mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 13:35:27 +00:00
For file changes that do not require a webpack run, ie HTML, the assets will still be copied to the output directory, but webpack will not run (as it’s too slow).
281 lines
11 KiB
281 lines
11 KiB
const fs = require('../../core/fs.js');
const async = require('async');
const utils = require('../../utils/utils.js');
const ProcessLauncher = require('../../core/processes/processLauncher');
const constants = require('../../constants');
const WebpackConfigReader = require('../pipeline/webpackConfigReader');
class Pipeline {
constructor(embark, options) {
this.env = embark.config.env;
this.buildDir = embark.config.buildDir;
this.contractsFiles = embark.config.contractsFiles;
this.assetFiles = embark.config.assetFiles;
this.events = embark.events;
this.logger = embark.config.logger;
this.plugins = embark.config.plugins;
this.webpackConfigName = options.webpackConfigName;
this.pipelinePlugins = this.plugins.getPluginsFor('pipeline');
this.pipelineConfig = embark.config.pipelineConfig;
this.isFirstBuild = true;
this.events.setCommandHandler('pipeline:build', (options, callback) => this.build(options, callback));
build({modifiedAsset}, callback) {
let self = this;
const importsList = {};
let placeholderPage;
if (!self.assetFiles || !Object.keys(self.assetFiles).length) {
return self.buildContracts(callback);
function createPlaceholderPage(next) {
if (self.isFirstBuild) {
self.isFirstBuild = false;
return next();
self.events.request('build-placeholder', next);
(next) => self.buildContracts(next),
(next) => self.buildWeb3JS(next),
function createImportList(next) {
importsList["Embark/EmbarkJS"] = fs.dappPath(".embark", 'embark.js');
importsList["Embark/web3"] = fs.dappPath(".embark", 'web3_instance.js');
importsList["Embark/contracts"] = fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", '');
self.plugins.getPluginsProperty('imports', 'imports').forEach(importObject => {
let [importName, importLocation] = importObject;
importsList[importName] = importLocation;
function writeContracts(next) {
self.events.request('contracts:list', (_err, contracts) => {
// ensure the .embark/contracts directory exists (create if not exists)
fs.mkdirp(fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", ''), err => {
if(err) return next(err);
// Create a file .embark/contracts/index.js that requires all contract files
// Used to enable alternate import syntax:
// e.g. import {Token} from 'Embark/contracts'
// e.g. import * as Contracts from 'Embark/contracts'
let importsHelperFile = fs.createWriteStream(fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", 'index.js'));
importsHelperFile.write('module.exports = {\n');
async.eachOf(contracts, (contract, idx, eachCb) => {
self.events.request('code-generator:contract', contract.className, contractCode => {
let filePath = fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", contract.className + '.js');
importsList["Embark/contracts/" + contract.className] = filePath;
fs.writeFile(filePath, contractCode, eachCb);
// add the contract to the exports list to support alternate import syntax
importsHelperFile.write(`"${contract.className}": require('./${contract.className}').default`);
if(idx < contracts.length - 1) importsHelperFile.write(',\n'); // add a comma if we have more contracts to add
}, () => {
importsHelperFile.write('\n}'); // close the module.exports = {}
importsHelperFile.close(next); // close the write stream
function shouldRunWebpack(next){
// assuming we got here because an asset was changed, let's check our webpack config
// to see if the changed asset requires webpack to run
const configReader = new WebpackConfigReader({webpackConfigName: self.webpackConfigName});
return configReader.readConfig((err, config) => {
if(err) return next(err);
if (typeof config !== 'object' || config === null) {
return next(__('bad webpack config, the resolved config was null or not an object'));
const shouldRun = config.module.rules.some(rule => rule.test.test(modifiedAsset));
return next(null, !shouldRun);
next(null, false);
function runWebpack(shouldNotRun, next) {
if(shouldNotRun) return next();
self.logger.info(__(`running webpack with '${self.webpackConfigName}' config...`));
const assets = Object.keys(self.assetFiles).filter(key => key.match(/\.js$/));
if (!assets || !assets.length) {
return next();
assets.forEach(key => {
self.logger.info(__("writing file") + " " + (utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, key)).bold.dim);
