
141 lines
5.8 KiB

import React, { Fragment, Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ShipList from './components/shipList.js';
import WithdrawBalance from './components/withdrawBalance.js';
import AddToken from './components/addToken.js';
import MarketPlace from './components/marketplace.js';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isOwner: false,
hidePanel: false,
shipsForSale: [],
myShips: [],
marketPlaceShips: []
// ============== BEGIN: Function implementation here ================ //
// Determine if we are the owners of the contract
// Load spaceships in different sections
// ============== END: Function implementation here ================ //
this._loadShipsForSale(); // New tokens sales
this._loadMyShips(); // My Wallet
this._loadMarketPlace(); // Token marketplace
// ============== BEGIN: Function implementation here ================ //
// TODO: determine if we are the owners of the contract
this.setState({isOwner: true});
// ============== BEGIN: Function implementation here ================ //
// ============== END: Function implementation here ================ //
_loadMyShips = async () => {
// ============== BEGIN: Function implementation here ================ //
// TODO: We want to load the lists of ships a user has
// this.state.myShips expects an array of objects with these attributes:
// {
// id: "token Id",
// energy: "token attribute",
// lasers: "token attribute",
// shield: "token attribute",
// metadataHash: "token attribute",
// }
// Example:
const myShip = {
id: 1,
energy: 10,
lasers: 5,
shield: 7,
metadataHash: "METADATA"
const list = [ myShip ];
this.setState({myShips: list});
// ============== END: Function implementation here ================ //
_loadShipsForSale = async () => {
// ============== BEGIN: Function implementation here ================ //
// TODO: load the list of ships for sale
// this.state.shipsForSale expects an array of objects with these attributes:
// {
// id: "token Id",
// energy: "token attribute",
// lasers: "token attribute",
// shield: "token attribute",
// metadataHash: "token attribute",
// price: "token price"
// }
let list = [];
this.setState({shipsForSale: list});
_loadMarketPlace = async () => {
// TODO: debemos cargar la lista de naves que estan a la venta en el marketplace
// se espera un array de objetos en el estado marketPlaceShips
// cada objeto debe tener los siguientes atributos:
// {
// owner: "dueno de la nave en venta",
// price: "precio de venta",
// id: "id del token",
// saleId: "id de la venta",
// energy: "Atributo del token",
// lasers: "Atributo del token",
// shield: "Atributo del token",
// metadataHash: "Atributo del token",
// }
let list = [];
this.setState({marketPlaceShips: list.reverse()});
const { isOwner, hidePanel, shipsForSale, myShips, marketPlaceShips } = this.state;
return (
typeof(web3) === "undefined" && typeof(EmbarkJS) !== "undefined"
? <Fragment>
<h3>No web3 provider was detected</h3>
<p>The easiest way to interact with this DApp is using Status:</p>
<li>IOS: Sign up <a href="https://status.im/success.html">here</a></li>
<li>Android: Download from the <a href="https://hs-3954379.t.hubspotemail.net/e1t/c/*W41DrrR576YXwW1g0twY4l6xHW0/*W4W80L47W9sgzW29n3jf3B0spz0/5/f18dQhb0S4007rmtHfV12fxx5VRhLcN56MR7dhW2vYW6FzPhr8bLg8BW7wfwHD77xh4BVC-SLw8K_1QSW5GxQvR1sQJ5jVD9fTd4nXXdvMNQbcPgVDM_N33FZt2S-Y7DW91QKkb4RkrPPW493NBn8KgjlJN88JFdQ4DH0cW9cs3zS6VKqGRW7G0nyJ3z8s2PW3pb3q040w1lQW4p0nGT2FfY9KMrYVt8rT2YCW3GL73b2Fj2j4N56RMzHfcp_hW7fW6gW4dBzfRW3tZgJb6wB1JfVd0zbv35wh4RN8zbXKpnyfj6W6yM6K41NZprfN1PZNlPgv7zFW71lRcW8yGypBMnGzt-xFbw9N8TJbMTVfCwcW1YQHxz1GQtXKW657lCJ5fhKvjW1_8CNL4BTT7wW69P8Y64hksdCW80wSFy4CkbFPW1pPcF65bpn_JW7WZ7l285LvsQVWNwb38cgFp2W2DF0P046C5dqN7L0FQ2SrfSCW3yggzM7T60VNW6-9ws44Nq68yW5ghc8S3jzRf5W7NDz4_49hbllW1CCcl63gd1KmW2n5V8p5slbFjW7PgZ_T5vd89hMxFPvDlGMxDW3VqJG78dKTzXN46s6SqMbrmyW5L36lt6n-7WNW141ZBT444dDhW5t6Y8f8Z1MLWV4pX33282QyrW1j06VK7zr2Q6W7bcdfr591ZtSW43_Xkw4lPzBFW4h7jHc97dFs7W88ZFRD1GXrZpW9jWR8G6Xg9lQN3GBfHngxjrGf39tZ-n03">PlayStore</a></li>
<p>You can also use <a href="https://metamask.io/">Metamask</a></p>
{ isOwner && !hidePanel ?
<div id="management">
<span className="close" onClick={ (e) => this.setState({'hidePanel': true})}>close</span>
<WithdrawBalance />
<AddToken loadShipsForSale={this._loadShipsForSale} />
</div> : ''
<ShipList title="My Wallet" id="myShips" list={myShips} onAction={(e) => this._loadEverything()} wallet={true} />
<MarketPlace list={marketPlaceShips} onAction={(e) => this._loadEverything()} />
<ShipList title="Store" id="shipyard" list={shipsForSale} onAction={(e) => this._loadEverything()} />
ReactDOM.render(<App></App>, document.getElementById('app'));