caching), [per-epoch](#per-epoch-processing), and [per-slot](#per-slot-processing) sections once for each skipped slot and then once for the slot containing the new block.
### State caching
@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ def process_eth1_data(state: BeaconState, block: BeaconBlock) -> None:
#### Operations
-Note: All functions in this section mutate `state`.
+*Note*: All functions in this section mutate `state`.
##### Proposer slashings
diff --git a/specs/core/0_deposit-contract.md b/specs/core/0_deposit-contract.md
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+++ b/specs/core/0_deposit-contract.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 -- Deposit Contract
-**NOTICE**: This document is a work in progress for researchers and implementers.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
## Table of contents
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
## Introduction
-This document represents is the specification for the beacon chain deposit contract, part of Ethereum 2.0 phase 0.
+This document represents the specification for the beacon chain deposit contract, part of Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0.
## Constants
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ This document represents is the specification for the beacon chain deposit contr
| - | - |
| `DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH` | `2**5` (= 32) |
-| `CHAIN_START_FULL_DEPOSIT_THRESHOLD` | `2**16` (=65,536) |
+| `CHAIN_START_FULL_DEPOSIT_THRESHOLD` | `2**16` (= 65,536) |
## Ethereum 1.0 deposit contract
-The initial deployment phases of Ethereum 2.0 are implemented without consensus changes to Ethereum 1.0. A deposit contract at address `DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` is added to Ethereum 1.0 for deposits of ETH to the beacon chain. Validator balances will be withdrawable to the shards in phase 2, i.e. when the EVM2.0 is deployed and the shards have state.
+The initial deployment phases of Ethereum 2.0 are implemented without consensus changes to Ethereum 1.0. A deposit contract at address `DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` is added to Ethereum 1.0 for deposits of ETH to the beacon chain. Validator balances will be withdrawable to the shards in Phase 2 (i.e. when the EVM 2.0 is deployed and the shards have state).
### Arguments
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ The deposit contract has a `deposit` function which takes the amount in Ethereum
#### Withdrawal credentials
-One of the `DepositData` fields is `withdrawal_credentials`. It is a commitment to credentials for withdrawals to shards. The first byte of `withdrawal_credentials` is a version number. As of now the only expected format is as follows:
+One of the `DepositData` fields is `withdrawal_credentials`. It is a commitment to credentials for withdrawals to shards. The first byte of `withdrawal_credentials` is a version number. As of now, the only expected format is as follows:
* `withdrawal_credentials[:1] == BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX_BYTE`
* `withdrawal_credentials[1:] == hash(withdrawal_pubkey)[1:]` where `withdrawal_pubkey` is a BLS pubkey
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ When `CHAIN_START_FULL_DEPOSIT_THRESHOLD` of full deposits have been made, the d
The source for the Vyper contract lives in a [separate repository](https://github.com/ethereum/deposit_contract) at [https://github.com/ethereum/deposit_contract/blob/master/deposit_contract/contracts/validator_registration.v.py](https://github.com/ethereum/deposit_contract/blob/master/deposit_contract/contracts/validator_registration.v.py).
-Note: to save ~10x on gas this contract uses a somewhat unintuitive progressive Merkle root calculation algo that requires only O(log(n)) storage. See https://github.com/ethereum/research/blob/master/beacon_chain_impl/progressive_merkle_tree.py for an implementation of the same algo in python tested for correctness.
+*Note*: To save ~10x on gas, this contract uses a somewhat unintuitive progressive Merkle root calculation algo that requires only O(log(n)) storage. See https://github.com/ethereum/research/blob/master/beacon_chain_impl/progressive_merkle_tree.py for an implementation of the same algo in Python tested for correctness.
For convenience, we provide the interface to the contract here:
* `__init__()`: initializes the contract
* `get_deposit_root() -> bytes32`: returns the current root of the deposit tree
-* `deposit(pubkey: bytes[48], withdrawal_credentials: bytes[32], signature: bytes[96])`: adds a deposit instance to the deposit tree, incorporating the input arguments and the value transferred in the given call. Note: the amount of value transferred *must* be at least `MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT`. Each of these constants are specified in units of Gwei.
+* `deposit(pubkey: bytes[48], withdrawal_credentials: bytes[32], signature: bytes[96])`: adds a deposit instance to the deposit tree, incorporating the input arguments and the value transferred in the given call. *Note*: The amount of value transferred *must* be at least `MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT`. Each of these constants are specified in units of Gwei.
diff --git a/specs/core/0_fork-choice.md b/specs/core/0_fork-choice.md
index 23534ec4e..549e9e207 100644
--- a/specs/core/0_fork-choice.md
+++ b/specs/core/0_fork-choice.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 -- Beacon Chain Fork Choice
-**NOTICE**: This document is a work in progress for researchers and implementers.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
## Table of contents
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
## Introduction
-This document represents is the specification for the beacon chain fork choice rule, part of Ethereum 2.0 phase 0.
+This document represents the specification for the beacon chain fork choice rule, part of Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0.
## Prerequisites
@@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ Processing the beacon chain is similar to processing the Ethereum 1.0 chain. Cli
* An Ethereum 1.0 block pointed to by the `state.latest_eth1_data.block_hash` has been processed and accepted.
* The node's Unix time is greater than or equal to `state.genesis_time + block.slot * SECONDS_PER_SLOT`.
-Note: Leap seconds mean that slots will occasionally last `SECONDS_PER_SLOT + 1` or `SECONDS_PER_SLOT - 1` seconds, possibly several times a year.
+*Note*: Leap seconds mean that slots will occasionally last `SECONDS_PER_SLOT + 1` or `SECONDS_PER_SLOT - 1` seconds, possibly several times a year.
-Note: Nodes needs to have a clock that is roughly (i.e. within `SECONDS_PER_SLOT` seconds) synchronized with the other nodes.
+*Note*: Nodes needs to have a clock that is roughly (i.e. within `SECONDS_PER_SLOT` seconds) synchronized with the other nodes.
### Beacon chain fork choice rule
-The beacon chain fork choice rule is a hybrid that combines justification and finality with Latest Message Driven (LMD) Greediest Heaviest Observed SubTree (GHOST). At any point in time a validator `v` subjectively calculates the beacon chain head as follows.
+The beacon chain fork choice rule is a hybrid that combines justification and finality with Latest Message Driven (LMD) Greediest Heaviest Observed SubTree (GHOST). At any point in time, a validator `v` subjectively calculates the beacon chain head as follows.
-* Abstractly define `Store` as the type of storage object for the chain data and `store` be the set of attestations and blocks that the validator `v` has observed and verified (in particular, block ancestors must be recursively verified). Attestations not yet included in any chain are still included in `store`.
-* Let `finalized_head` be the finalized block with the highest epoch. (A block `B` is finalized if there is a descendant of `B` in `store` the processing of which sets `B` as finalized.)
-* Let `justified_head` be the descendant of `finalized_head` with the highest epoch that has been justified for at least 1 epoch. (A block `B` is justified if there is a descendant of `B` in `store` the processing of which sets `B` as justified.) If no such descendant exists set `justified_head` to `finalized_head`.
+* Abstractly define `Store` as the type of storage object for the chain data, and let `store` be the set of attestations and blocks that the validator `v` has observed and verified (in particular, block ancestors must be recursively verified). Attestations not yet included in any chain are still included in `store`.
+* Let `finalized_head` be the finalized block with the highest epoch. (A block `B` is finalized if there is a descendant of `B` in `store`, the processing of which sets `B` as finalized.)
