{ "account": { "amount": "Amount", "from": "From", "of": "Of", "read_token_balance": "Read account token balance", "read_your_token_balance": "Read your account token balance", "to": "To", "transfer_approve_token_balance": "Transfer/Approve token balance", "your_test_token_balance": "Your test token balance is" }, "action" : { "approve": "Approve", "cancel": "Cancel", "edit_contact_code": "Edit Contact Code", "grant_access": "Grant access", "mint_test_token": "Mint Test Token", "mint": "Mint", "register": "Register", "release_name": "Release Name", "send_snt": "Send SNT", "setup_ens": "ADD INITIAL NODES TO ENS", "submit": "Submit", "submitting_to_blockchain": "Submitting to the Blockchain - (this may take awhile)", "transfer": "Transfer", "update": "Update", "use_my_primary_address": "Use My Primary Address", "yes": "Yes" }, "admin": { "tab": { "ens_management": "ENS Management", "erc20_token": "ERC20Token", "name_lookup": "Name Lookup", "test_token": "TestToken" } }, "constants" : { "contact_code": "Your contact code", "wallet_address": "Your wallet address" }, "copy": { "release": { "title": { "sub": "Done!", "body": "The released username will be available to other users" } }, "registered": { "title": { "sub": "Nice!", "body": "The name is yours once the transaction is complete" } }, "edit": { "title": { "sub": "Done!", "body": "Your changes will be saved when the transaction is complete" } }, "subheading": "Follow the progress in the Transaction History section of your wallet." }, "domain": { "ethereum_address": { "error": "Not a valid address", "label": "Ethereum address domain resolves to" }, "name": { "label": "Domain Name" }, "new_address": { "label": "New Controller Address" }, "price": { "label": "Domain Price" }, "release": { "alert": { "text": "Your SNT deposit will be returned and name will be available to other users.", "title": "Release domain?" } }, "status_address": { "label": "Status messenger address domain resolves to", "placeholder": "Enter Your Status Messenger Address Here" } }, "error": { "connect": "Please connect to Ethereum %{network} to continue.", "valid_address": "Please enter a valid address" }, "navbar":{ "brand": "Status.im Demo" }, "optimized": "This site is optimized for Status. Get the App to enable all features and get the best experience.", "registry": { "error": { "name": { "owned": "This registry is not owned by registry", "required": "Required" } }, "name": { "label": "Registry Name" }, "price": { "label": "Registry Price", "placeholder": "(Optional) Registry will be free if left blank" } }, "sub_domain": { "error": { "required": "Required" }, "label": "Sub Domain", "management": { "activate_registry": "Activate Registry/Update Registry Price", "change_registry": "Change Registry Controller", "move_domain": "Move Domain To Another Registry", "register_sub_domain": "Register Sub-Domain", "title": "Subdomain Management" } }, "terms": { "title": "Terms of name registration", "funds_deposit": "Funds are deposited for 1 year. Your SNT will be locked, but not spent.", "funds_release": "After 1 year, you can release the name and get your deposit back. The name is yours until you release it.", "names_creation": "Names are created as a subdomain of %{stateofus}. They are property of Status and may be subject to new terms.", "contract": "If the %{stateofus} contract terms change—e.g. Status makes contract upgrades—you have the right to get your deposit back, even for names held less than 1 year.", "reserved_list": "reserved list", "rule": { "title": "Names may not:", "one": "contain less than 4 characters;", "two": "n non-alphanumeric characters;", "three": "contain uppercase letters;", "four": "appear on this %{reserved_list_link}", "five": "mimic an Ethereum address (start with %{eth_address} and contain only hexadecimal characters in the first 12 digits)" }, "illegal_name": "Registering an illegal name via the registry contract will result in the loss of your SNT deposit and removal of the name.", "contact": "Contact codes and wallet addresses associated with your name are publicly available information." }, "welcome": { "cta": "Let's Go", "disclaimer": "Powered by Ethereum Name Services", "eth_address_example": "myname.stateofus.eth", "how": "How it works", "step": { "one": { "title": "Simplify your ETH address", "subtitle": "Your complex wallet address (0x...) becomes an easy to read, remember & share URL:" }, "two": { "title": "10 SNT to register", "subtitle": "Register once to keep the name forever. After 1 year, you can release the name and get your SNT back." }, "three": { "title": "Connect & get paid", "subtitle": "Share your name to chat on Status or receive ETH and tokens." } }, "title": "ENS names transform those crazy-long addresses into unique usernames" } }