Minting tokens, part 2

This commit is contained in:
Richard Ramos 2018-07-10 13:11:59 -04:00
parent fddc4f3c0c
commit b71806ddad
2 changed files with 65 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
Before starting, it's important to have setup correctly our workspace. You can follow the steps described in the [documentation](, since it will always be updated to reflect latest changes in the framework. If you already have Embark and its dependencies installed you can skip this step.
At the moment of writing the tutorial, the commands I used on Ubuntu 18.04 were these. Some steps change depending on the operative system used (i.e. [node-gyp](, as well as the versions of files. Please refer to Embark or any of the installed tools' documentation website for troubleshooting.
At the moment of writing the tutorial, the commands I used on Ubuntu 18.04 were these. Some steps change depending on the operative system used (i.e. [node-gyp](, as well as the versions of files. Please refer to Embark or any of the installed tools' documentation website for troubleshooting. Also a docker image is being built with Embark and all its dependencies, and it may be used to follow this tutorial.
## Ubuntu Installation
### NodeJS 9.8.0 (lts) with nvm 0.33.11

View File

@ -83,15 +83,74 @@ EmbarkJS.Storage.uploadFile(this.state.fileToUpload)
#### Using our contract to mint the new token
Finally, once we have both the Image and the Attributes stored in IPFS it's time to mint our new token. This is done in two steps: first, we estimate the gas cost to invoke the `mint(bytes _metadataHash, uint8 _energy, uint8 _lasers, uint8 _shield, uint _price) public onlyOwner` (it's a good practice, in order to avoid running into Out of Gas exceptions), and then, we will create the transaction. To estimate gas, we use the estimateGas() function of the contract:
const { mint } = SpaceshipToken.methods;
let toSend;
.then(fileHash => {
attributes.image = '' + fileHash;
return EmbarkJS.Storage.saveText(JSON.stringify(attributes))
.then(attrHash => {
toSend = mint(web3.utils.toHex(attrHash),,
web3.utils.toWei(this.state.price, "ether"));
return toSend.estimateGas();
.then(estimatedGas => {
.catch((err) => {
.finally(() => {
this.setState({isSubmitting: false});
Notice that we stored the function call in the `toSend` variable, however it does not mean that we're creating a transaction here. With this `toSend` variable we're able to send a transaction or estimating gas (also, calling a value if the contract function were a `constant`/`view`/`pure` function).
Also, we introduced the use of two `web3.utils` functions: `toHex`, to convert any given value to a HEX string, and also, `toWei`, to convert from ether to wei, since in the UI we're introducing the values as ether, and the smart contract uses wei.
After estimating gas, we proceed to create the transaction by returning the `send` method of our contract with the estimated gas plus an additional wei amount (estimateGas() is not always precise).
.then(estimatedGas => {
return toSend.send({gas: estimatedGas + 1000});
.then(receipt => {
// Reset form
fileToUpload: [],
energy: '',
lasers: '',
shield: '',
price: ''
Notice that `send()` returns a promise, and when it resolves, you can access a receipt object with all the information about the transaction as well as logs generated. Here we also clean the form, and invoke `this.props.loadShipsForSale()` to reload the list of ships. It doesn't do anything at the moment since we haven't implemented it yet.
We did not implement success/error alert messages or warnings to the user. These can be added inside the promise resolution and catch blocks.
### Full implementation of the handleClick(e) function:
const { mint } = SpaceshipToken.methods;
this.setState({isSubmitting: true});
@ -105,6 +164,7 @@ handleClick(e){
const { mint } = SpaceshipToken.methods;
let toSend;
@ -121,8 +181,7 @@ handleClick(e){
return toSend.estimateGas();
.then(estimatedGas => {
return toSend.send({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount,
gas: estimatedGas + 1000});
return toSend.send({gas: estimatedGas + 1000});
.then(receipt => {
@ -133,9 +192,7 @@ handleClick(e){
shield: '',
price: ''
return true;
.catch((err) => {