+* Let `justified_head` be the descendant of `finalized_head` with the highest epoch that has been justified for at least 1 epoch. (A block `B` is justified if there is a descendant of `B` in `store` the processing of which sets `B` as justified.) If no such descendant exists, set `justified_head` to `finalized_head`.
* Let `get_ancestor(store: Store, block: BeaconBlock, slot: Slot) -> BeaconBlock` be the ancestor of `block` with slot number `slot`. The `get_ancestor` function can be defined recursively as:
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def get_ancestor(store: Store, block: BeaconBlock, slot: Slot) -> BeaconBlock:
* Let `get_latest_attestation(store: Store, index: ValidatorIndex) -> Attestation` be the attestation with the highest slot number in `store` from the validator with the given `index`. If several such attestations exist, use the one the validator `v` observed first.
* Let `get_latest_attestation_target(store: Store, index: ValidatorIndex) -> BeaconBlock` be the target block in the attestation `get_latest_attestation(store, index)`.
-* Let `get_children(store: Store, block: BeaconBlock) -> List[BeaconBlock]` returns the child blocks of the given `block`.
+* Let `get_children(store: Store, block: BeaconBlock) -> List[BeaconBlock]` return the child blocks of the given `block`.
* Let `justified_head_state` be the resulting `BeaconState` object from processing the chain up to the `justified_head`.
* The `head` is `lmd_ghost(store, justified_head_state, justified_head)` where the function `lmd_ghost` is defined below. Note that the implementation below is suboptimal; there are implementations that compute the head in time logarithmic in slot count.
diff --git a/specs/core/1_custody-game.md b/specs/core/1_custody-game.md
index d56526611..b3ab519fa 100644
--- a/specs/core/1_custody-game.md
+++ b/specs/core/1_custody-game.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Ethereum 2.0 Phase 1 -- Custody Game
-**NOTICE**: This spec is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
## Table of contents
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- [`CustodyChunkChallengeRecord`](#custodychunkchallengerecord)
- [`CustodyBitChallengeRecord`](#custodybitchallengerecord)
- [`CustodyResponse`](#custodyresponse)
- - [New Beacon operations](#new-beacon-operations)
+ - [New beacon operations](#new-beacon-operations)
- [`CustodyKeyReveal`](#custodykeyreveal)
- [`EarlyDerivedSecretReveal`](#earlyderivedsecretreveal)
- [Phase 0 container updates](#phase-0-container-updates)
@@ -53,22 +53,22 @@
## Introduction
-This document details the beacon chain additions and changes in Phase 1 of Ethereum 2.0 to support the shard data custody game, building upon the [phase 0](0_beacon-chain.md) specification.
+This document details the beacon chain additions and changes in Phase 1 of Ethereum 2.0 to support the shard data custody game, building upon the [Phase 0](0_beacon-chain.md) specification.
## Terminology
-* **Custody game**:
-* **Custody period**:
-* **Custody chunk**:
-* **Custody chunk bit**:
-* **Custody chunk challenge**:
-* **Custody bit**:
-* **Custody bit challenge**:
-* **Custody key**:
-* **Custody key reveal**:
-* **Custody key mask**:
-* **Custody response**:
-* **Custody response deadline**:
+* **Custody game**—
+* **Custody period**—
+* **Custody chunk**—
+* **Custody chunk bit**—
+* **Custody chunk challenge**—
+* **Custody bit**—
+* **Custody bit challenge**—
+* **Custody key**—
+* **Custody key reveal**—
+* **Custody key mask**—
+* **Custody response**—
+* **Custody response deadline**—
## Constants
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ This document details the beacon chain additions and changes in Phase 1 of Ether
-### New Beacon operations
+### New beacon operations
#### `CustodyKeyReveal`
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Add the following fields to the end of the specified container objects. Fields w
#### `Validator`
- # next_custody_reveal_period is initialised to the custody period
+ # next_custody_reveal_period is initialized to the custody period
# (of the particular validator) in which the validator is activated
# = get_validators_custody_reveal_period(...)
'next_custody_reveal_period': 'uint64',
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ def replace_empty_or_append(list: List[Any], new_element: Any) -> int:
### Operations
-Add the following operations to the per-block processing, in order the given below and after all other operations in phase 0.
+Add the following operations to the per-block processing, in the order given below and after all other operations in Phase 0.
#### Custody key reveals
diff --git a/specs/core/1_shard-data-chains.md b/specs/core/1_shard-data-chains.md
index 33ef8632b..14eb51193 100644
--- a/specs/core/1_shard-data-chains.md
+++ b/specs/core/1_shard-data-chains.md
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Ethereum 2.0 Phase 1 -- Shard Data Chains
-**NOTICE**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
-## Table of Contents
+## Table of contents
-- [Ethereum 2.0 Phase 1 -- Shards Data Chains](#ethereum-20-phase-1----shard-data-chains)
- - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
+- [Ethereum 2.0 Phase 1 -- Shard Data Chains](#ethereum-20-phase-1----shard-data-chains)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Constants](#constants)
- [Misc](#misc)
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ This document describes the shard data layer and the shard fork choice rule in P
| Name | Value | Unit | Duration |
| - | - | :-: | :-: |
-| `CROSSLINK_LOOKBACK` | 2**0 (= 1) | epochs | 6.2 minutes |
-| `PERSISTENT_COMMITTEE_PERIOD` | 2**11 (= 2,048) | epochs | ~9 days |
+| `CROSSLINK_LOOKBACK` | `2**0` (= 1) | epochs | 6.2 minutes |
+| `PERSISTENT_COMMITTEE_PERIOD` | `2**11` (= 2,048) | epochs | ~9 days |
### Signature domains
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ Let:
* `shard_blocks` be the `ShardBlock` list such that `shard_blocks[slot]` is the canonical `ShardBlock` for shard `shard` at slot `slot`
* `beacon_state` be the canonical `BeaconState`
* `valid_attestations` be the list of valid `Attestation`, recursively defined
-* `candidate` be a candidate `Attestation` which is valid under phase 0 rules, and for which validity is to be determined under phase 1 rules by running `is_valid_beacon_attestation`
+* `candidate` be a candidate `Attestation` which is valid under Phase 0 rules, and for which validity is to be determined under Phase 1 rules by running `is_valid_beacon_attestation`
def is_valid_beacon_attestation(shard: Shard,
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-**NOTICE**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
+# Merkle proof formats
-## Table of Contents
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers.
+## Table of contents
-- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
-- [Constants](#constants)
-- [Generalized Merkle tree index](#generalized-merkle-tree-index)
-- [SSZ object to index](#ssz-object-to-index)
-- [Merkle multiproofs](#merkle-multiproofs)
-- [MerklePartial](#merklepartial)
- - [`SSZMerklePartial`](#sszmerklepartial)
- - [Proofs for execution](#proofs-for-execution)
+- [Merkle proof formats](#merkle-proof-formats)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Constants](#constants)
+ - [Generalized Merkle tree index](#generalized-merkle-tree-index)
+ - [SSZ object to index](#ssz-object-to-index)
+ - [Merkle multiproofs](#merkle-multiproofs)
+ - [MerklePartial](#merklepartial)
+ - [`SSZMerklePartial`](#sszmerklepartial)
+ - [Proofs for execution](#proofs-for-execution)
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# Beacon Chain Light Client Syncing
-__NOTICE__: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers. One of the design goals of the eth2 beacon chain is light-client friendliness, both to allow low-resource clients (mobile phones, IoT, etc) to maintain access to the blockchain in a reasonably safe way, but also to facilitate the development of "bridges" between the eth2 beacon chain and other chains.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers. One of the design goals of the Eth 2.0 beacon chain is light-client friendliness, not only to allow low-resource clients (mobile phones, IoT, etc.) to maintain access to the blockchain in a reasonably safe way, but also to facilitate the development of "bridges" between the Eth 2.0 beacon chain and other chains.