let built = false;
const webpackProcess = new ProcessLauncher({
modulePath: utils.joinPath(__dirname, 'webpackProcess.js'),
logger: self.logger,
events: self.events,
exitCallback: code => {
if (!built) {
return next(`Webpack build exited with code ${code} before the process finished`);
if (code) {
self.logger.error(__('Webpack build process exited with code ', code));
action: constants.pipeline.init,
options: {
webpackConfigName: self.webpackConfigName,
pipelineConfig: self.pipelineConfig
webpackProcess.send({action: constants.pipeline.build, assets: self.assetFiles, importsList});
webpackProcess.once('result', constants.pipeline.built, (msg) => {
built = true;
return next(msg.error);
function assetFileWrite(next) {
// assetFileWrite should not process .js files
.filter(key => !key.match(/\.js$/))
.reduce((obj, key) => {
obj[key] = self.assetFiles[key];
return obj;
}, {}),
function (files, targetFile, cb) {
const isDir = targetFile.slice(-1) === '/' || targetFile.slice(-1) === '\\' || targetFile.indexOf('.') === -1;
// if it's not a directory
if (!isDir) {
self.logger.info(__("writing file") + " " + (utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, targetFile)).bold.dim);
function (file, fileCb) {
self.logger.trace("reading " + file.filename);
return file.content(fileContent => {
self.runPlugins(file, fileContent, fileCb);
function (err, contentFiles) {
if (err) {
self.logger.error(__('errors found while generating') + ' ' + targetFile);
let dir = targetFile.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
self.logger.trace("creating dir " + utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, dir));
fs.mkdirpSync(utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, dir));
// if it's a directory
if (isDir) {
let targetDir = targetFile;
if (targetDir.slice(-1) !== '/') {
targetDir = targetDir + '/';
async.each(contentFiles, function (file, eachCb) {
let filename = file.filename.replace(file.basedir + '/', '');
self.logger.info("writing file " + (utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, targetDir, filename)).bold.dim);
fs.copy(file.path, utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, targetDir, filename), {overwrite: true}, eachCb);
}, cb);
let content = contentFiles.map(file => {
if (file === undefined) {
return "";
return file.content;
if (new RegExp(/^index.html?/i).test(targetFile)) {
targetFile = targetFile.replace('index', 'index-temp');
placeholderPage = targetFile;
fs.writeFile(utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, targetFile), content, cb);
function removePlaceholderPage(next){
let placeholderFile = utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, placeholderPage);
fs.access(utils.joinPath(self.buildDir, placeholderPage), (err) => {
if (err) return next(); // index-temp doesn't exist, do nothing
// rename index-temp.htm/l to index.htm/l, effectively replacing our placeholder page
// with the contents of the built index.html page
fs.move(placeholderFile, placeholderFile.replace('index-temp', 'index'), {overwrite: true}, next);
], callback);
buildContracts(cb) {
const self = this;
function makeDirectory(next) {
fs.mkdirp(fs.dappPath(self.buildDir, 'contracts'), err => next(err));
function getContracts(next) {
self.events.request('contracts:list', next);
function writeContractsJSON(contracts, next) {
async.each(contracts,(contract, eachCb) => {
'contracts', contract.className + '.json'
), contract, {spaces: 2}, eachCb);
}, () => next());
], cb);
buildWeb3JS(cb) {
const self = this;
function makeDirectory(next) {
fs.mkdirp(fs.dappPath(".embark"), err => next(err));
function getWeb3Code(next) {
self.events.request('code-generator:web3js', next);
function writeFile(code, next) {
fs.writeFile(fs.dappPath(".embark", 'web3_instance.js'), code, next);
], cb);
runPlugins(file, fileContent, fileCb) {
const self = this;
if (self.pipelinePlugins.length <= 0) {
return fileCb(null, {content: fileContent, filename: file.filename, path: file.path, basedir: file.basedir, modified: true});
async.eachSeries(self.pipelinePlugins, (plugin, pluginCB) => {
if (file.options && file.options.skipPipeline) {
return pluginCB();
fileContent = plugin.runPipeline({targetFile: file.filename, source: fileContent});
file.modified = true;
}, err => {
if (err) {
return fileCb(null, {content: fileContent, filename: file.filename, path: file.path, basedir: file.basedir, modified: true});
module.exports = Pipeline;