specVersion: 0.0.1 schema: file: ./schema.graphql dataSources: # This approach uses a particular event emitted once very early to trigger token registry # initialization. It is not so important what the event is but rather that it was emitted before # any other event of an ERC20 token. We even don't know what contract it is. Besides that, the ABI # file for that contract was inferred since no contract information or source code is available # out there. - name: TokenRegistry kind: ethereum/contract network: mainnet source: abi: TokenRegistry address: '0x7f751820be4b1e44464268c425af6095995e045a' mapping: kind: ethereum/events apiVersion: 0.0.3 language: wasm/assemblyscript file: ./src/mappings/registry.ts entities: - Token abis: - name: TokenRegistry file: ./abis/TokenRegistry.json eventHandlers: - event: 'Unknown(indexed bytes,indexed bytes)' topic0: '0xa9e319c3b10db96c5cee4bc3ebffa9c5581f222f14a4deb0df7ec2088ccd0974' handler: initRegistry templates: # These data sources templates exist to support the different flags that a token could specify - name: StandardToken kind: ethereum/contract network: mainnet source: abi: ERC20 mapping: kind: ethereum/events apiVersion: 0.0.3 language: wasm/assemblyscript file: ./src/mappings/token.ts entities: - TransferEvent abis: - name: ERC20 file: ./abis/ERC20.json eventHandlers: - event: Transfer(indexed address,indexed address,uint256) handler: handleTransfer - name: BurnableToken kind: ethereum/contract network: mainnet source: abi: Burnable mapping: kind: ethereum/events apiVersion: 0.0.3 language: wasm/assemblyscript file: ./src/mappings/token.ts entities: - BurnEvent abis: - name: Burnable file: ./abis/Burnable.json eventHandlers: - event: Burn(indexed address,uint256) handler: handleBurn - name: MintableToken kind: ethereum/contract network: mainnet source: abi: Mintable mapping: kind: ethereum/events apiVersion: 0.0.3 language: wasm/assemblyscript file: ./src/mappings/token.ts entities: - MintEvent abis: - name: Mintable file: ./abis/Mintable.json eventHandlers: - event: Mint(indexed address,uint256) handler: handleMint