-## Table of Contents
+## Table of contents
- [Beacon Chain Light Client Syncing](#beacon-chain-light-client-syncing)
- - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Preliminaries](#preliminaries)
- [Expansions](#expansions)
- [`get_active_validator_indices`](#get_active_validator_indices)
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-ETH 2.0 Networking Spec - Messaging
+# Eth 2.0 Networking Spec - Messaging
-# Abstract
+## Abstract
This specification describes how individual Ethereum 2.0 messages are represented on the wire.
-The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL”, NOT", “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
+The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL”, NOT", “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119).
-# Motivation
+## Motivation
-This specification seeks to define a messaging protocol that is flexible enough to be changed easily as the ETH 2.0 specification evolves.
+This specification seeks to define a messaging protocol that is flexible enough to be changed easily as the Eth 2.0 specification evolves.
Note that while `libp2p` is the chosen networking stack for Ethereum 2.0, as of this writing some clients do not have workable `libp2p` implementations. To allow those clients to communicate, we define a message envelope that includes the body's compression, encoding, and body length. Once `libp2p` is available across all implementations, this message envelope will be removed because `libp2p` will negotiate the values defined in the envelope upfront.
-# Specification
+## Specification
-## Message Structure
+### Message structure
-An ETH 2.0 message consists of an envelope that defines the message's compression, encoding, and length followed by the body itself.
+An Eth 2.0 message consists of an envelope that defines the message's compression, encoding, and length followed by the body itself.
Visually, a message looks like this:
@@ -35,12 +34,12 @@ Visually, a message looks like this:
-Clients MUST ignore messages with mal-formed bodies. The compression/encoding nibbles MUST be one of the following values:
+Clients MUST ignore messages with malformed bodies. The compression/encoding nibbles MUST be one of the following values:
-## Compression Nibble Values
+### Compression nibble values
- `0x0`: no compression
-## Encoding Nibble Values
+### Encoding nibble values
- `0x1`: SSZ
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-ETH 2.0 Networking Spec - Node Identification
+# Eth 2.0 Networking Spec - Node Identification
-# Abstract
+## Abstract
This specification describes how Ethereum 2.0 nodes identify and address each other on the network.
-The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL", NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
+The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL", NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119).
-# Specification
+## Specification
Clients use Ethereum Node Records (as described in [EIP-778](http://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-778)) to discover one another. Each ENR includes, among other things, the following keys:
@@ -21,11 +20,11 @@ The keys above are enough to construct a [multiaddr](https://github.com/multifor
It is RECOMMENDED that clients set their TCP port to the default of `9000`.
-## Peer ID Generation
+### Peer ID generation
The `libp2p` networking stack identifies peers via a "peer ID." Simply put, a node's Peer ID is the SHA2-256 `multihash` of the node's public key struct (serialized in protobuf, refer to the [Peer ID spec](https://github.com/libp2p/specs/pull/100)). `go-libp2p-crypto` contains the canonical implementation of how to hash `secp256k1` keys for use as a peer ID.
-# See Also
+## See also
- [multiaddr](https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr)
- [multihash](https://multiformats.io/multihash/)
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-ETH 2.0 Networking Spec - RPC Interface
+# Eth 2.0 Networking Spec - RPC Interface
-# Abstract
+## Abstract
The Ethereum 2.0 networking stack uses two modes of communication: a broadcast protocol that gossips information to interested parties via GossipSub, and an RPC protocol that retrieves information from specific clients. This specification defines the RPC protocol.
-The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL", NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
+The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL", NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119).
-# Dependencies
+## Dependencies
This specification assumes familiarity with the [Messaging](./messaging.md), [Node Identification](./node-identification.md), and [Beacon Chain](../core/0_beacon-chain.md) specifications.
# Specification
-## Message Schemas
+## Message schemas
Message body schemas are notated like this:
@@ -26,13 +25,13 @@ Message body schemas are notated like this:
Embedded types are serialized as SSZ Containers unless otherwise noted.
-All referenced data structures can be found in the [0-beacon-chain](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#data-structures) specification.
+All referenced data structures can be found in the [Beacon Chain](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#data-structures) specification.
-## `libp2p` Protocol Names
+## `libp2p` protocol names
-A "Protocol ID" in `libp2p` parlance refers to a human-readable identifier `libp2p` uses in order to identify sub-protocols and stream messages of different types over the same connection. Peers exchange supported protocol IDs via the `Identify` protocol upon connection. When opening a new stream, peers pin a particular protocol ID to it, and the stream remains contextualised thereafter. Since messages are sent inside a stream, they do not need to bear the protocol ID.
+A "Protocol ID" in `libp2p` parlance refers to a human-readable identifier `libp2p` uses in order to identify sub-protocols and stream messages of different types over the same connection. Peers exchange supported protocol IDs via the `Identify` protocol upon connection. When opening a new stream, peers pin a particular protocol ID to it, and the stream remains contextualized thereafter. Since messages are sent inside a stream, they do not need to bear the protocol ID.
-## RPC-Over-`libp2p`
+## RPC-over-`libp2p`
To facilitate RPC-over-`libp2p`, a single protocol name is used: `/eth/serenity/beacon/rpc/1`. The version number in the protocol name is neither backwards or forwards compatible, and will be incremented whenever changes to the below structures are required.
@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ The first 1,000 values in `response_code` are reserved for system use. The follo
3. `30`: Method not found.
4. `40`: Server error.
-### Alternative for Non-`libp2p` Clients
+### Alternative for non-`libp2p` clients
Since some clients are waiting for `libp2p` implementations in their respective languages. As such, they MAY listen for raw TCP messages on port `9000`. To distinguish RPC messages from other messages on that port, a byte prefix of `ETH` (`0x455448`) MUST be prepended to all messages. This option will be removed once `libp2p` is ready in all supported languages.
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ Root B ^
-Once the handshake completes, the client with the higher `latest_finalized_epoch` or `best_slot` (if the clients have equal `latest_finalized_epoch`s) SHOULD request beacon block roots from its counterparty via `beacon_block_roots` (i.e., RPC method `10`).
+Once the handshake completes, the client with the higher `latest_finalized_epoch` or `best_slot` (if the clients have equal `latest_finalized_epoch`s) SHOULD request beacon block roots from its counterparty via `beacon_block_roots` (i.e. RPC method `10`).
### Goodbye
@@ -167,11 +166,11 @@ Client MAY send `goodbye` messages upon disconnection. The reason field MAY be o
Clients MAY define custom goodbye reasons as long as the value is larger than `1000`.
-### Get Status
+### Get status
**Method ID:** `2`
-**Request Body:**
+**Request body:**
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ Clients MAY define custom goodbye reasons as long as the value is larger than `1
-**Response Body:**
+**Response body:**
@@ -193,11 +192,11 @@ Clients MAY define custom goodbye reasons as long as the value is larger than `1
Returns metadata about the remote node.
