import web3 from "Embark/web3" import ENSSubdomainRegistry from 'Embark/contracts/ENSSubdomainRegistry'; import React from 'react'; import { Button } from '../../ui/components'; import { withFormik } from 'formik'; import { hash } from 'eth-ens-namehash'; import { zeroAddress, zeroBytes32 } from './utils'; import FieldGroup from '../standard/FieldGroup'; const { soliditySha3 } = web3.utils; const InnerForm = ({ values, errors, touched, handleChange, handleBlur, handleSubmit, isSubmitting, setFieldValue, subDomain, domainName, domainPrice, }) => (
{!subDomain && } {!domainName && { ENSSubdomainRegistry.methods.getPrice(hash(values.domainName)) .call() .then((res) => { setFieldValue('price', res); }); }} > Get Price } />} {!domainPrice && } setFieldValue('address', web3.eth.defaultAccount)}>Use My Primary Address} /> ); const RegisterSubDomain = withFormik({ mapPropsToValues: props => ({ subDomain: '', domainName: '', price: '' }), validate(values, props) { const errors = {}; const { address } = values; const { subDomain } = props || values; if (address && !web3.utils.isAddress(address)) errors.address = 'Not a valid address'; if (!subDomain) errors.subDomain = 'Required'; return errors; }, handleSubmit(values, { setSubmitting, props }) { const { address, statusAddress } = values; const { subDomain, domainName, registeredCallbackFn } = props || values; const { methods: { register } } = ENSSubdomainRegistry; const subdomainHash = soliditySha3(subDomain); const domainNameHash = hash(domainName); const resolveToAddr = address || zeroAddress; const resolveToStatusAddr = statusAddress || zeroBytes32; const toSend = register( subdomainHash, domainNameHash, resolveToAddr, zeroBytes32, zeroBytes32, resolveToStatusAddr, ); toSend.estimateGas().then(gasEstimated => { console.log("Register would work. :D Gas estimated: "+gasEstimated) console.log("Trying: register(\""+subdomainHash+"\",\""+domainNameHash+"\",\""+resolveToAddr+"\",\""+zeroBytes32+"\",\""+zeroBytes32+"\")") toSend.send({gas: gasEstimated+1000}).then(txId => { if(txId.status == "0x1" || txId.status == "0x01"){ console.log("Register send success. :)") } else { console.log("Register send errored. :( Out of gas? ") } console.dir(txId) }).catch(err => { console.log("Register send errored. :( Out of gas?") console.dir(err) }).finally(() => { // REQUIRED UNTIL THIS ISSUES IS RESOLVED: setTimeout(() => { registeredCallbackFn(resolveToAddr, resolveToStatusAddr); }, 200); setSubmitting(false); }); }).catch(err => { console.log("Register would error. :/ Already Registered? Have Token Balance? Is Allowance set?") console.dir(err) setSubmitting(false); }); } })(InnerForm); export default RegisterSubDomain;