import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS'; import ERC20Token from 'Embark/contracts/ERC20Token'; import React from 'react'; import { Form, FormGroup, FormControl, HelpBlock, Button } from 'react-bootstrap'; class ERC20TokenUI extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); ERC20Token.options.address = props.address; this.state = { balanceOf: 0, transferTo: "", transferAmount: 0, accountBalance: 0, accountB: web3.eth.defaultAccount, } } update_transferTo(e){ this.setState({transferTo:}); } update_transferAmount(e){ this.setState({transferAmount:}); } transfer(e){ var to = this.state.transferTo; var amount = this.state.transferAmount; var tx = ERC20Token.methods.transfer(to, amount).send({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount}); this._addToLog(ERC20Token.options.address+".transfer(" + to + ", "+amount+")"); } approve(e){ var to = this.state.transferTo; var amount = this.state.transferAmount; var tx = ERC20Token.methods.approve(to, amount).send({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount}); this._addToLog(ERC20Token.options.address+".approve(" + to + ", "+amount+")"); } balanceOf(e){ e.preventDefault(); var who =; if (EmbarkJS.isNewWeb3()) { ERC20Token.methods.balanceOf(who).call() .then(_value => this.setState({balanceOf: _value})) } else { ERC20Token.balanceOf(who) .then(_value => this.x({balanceOf: _value})); } this._addToLog(ERC20Token.options.address+".balanceOf(" + who + ")"); } getDefaultAccountBalance(){ if (EmbarkJS.isNewWeb3()) { ERC20Token.methods.balanceOf(web3.eth.defaultAccount).call() .then(_value => this.setState({accountBalance: _value})) } else { ERC20Token.balanceOf(web3.eth.defaultAccount) .then(_value => this.x({valueGet: _value})) } this._addToLog(ERC20Token.options.address + ".balanceOf(" + web3.eth.defaultAccount + ")"); } _addToLog(txt){ console.log(txt); } render(){ return (

Read your account token balance

Your test token balance is {this.state.accountBalance}

Read account token balance

Transfer/Approve token balance

); } } export default ERC20TokenUI;