-### Request Beacon Block Roots
+### Request beacon block roots
**Method ID:** `10`
-**Request Body**
+**Request body**
@@ -206,7 +205,7 @@ Returns metadata about the remote node.
-**Response Body:**
+**Response body:**
# BlockRootSlot
@@ -222,11 +221,11 @@ Returns metadata about the remote node.
Requests a list of block roots and slots from the peer. The `count` parameter MUST be less than or equal to `32768`. The slots MUST be returned in ascending slot order.
-### Beacon Block Headers
+### Beacon block headers
**Method ID:** `11`
-**Request Body**
+**Request body**
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@ Requests a list of block roots and slots from the peer. The `count` parameter MU
-**Response Body:**
+**Response body:**
@@ -245,15 +244,15 @@ Requests a list of block roots and slots from the peer. The `count` parameter MU
-Requests beacon block headers from the peer starting from `(start_root, start_slot)`. The response MUST contain no more than `max_headers` headers. `skip_slots` defines the maximum number of slots to skip between blocks. For example, requesting blocks starting at slots `2` a `skip_slots` value of `1` would return the blocks at `[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]`. In cases where a slot is empty for a given slot number, the closest previous block MUST be returned. For example, if slot `4` were empty in the previous example, the returned array would contain `[2, 3, 6, 8, 10]`. If slot three were further empty, the array would contain `[2, 6, 8, 10]` - i.e., duplicate blocks MUST be collapsed. A `skip_slots` value of `0` returns all blocks.
+Requests beacon block headers from the peer starting from `(start_root, start_slot)`. The response MUST contain no more than `max_headers` headers. `skip_slots` defines the maximum number of slots to skip between blocks. For example, requesting blocks starting at slots `2` a `skip_slots` value of `1` would return the blocks at `[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]`. In cases where a slot is empty for a given slot number, the closest previous block MUST be returned. For example, if slot `4` were empty in the previous example, the returned array would contain `[2, 3, 6, 8, 10]`. If slot three were further empty, the array would contain `[2, 6, 8, 10]`—i.e. duplicate blocks MUST be collapsed. A `skip_slots` value of `0` returns all blocks.
The function of the `skip_slots` parameter helps facilitate light client sync - for example, in [#459](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs/issues/459) - and allows clients to balance the peers from whom they request headers. Clients could, for instance, request every 10th block from a set of peers where each peer has a different starting block in order to populate block data.
-### Beacon Block Bodies
+### Beacon block bodies
**Method ID:** `12`
-**Request Body:**
+**Request body:**
@@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ The function of the `skip_slots` parameter helps facilitate light client sync -
-**Response Body:**
+**Response body:**
@@ -269,15 +268,15 @@ The function of the `skip_slots` parameter helps facilitate light client sync -
-Requests the `block_bodies` associated with the provided `block_roots` from the peer. Responses MUST return `block_roots` in the order provided in the request. If the receiver does not have a particular `block_root`, it must return a zero-value `block_body` (i.e., a `block_body` container with all zero fields).
+Requests the `block_bodies` associated with the provided `block_roots` from the peer. Responses MUST return `block_roots` in the order provided in the request. If the receiver does not have a particular `block_root`, it must return a zero-value `block_body` (i.e. a `block_body` container with all zero fields).
-### Beacon Chain State
+### Beacon chain state
-**Note:** This section is preliminary, pending the definition of the data structures to be transferred over the wire during fast sync operations.
+*Note*: This section is preliminary, pending the definition of the data structures to be transferred over the wire during fast sync operations.
**Method ID:** `13`
-**Request Body:**
+**Request body:**
@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ Requests the `block_bodies` associated with the provided `block_roots` from the
-**Response Body:** TBD
+**Response body:** TBD
Requests contain the hashes of Merkle tree nodes that when merkleized yield the block's `state_root`.
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# SimpleSerialize (SSZ)
-This is a **work in progress** describing typing, serialization and Merkleization of Ethereum 2.0 objects.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress describing typing, serialization, and Merkleization of Eth 2.0 objects.
## Table of contents
-- [Constants](#constants)
-- [Typing](#typing)
- - [Basic types](#basic-types)
- - [Composite types](#composite-types)
- - [Aliases](#aliases)
- - [Default values](#default-values)
-- [Serialization](#serialization)
- - [`"uintN"`](#uintn)
- - [`"bool"`](#bool)
- - [Containers, vectors, lists](#containers-vectors-lists)
-- [Deserialization](#deserialization)
-- [Merkleization](#merkleization)
-- [Self-signed containers](#self-signed-containers)
-- [Implementations](#implementations)
+- [SimpleSerialize (SSZ)](#simpleserialize-ssz)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Constants](#constants)
+ - [Typing](#typing)
+ - [Basic types](#basic-types)
+ - [Composite types](#composite-types)
+ - [Aliases](#aliases)
+ - [Default values](#default-values)
+ - [Serialization](#serialization)
+ - [`"uintN"`](#uintn)
+ - [`"bool"`](#bool)
+ - [Containers, vectors, lists](#containers-vectors-lists)
+ - [Deserialization](#deserialization)
+ - [Merkleization](#merkleization)
+ - [Self-signed containers](#self-signed-containers)
+ - [Implementations](#implementations)
## Constants
@@ -133,4 +138,4 @@ Let `value` be a self-signed container object. The convention is that the signat
| Go | Prysm | Prysmatic Labs | [https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/tree/master/shared/ssz](https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/tree/master/shared/ssz) |
| Swift | Yeeth | Dean Eigenmann | [https://github.com/yeeth/SimpleSerialize.swift](https://github.com/yeeth/SimpleSerialize.swift) |
| C# | | Jordan Andrews | [https://github.com/codingupastorm/csharp-ssz](https://github.com/codingupastorm/csharp-ssz) |
-| C++ | | | [https://github.com/NAKsir-melody/cpp_ssz](https://github.com/NAKsir-melody/cpp_ssz) |
+| C++ | | Jiyun Kim | [https://github.com/NAKsir-melody/cpp_ssz](https://github.com/NAKsir-melody/cpp_ssz) |
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# General test format
-This document defines the YAML format and structure used for ETH 2.0 testing.
+This document defines the YAML format and structure used for Eth 2.0 testing.
-## ToC
+## Table of contents
-* [About](#about)
-* [Glossary](#glossary)
-* [Test format philosophy](#test-format-philosophy)
-* [Test Suite](#test-suite)
-* [Config](#config)
-* [Fork-timeline](#fork-timeline)
-* [Config sourcing](#config-sourcing)
-* [Test structure](#test-structure)
+- [General test format](#general-test-format)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [About](#about)
+ - [Test-case formats](#test-case-formats)
+ - [Glossary](#glossary)
+ - [Test format philosophy](#test-format-philosophy)
+ - [Config design](#config-design)
+ - [Fork config design](#fork-config-design)
+ - [Test completeness](#test-completeness)
+ - [Test suite](#test-suite)
+ - [Config](#config)
+ - [Fork-timeline](#fork-timeline)
+ - [Config sourcing](#config-sourcing)
+ - [Test structure](#test-structure)
+ - [Note for implementers](#note-for-implementers)
## About
@@ -52,28 +62,28 @@ Test formats:
### Config design
After long discussion, the following types of configured constants were identified:
-- Never changing: genesis data
+- Never changing: genesis data.
- Changing, but reliant on old value: e.g. an epoch time may change, but if you want to do the conversion
- `(genesis data, timestamp) -> epoch number` you end up needing both constants.
+ `(genesis data, timestamp) -> epoch number`, you end up needing both constants.
