diff --git a/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md b/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md index 4ffc45bf7..bfdc34ef9 100644 --- a/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md +++ b/specs/phase0/p2p-interface.md @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ There are two primary global topics used to propagate beacon blocks and aggregat - _[REJECT]_ The block being voted for (`aggregate.data.beacon_block_root`) passes validation. - _[REJECT]_ The attestation has participants -- that is, `len(get_attesting_indices(state, aggregate.data, aggregate.aggregation_bits)) >= 1`. - _[REJECT]_ `aggregate_and_proof.selection_proof` selects the validator as an aggregator for the slot -- i.e. `is_aggregator(state, aggregate.data.slot, aggregate.data.index, aggregate_and_proof.selection_proof)` returns `True`. - - _[REJECT]_ The aggregator's validator index is within the committee -- i.e. `aggregate_and_proof.aggregator_index in get_beacon_committee(state, aggregate.data.slot, aggregate.data.index)`. This also means that it must never have an empty set of participants. + - _[REJECT]_ The aggregator's validator index is within the committee -- i.e. `aggregate_and_proof.aggregator_index in get_beacon_committee(state, aggregate.data.slot, aggregate.data.index)`. - _[REJECT]_ The `aggregate_and_proof.selection_proof` is a valid signature of the `aggregate.data.slot` by the validator with index `aggregate_and_proof.aggregator_index`. - _[REJECT]_ The aggregator signature, `signed_aggregate_and_proof.signature`, is valid. - _[REJECT]_ The signature of `aggregate` is valid.