- Changing, but kept around during fork transition: finalization may take a while,
e.g. an executable has to deal with new deposits and old deposits at the same time. Another example may be economic constants.
-- Additional, back-wards compatible: new constants are introduced for later phases
+- Additional, backwards compatible: new constants are introduced for later phases.
- Changing: there is a very small chance some constant may really be *replaced*.
In this off-chance, it is likely better to include it as an additional variable,
- and some clients may simply stop supporting the old one, if they do not want to sync from genesis.
+ and some clients may simply stop supporting the old one if they do not want to sync from genesis.
Based on these types of changes, we model the config as a list of key value pairs,
- that only grows with every fork (they may change in development versions of forks however, git manages this).
-With this approach, configurations are backwards compatible (older clients ignore unknown variables), and easy to maintain.
+ that only grows with every fork (they may change in development versions of forks, however; git manages this).
+With this approach, configurations are backwards compatible (older clients ignore unknown variables) and easy to maintain.
### Fork config design
There are two types of fork-data:
-1) timeline: when does a fork take place?
-2) coverage: what forks are covered by a test?
+1) Timeline: When does a fork take place?
+2) Coverage: What forks are covered by a test?
The first is neat to have as a separate form: we prevent duplication, and can run with different presets
- (e.g. fork timeline for a minimal local test, for a public testnet, or for mainnet)
+ (e.g. fork timeline for a minimal local test, for a public testnet, or for mainnet).
The second does not affect the result of the tests, it just states what is covered by the tests,
so that the right suites can be executed to see coverage for a certain fork.
@@ -90,7 +100,7 @@ The aim is to provide clients with a well-defined scope of work to run a particu
- Clients that are not complete in functionality can choose to ignore suites that use certain test-runners, or specific handlers of these test-runners.
- Clients that are on older versions can test their work based on older releases of the generated tests, and catch up with newer releases when possible.
-## Test Suite
+## Test suite
title: -- Display name for the test suite
@@ -113,9 +123,9 @@ Separation of configuration and tests aims to:
- Prevent duplication of configuration
- Make all tests easy to upgrade (e.g. when a new config constant is introduced)
- Clearly define which constants to use
-- Shareable between clients, for cross-client short or long lived testnets
+- Shareable between clients, for cross-client short- or long-lived testnets
- Minimize the amounts of different constants permutations to compile as a client.
- Note: Some clients prefer compile-time constants and optimizations.
+ *Note*: Some clients prefer compile-time constants and optimizations.
They should compile for each configuration once, and run the corresponding tests per build target.
The format is described in [`configs/constant_presets`](../../configs/constant_presets/README.md#format).
@@ -124,9 +134,9 @@ The format is described in [`configs/constant_presets`](../../configs/constant_p
## Fork-timeline
A fork timeline is (preferably) loaded in as a configuration object into a client, as opposed to the constants configuration:
- - we do not allocate or optimize any code based on epoch numbers
- - when we transition from one fork to the other, it is preferred to stay online.
- - we may decide on an epoch number for a fork based on external events (e.g. Eth1 log event),
+ - We do not allocate or optimize any code based on epoch numbers.
+ - When we transition from one fork to the other, it is preferred to stay online.
+ - We may decide on an epoch number for a fork based on external events (e.g. Eth1 log event);
a client should be able to activate a fork dynamically.
The format is described in [`configs/fork_timelines`](../../configs/fork_timelines/README.md#format).
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# BLS tests
A test type for BLS. Primarily geared towards verifying the *integration* of any BLS library.
-We do not recommend to roll your own crypto, or use an untested BLS library.
+We do not recommend rolling your own crypto or using an untested BLS library.
The BLS test suite runner has the following handlers:
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ The BLS test suite runner has the following handlers:
- [`priv_to_pub`](./priv_to_pub.md)
- [`sign_msg`](./sign_msg.md)
-Note: signature-verification and aggregate-verify test cases are not yet supported.
+*Note*: Signature-verification and aggregate-verify test cases are not yet supported.
diff --git a/specs/test_formats/shuffling/README.md b/specs/test_formats/shuffling/README.md
index 57be96565..25074742d 100644
--- a/specs/test_formats/shuffling/README.md
+++ b/specs/test_formats/shuffling/README.md
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Test format: shuffling
-The runner of the Shuffling test type has only one handler: `core`
+The runner of the Shuffling test type has only one handler: `core`.
-This does not mean however that testing is limited.
+However, this does not mean that testing is limited.
Clients may take different approaches to shuffling, for optimizing,
and supporting advanced lookup behavior back in older history.
For implementers, possible test runners implementing testing can include:
-1) just test permute-index, run it for each index `i` in `range(count)`, and check against expected `output[i]` (default spec implementation)
-2) test un-permute-index (the reverse lookup. Implemented by running the shuffling rounds in reverse: from `round_count-1` to `0`)
-3) test the optimized complete shuffle, where all indices are shuffled at once, test output in one go.
-4) test complete shuffle in reverse (reverse rounds, same as 2)
+1) Just test permute-index, run it for each index `i` in `range(count)`, and check against expected `output[i]` (default spec implementation).
+2) Test un-permute-index (the reverse lookup; implemented by running the shuffling rounds in reverse, from `round_count-1` to `0`).
+3) Test the optimized complete shuffle, where all indices are shuffled at once; test output in one go.
+4) Test complete shuffle in reverse (reverse rounds, same as #2).
## Test case format
diff --git a/specs/test_formats/ssz_generic/README.md b/specs/test_formats/ssz_generic/README.md
index 9fda0c368..da0898087 100644
--- a/specs/test_formats/ssz_generic/README.md
+++ b/specs/test_formats/ssz_generic/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
This set of test-suites provides general testing for SSZ:
to instantiate any container/list/vector/other type from binary data.
-Since SSZ is in a development-phase, not the full suite of features is covered yet.
+Since SSZ is in a development-phase, the full suite of features is not covered yet.
Note that these tests are based on the older SSZ package.
The tests are still relevant, but limited in scope:
more complex object encodings have changed since the original SSZ testing.
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ The tests are still relevant, but limited in scope:
A minimal but useful series of tests covering `uint` encoding and decoding is provided.
This is a direct port of the older SSZ `uint` tests (minus outdated test cases).
-[uint test format](./uint.md).
+Test format documentation can be found here: [uint test format](./uint.md).
-Note: the current phase-0 spec does not use larger uints, and uses byte vectors (fixed length) instead to represent roots etc.
+*Note*: The current Phase 0 spec does not use larger uints, and uses byte vectors (fixed length) instead to represent roots etc.
The exact uint lengths to support may be redefined in the future.
-Extension of the SSZ tests collection is planned, with an update to the new spec-maintained `minimal_ssz.py`,
+Extension of the SSZ tests collection is planned, with an update to the new spec-maintained `minimal_ssz.py`;
see CI/testing issues for progress tracking.
diff --git a/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/README.md b/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/README.md
index 413b00c75..1df2cb5f6 100644
--- a/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/README.md
+++ b/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# SSZ, static tests
This set of test-suites provides static testing for SSZ:
- to instantiate just the known ETH-2.0 SSZ types from binary data.
+ to instantiate just the known Eth 2.0 SSZ types from binary data.
This series of tests is based on the spec-maintained `minimal_ssz.py`, i.e. fully consistent with the SSZ spec.
diff --git a/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/core.md b/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/core.md
index 1d470c338..64b09a329 100644
--- a/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/core.md
+++ b/specs/test_formats/ssz_static/core.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Test format: SSZ static types
The goal of this type is to provide clients with a solid reference for how the known SSZ objects should be encoded.
-Each object described in the Phase-0 spec is covered.
+Each object described in the Phase 0 spec is covered.
This is important, as many of the clients aiming to serialize/deserialize objects directly into structs/classes
do not support (or have alternatives for) generic SSZ encoding/decoding.
This test-format ensures these direct serializations are covered.
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ A test-runner can implement the following assertions:
## References
-**`serialized`**: [SSZ serialization](../../simple-serialize.md#serialization)
-**`root`** - [hash_tree_root](../../simple-serialize.md#merkleization) function
-**`signing_root`** - [signing_root](../../simple-serialize.md#self-signed-containers) function
+**`serialized`**—[SSZ serialization](../../simple-serialize.md#serialization)
+**`root`**—[hash_tree_root](../../simple-serialize.md#merkleization) function
+**`signing_root`**—[signing_root](../../simple-serialize.md#self-signed-containers) function
diff --git a/specs/validator/0_beacon-chain-validator.md b/specs/validator/0_beacon-chain-validator.md
index ca7f0eb3b..600ed0839 100644
--- a/specs/validator/0_beacon-chain-validator.md
+++ b/specs/validator/0_beacon-chain-validator.md
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 -- Honest Validator
-__NOTICE__: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers. This is an accompanying document to [Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 -- The Beacon Chain](../core/0_beacon-chain.md) that describes the expected actions of a "validator" participating in the Ethereum 2.0 protocol.
+**Notice**: This document is a work-in-progress for researchers and implementers. This is an accompanying document to [Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 -- The Beacon Chain](../core/0_beacon-chain.md), which describes the expected actions of a "validator" participating in the Ethereum 2.0 protocol.
-## Table of Contents
+## Table of contents
- [Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 -- Honest Validator](#ethereum-20-phase-0----honest-validator)
- - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
+ - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Constants](#constants)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ The validator constructs their `withdrawal_credentials` via the following:
### Submit deposit
-In phase 0, all incoming validator deposits originate from the Ethereum 1.0 PoW chain. Deposits are made to the [deposit contract](../core/0_deposit-contract.md) located at `DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS`.
+In Phase 0, all incoming validator deposits originate from the Ethereum 1.0 PoW chain. Deposits are made to the [deposit contract](../core/0_deposit-contract.md) located at `DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS`.
To submit a deposit:
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ To submit a deposit:
* Let `signature` be the result of `bls_sign` of the `signing_root(deposit_data)` with `domain=DOMAIN_DEPOSIT`.
* Send a transaction on the Ethereum 1.0 chain to `DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` executing `def deposit(pubkey: bytes[48], withdrawal_credentials: bytes[32], signature: bytes[96])` along with a deposit of `amount` Gwei.
-_Note_: Deposits made for the same `pubkey` are treated as for the same validator. A singular `Validator` will be added to `state.validator_registry` with each additional deposit amount added to the validator's balance. A validator can only be activated when total deposits for the validator pubkey meet or exceed `MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE`.
+*Note*: Deposits made for the same `pubkey` are treated as for the same validator. A singular `Validator` will be added to `state.validator_registry` with each additional deposit amount added to the validator's balance. A validator can only be activated when total deposits for the validator pubkey meet or exceed `MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE`.
### Process deposit
-Deposits cannot be processed into the beacon chain until the eth1.0 block in which they were deposited or any of its descendants is added to the beacon chain `state.eth1_data`. This takes _a minimum_ of `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE` eth1.0 blocks (~4 hours) plus `ETH1_DATA_VOTING_PERIOD` epochs (~1.7 hours). Once the requisite eth1.0 data is added, the deposit will normally be added to a beacon chain block and processed into the `state.validator_registry` within an epoch or two. The validator is then in a queue to be activated.
+Deposits cannot be processed into the beacon chain until the Eth 1.0 block in which they were deposited or any of its descendants is added to the beacon chain `state.eth1_data`. This takes _a minimum_ of `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE` Eth 1.0 blocks (~4 hours) plus `ETH1_DATA_VOTING_PERIOD` epochs (~1.7 hours). Once the requisite Eth 1.0 data is added, the deposit will normally be added to a beacon chain block and processed into the `state.validator_registry` within an epoch or two. The validator is then in a queue to be activated.
### Validator index
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ is_active = is_active_validator(validator, shuffling_epoch)
Once a validator is activated, the validator is assigned [responsibilities](#beacon-chain-responsibilities) until exited.
-_Note_: There is a maximum validator churn per finalized epoch so the delay until activation is variable depending upon finality, total active validator balance, and the number of validators in the queue to be activated.
+*Note*: There is a maximum validator churn per finalized epoch so the delay until activation is variable depending upon finality, total active validator balance, and the number of validators in the queue to be activated.
## Beacon chain responsibilities
-A validator has two primary responsibilities to the beacon chain -- [proposing blocks](block-proposal) and [creating attestations](attestations-1). Proposals happen infrequently, whereas attestations should be created once per epoch.
+A validator has two primary responsibilities to the beacon chain: [proposing blocks](block-proposal) and [creating attestations](attestations-1). Proposals happen infrequently, whereas attestations should be created once per epoch.
### Block proposal
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ There is one proposer per slot, so if there are N active validators any individu
Set `block.slot = slot` where `slot` is the current slot at which the validator has been selected to propose. The `parent` selected must satisfy that `parent.slot < block.slot`.
-_Note:_ there might be "skipped" slots between the `parent` and `block`. These skipped slots are processed in the state transition function without per-block processing.
+*Note*: There might be "skipped" slots between the `parent` and `block`. These skipped slots are processed in the state transition function without per-block processing.
##### Parent root
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Set `block.previous_block_root = signing_root(parent)`.
Set `block.state_root = hash_tree_root(state)` of the resulting `state` of the `parent -> block` state transition.
-_Note_: To calculate `state_root`, the validator should first run the state transition function on an unsigned `block` containing a stub for the `state_root`. It is useful to be able to run a state transition function that does _not_ validate signatures or state root for this purpose.
+*Note*: To calculate `state_root`, the validator should first run the state transition function on an unsigned `block` containing a stub for the `state_root`. It is useful to be able to run a state transition function that does _not_ validate signatures or state root for this purpose.
##### Randao reveal
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@ epoch_signature = bls_sign(
`block.eth1_data` is a mechanism used by block proposers vote on a recent Ethereum 1.0 block hash and an associated deposit root found in the Ethereum 1.0 deposit contract. When consensus is formed, `state.latest_eth1_data` is updated, and validator deposits up to this root can be processed. The deposit root can be calculated by calling the `get_deposit_root()` function of the deposit contract using the post-state of the block hash.
* Let `D` be the set of `Eth1DataVote` objects `vote` in `state.eth1_data_votes` where:
- * `vote.eth1_data.block_hash` is the hash of an eth1.0 block that is (i) part of the canonical chain, (ii) >= `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE` blocks behind the head, and (iii) newer than `state.latest_eth1_data.block_hash`.
- * `vote.eth1_data.deposit_count` is the deposit count of the eth1.0 deposit contract at the block defined by `vote.eth1_data.block_hash`.
- * `vote.eth1_data.deposit_root` is the deposit root of the eth1.0 deposit contract at the block defined by `vote.eth1_data.block_hash`.
+ * `vote.eth1_data.block_hash` is the hash of an Eth 1.0 block that is (i) part of the canonical chain, (ii) >= `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE` blocks behind the head, and (iii) newer than `state.latest_eth1_data.block_hash`.
+ * `vote.eth1_data.deposit_count` is the deposit count of the Eth 1.0 deposit contract at the block defined by `vote.eth1_data.block_hash`.
+ * `vote.eth1_data.deposit_root` is the deposit root of the Eth 1.0 deposit contract at the block defined by `vote.eth1_data.block_hash`.
* If `D` is empty:
- * Let `block_hash` be the block hash of the `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE`'th ancestor of the head of the canonical eth1.0 chain.
- * Let `deposit_root` and `deposit_count` be the deposit root and deposit count of the eth1.0 deposit contract in the post-state of the block referenced by `block_hash`
+ * Let `block_hash` be the block hash of the `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE`'th ancestor of the head of the canonical Eth 1.0 chain.
+ * Let `deposit_root` and `deposit_count` be the deposit root and deposit count of the Eth 1.0 deposit contract in the post-state of the block referenced by `block_hash`
* Let `best_vote_data = Eth1Data(block_hash=block_hash, deposit_root=deposit_root, deposit_count=deposit_count)`.
* If `D` is nonempty:
* Let `best_vote_data` be the `eth1_data` of the member of `D` that has the highest `vote.vote_count`, breaking ties by favoring block hashes with higher associated block height.
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Up to `MAX_ATTESTATIONS` aggregate attestations can be included in the `block`.
##### Deposits
-If there are any unprocessed deposits for the existing `state.latest_eth1_data` (i.e. `state.latest_eth1_data.deposit_count > state.deposit_index`), then pending deposits _must_ be added to the block. The expected number of deposits is exactly `min(MAX_DEPOSITS, latest_eth1_data.deposit_count - state.deposit_index)`. These [`deposits`](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#deposit) are constructed from the `Deposit` logs from the [Eth1.0 deposit contract](../core/0_deposit-contract) and must be processed in sequential order. The deposits included in the `block` must satisfy the verification conditions found in [deposits processing](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#deposits).
+If there are any unprocessed deposits for the existing `state.latest_eth1_data` (i.e. `state.latest_eth1_data.deposit_count > state.deposit_index`), then pending deposits _must_ be added to the block. The expected number of deposits is exactly `min(MAX_DEPOSITS, latest_eth1_data.deposit_count - state.deposit_index)`. These [`deposits`](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#deposit) are constructed from the `Deposit` logs from the [Eth 1.0 deposit contract](../core/0_deposit-contract) and must be processed in sequential order. The deposits included in the `block` must satisfy the verification conditions found in [deposits processing](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#deposits).
The `proof` for each deposit must be constructed against the deposit root contained in `state.latest_eth1_data` rather than the deposit root at the time the deposit was initially logged from the 1.0 chain. This entails storing a full deposit merkle tree locally and computing updated proofs against the `latest_eth1_data.deposit_root` as needed. See [`minimal_merkle.py`](https://github.com/ethereum/research/blob/master/spec_pythonizer/utils/merkle_minimal.py) for a sample implementation.
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Up to `MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS` [`VoluntaryExit`](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#voluntar
A validator is expected to create, sign, and broadcast an attestation during each epoch. The slot during which the validator performs this role is any slot at which `get_crosslink_committees_at_slot(state, slot)` contains a committee that contains `validator_index`.
-A validator should create and broadcast the attestation halfway through the `slot` during which the validator is assigned -- that is `SECONDS_PER_SLOT * 0.5` seconds after the start of `slot`.
+A validator should create and broadcast the attestation halfway through the `slot` during which the validator is assigned ― that is, `SECONDS_PER_SLOT * 0.5` seconds after the start of `slot`.
#### Attestation data
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Set `attestation_data.source_root = head_state.current_justified_root`.
Set `attestation_data.target_root = signing_root(epoch_boundary)` where `epoch_boundary` is the block at the most recent epoch boundary.
-_Note:_ This can be looked up in the state using:
+*Note*: This can be looked up in the state using:
* Let `epoch_start_slot = get_epoch_start_slot(get_current_epoch(head_state))`.
* Set `epoch_boundary = head if epoch_start_slot == head_state.slot else get_block_root(state, epoch_start_slot)`.
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ Set `attestation_data.previous_crosslink_root = hash_tree_root(head_state.curren
Set `attestation_data.crosslink_data_root = ZERO_HASH`.
-_Note:_ This is a stub for phase 0.
+*Note*: This is a stub for Phase 0.
#### Construct attestation
@@ -298,14 +298,14 @@ Set `attestation.data = attestation_data` where `attestation_data` is the `Attes
* Set `aggregation_bitfield[index_into_committee // 8] |= 2 ** (index_into_committee % 8)`.
* Set `attestation.aggregation_bitfield = aggregation_bitfield`.
-_Note_: Calling `get_attesting_indices(state, attestation.data, attestation.aggregation_bitfield)` should return a list of length equal to 1, containing `validator_index`.
+*Note*: Calling `get_attesting_indices(state, attestation.data, attestation.aggregation_bitfield)` should return a list of length equal to 1, containing `validator_index`.
##### Custody bitfield
* Let `custody_bitfield` be a byte array filled with zeros of length `(len(committee) + 7) // 8`.
* Set `attestation.custody_bitfield = custody_bitfield`.
-_Note:_ This is a stub for phase 0.
+*Note*: This is a stub for Phase 0.
##### Aggregate signature
@@ -379,14 +379,14 @@ def is_proposer_at_slot(state: BeaconState,
return get_beacon_proposer_index(state) == validator_index
-_Note_: To see if a validator is assigned to proposer during the slot, the validator must run an empty slot transition from the previous state to the current slot.
+*Note*: To see if a validator is assigned to proposer during the slot, the validator must run an empty slot transition from the previous state to the current slot.
### Lookahead
-The beacon chain shufflings are designed to provide a minimum of 1 epoch lookahead on the validator's upcoming committee assignments for attesting dictated by the shuffling and slot. Note that this lookahead does not apply to proposing which must checked during the slot in question.
+The beacon chain shufflings are designed to provide a minimum of 1 epoch lookahead on the validator's upcoming committee assignments for attesting dictated by the shuffling and slot. Note that this lookahead does not apply to proposing, which must checked during the slot in question.
-`get_committee_assignment` should be called at the start of each epoch to get the assignment for the next epoch (`current_epoch + 1`). A validator should plan for future assignments which involves noting at which future slot one will have to attest and also which shard one should begin syncing (in phase 1+).
+`get_committee_assignment` should be called at the start of each epoch to get the assignment for the next epoch (`current_epoch + 1`). A validator should plan for future assignments which involves noting at which future slot one will have to attest and also which shard one should begin syncing (in Phase 1+).
Specifically, a validator should call `get_committee_assignment(state, next_epoch, validator_index)` when checking for next epoch assignments.
@@ -394,19 +394,19 @@ Specifically, a validator should call `get_committee_assignment(state, next_epoc
"Slashing" is the burning of some amount of validator funds and immediate ejection from the active validator set. In Phase 0, there are two ways in which funds can be slashed -- [proposer slashing](#proposer-slashing) and [attester slashing](#attester-slashing). Although being slashed has serious repercussions, it is simple enough to avoid being slashed all together by remaining _consistent_ with respect to the messages a validator has previously signed.
-_Note_: Signed data must be within a sequential `Fork` context to conflict. Messages cannot be slashed across diverging forks. If the previous fork version is 1 and the chain splits into fork 2 and 102, messages from 1 can slashable against messages in forks 1, 2, and 102. Messages in 2 cannot be slashable against messages in 102 and vice versa.
+*Note*: Signed data must be within a sequential `Fork` context to conflict. Messages cannot be slashed across diverging forks. If the previous fork version is 1 and the chain splits into fork 2 and 102, messages from 1 can slashable against messages in forks 1, 2, and 102. Messages in 2 cannot be slashable against messages in 102 and vice versa.
### Proposer slashing
To avoid "proposer slashings", a validator must not sign two conflicting [`BeaconBlock`](../core/0_beacon-chain.md#beaconblock) where conflicting is defined as two distinct blocks within the same epoch.
-_In phase 0, as long as the validator does not sign two different beacon blocks for the same epoch, the validator is safe against proposer slashings._
+*In Phase 0, as long as the validator does not sign two different beacon blocks for the same epoch, the validator is safe against proposer slashings.*
-Specifically, when signing an `BeaconBlock`, a validator should perform the following steps in the following order:
-1. Save a record to hard disk that an beacon block has been signed for the `epoch=slot_to_epoch(block.slot)`.
+Specifically, when signing a `BeaconBlock`, a validator should perform the following steps in the following order:
+1. Save a record to hard disk that a beacon block has been signed for the `epoch=slot_to_epoch(block.slot)`.
2. Generate and broadcast the block.
-If the software crashes at some point within this routine, then when the validator comes back online the hard disk has the record of the _potentially_ signed/broadcast block and can effectively avoid slashing.
+If the software crashes at some point within this routine, then when the validator comes back online the hard disk has the record of the *potentially* signed/broadcast block and can effectively avoid slashing.
### Attester slashing
@@ -416,4 +416,4 @@ Specifically, when signing an `Attestation`, a validator should perform the foll
1. Save a record to hard disk that an attestation has been signed for source -- `attestation_data.source_epoch` -- and target -- `slot_to_epoch(attestation_data.slot)`.
2. Generate and broadcast attestation.
-If the software crashes at some point within this routine, then when the validator comes back online the hard disk has the record of the _potentially_ signed/broadcast attestation and can effectively avoid slashing.
+If the software crashes at some point within this routine, then when the validator comes back online the hard disk has the record of the *potentially* signed/broadcast attestation and can effectively avoid slashing.
diff --git a/test_generators/README.md b/test_generators/README.md
index 43bf7af03..f8124f9a7 100644
--- a/test_generators/README.md
+++ b/test_generators/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This directory contains all the generators for YAML tests, consumed by Eth 2.0 client implementations.
-Any issues with the generators and/or generated tests should be filed in the repository that hosts the generator outputs, here: [ethereum/eth2.0-tests](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-tests).
+Any issues with the generators and/or generated tests should be filed in the repository that hosts the generator outputs, here: [ethereum/eth2.0-spec-tests](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-spec-tests).
Whenever a release is made, the new tests are automatically built, and
[eth2TestGenBot](https://github.com/eth2TestGenBot) commits the changes to the test repository.
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Whenever a release is made, the new tests are automatically built, and
- Python 3 installed
- PIP 3
-- GNU make
+- GNU Make
### Cleaning
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ eth-utils==1.4.1
The config helper and pyspec is optional, but preferred. We encourage generators to derive tests from the spec itself in order to prevent code duplication and outdated tests.
Applying configurations to the spec is simple and enables you to create test suites with different contexts.
-Note: make sure to run `make pyspec` from the root of the specs repository in order to build the pyspec requirement.
+*Note*: Make sure to run `make pyspec` from the root of the specs repository in order to build the pyspec requirement.
Install all the necessary requirements (re-run when you add more):
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
- You can have more than just one suite creator, e.g. ` gen_runner.run_generator("foo", [bar_test_suite, abc_test_suite, example_test_suite])`.
- You can concatenate lists of test cases if you don't want to split it up in suites, however, make sure they can be run with one handler.
-- You can split your suite creators into different python files/packages; this is good for code organization.
+- You can split your suite creators into different Python files/packages; this is good for code organization.
- Use config "minimal" for performance, but also implement a suite with the default config where necessary.
- You may be able to write your test suite creator in a way where it does not make assumptions on constants.
If so, you can generate test suites with different configurations for the same scenario (see example).
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ To add a new test generator that builds `New Tests`:
[circleci config file](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-test-generators/blob/master/.circleci/config.yml)
if desired to increase code quality.
-Note: you do not have to change the makefile.
-However, if necessary (e.g. not using python, or mixing in other languages), submit an issue, and it can be a special case.
+*Note*: You do not have to change the makefile.
+However, if necessary (e.g. not using Python, or mixing in other languages), submit an issue, and it can be a special case.
Do note that generators should be easy to maintain, lean, and based on the spec.
@@ -167,5 +167,5 @@ Do note that generators should be easy to maintain, lean, and based on the spec.
If a test generator is not needed anymore, undo the steps described above and make a new release:
1. Remove the generator directory.
-2. Remove the generated tests in the [`eth2.0-tests`](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-tests) repository by opening a PR there.
+2. Remove the generated tests in the [`eth2.0-spec-tests`](https://github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-spec-tests) repository by opening a pull request there.
3. Make a new release.
diff --git a/test_libs/pyspec/README.md b/test_libs/pyspec/README.md
index df1834210..bb6991a93 100644
--- a/test_libs/pyspec/README.md
+++ b/test_libs/pyspec/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# ETH 2.0 PySpec
+# Eth 2.0 Executable Python Spec (PySpec)
-The Python executable spec is built from the ETH 2.0 specification,
+The executable Python spec is built from the Eth 2.0 specification,
complemented with the necessary helper functions for hashing, BLS, and more.
With this executable spec,
test-generators can easily create test-vectors for client implementations,
- and the spec itself can be verified to be consistent and coherent, through sanity tests implemented with pytest.
+ and the spec itself can be verified to be consistent and coherent through sanity tests implemented with pytest.
## Building
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ All the dynamic parts of the spec can be build at once with `make pyspec`.
Alternatively, you can build a sub-set of the pyspec: `make phase0`.
-Or, to build a single file, specify the path, e.g. `make test_libs/pyspec/eth2spec/phase0/spec.py`
+Or, to build a single file, specify the path, e.g. `make test_libs/pyspec/eth2spec/phase0/spec.py`.
## Py-tests
-After building, you can install the dependencies for running the `pyspec` tests with `make install_test`
+After building, you can install the dependencies for running the `pyspec` tests with `make install_test`.
These tests are not intended for client-consumption.
These tests are sanity tests, to verify if the spec itself is consistent.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ These tests are sanity tests, to verify if the spec itself is consistent.
#### Automated
-Run `make test` from the root of the spec repository.
+Run `make test` from the root of the specs repository.
#### Manual
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements-testing.txt
-Note: make sure to run `make -B pyspec` from the root of the specs repository,
+*Note*: Make sure to run `make -B pyspec` from the root of the specs repository,
to build the parts of the pyspec module derived from the markdown specs.
The `-B` flag may be helpful to force-overwrite the `pyspec` output after you made a change to the markdown source files.
@@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ The pyspec is not a replacement.
## License
-Same as the spec itself, see [LICENSE](../../LICENSE) file in spec repository root.
+Same as the spec itself; see [LICENSE](../../LICENSE) file in the specs repository root.