emizzle 05b324dffe
Fiddle use cases fixed
Handle use cases:

1) handle case when temp.sol doesn’t exist - due to the new saga updates, the response from retreiving a temp fiddle from the filesystem (even if it doesn’t exist) is forward to the compilation endpoint, which returns an ENOENT, and this is handled in the selector.
2) delete all code - shouldn’t return last fiddle and should compile an empty string.
3) Switch to different tab (ie contracts) then back to fiddle - previous fiddle should remain.

Also fixed an issue (most likely due to latest rebase) when deploying fiddle contracts. The gasLimit was not being specified.

Handled issue where entities stored in the state were not being put in the correct order, so a timestamp was sent with the requests and then sorted when the response was returned.
2018-10-23 10:37:00 +02:00

329 lines
14 KiB

let async = require('async');
//require("../utils/debug_util.js")(__filename, async);
let utils = require('../../utils/utils.js');
class ContractDeployer {
constructor(options) {
const self = this;
this.logger = options.logger;
this.events = options.events;
this.plugins = options.plugins;
self.events.setCommandHandler('deploy:contract', (contract, cb) => {
self.checkAndDeployContract(contract, null, cb);
// TODO: determining the arguments could also be in a module since it's not
// part of ta 'normal' contract deployment
determineArguments(suppliedArgs, contract, accounts, callback) {
const self = this;
let args = suppliedArgs;
if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
args = [];
let abi = contract.abiDefinition.find((abi) => abi.type === 'constructor');
for (let input of abi.inputs) {
let inputValue = suppliedArgs[input.name];
if (!inputValue) {
this.logger.error(__("{{inputName}} has not been defined for {{className}} constructor", {inputName: input.name, className: contract.className}));
args.push(inputValue || "");
function parseArg(arg, cb) {
const match = arg.match(/\$accounts\[([0-9]+)]/);
if (match) {
if (!accounts[match[1]]) {
return cb(__('No corresponding account at index %d', match[1]));
return cb(null, accounts[match[1]]);
let contractName = arg.substr(1);
self.events.request('contracts:contract', contractName, (referedContract) => {
// Because we're referring to a contract that is not being deployed (ie. an interface),
// we still need to provide a valid address so that the ABI checker won't fail.
cb(null, (referedContract.deployedAddress || '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'));
async.map(args, (arg, nextEachCb) => {
if (arg[0] === "$") {
parseArg(arg, nextEachCb);
} else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
async.map(arg, (sub_arg, nextSubEachCb) => {
if (sub_arg[0] === "$") {
parseArg(sub_arg, nextSubEachCb);
} else if(typeof sub_arg === 'string' && sub_arg.indexOf('.eth') === sub_arg.length - 4) {
self.events.request("ens:resolve", sub_arg, (err, name) => {
if(err) {
return nextSubEachCb(err);
return nextSubEachCb(err, name);
} else {
nextSubEachCb(null, sub_arg);
}, (err, subRealArgs) => {
nextEachCb(null, subRealArgs);
} else if(typeof arg === 'string' && arg.indexOf('.eth') === arg.length - 4) {
self.events.request("ens:resolve", arg, (err, name) => {
if(err) {
return nextEachCb(err);
return nextEachCb(err, name);
} else {
nextEachCb(null, arg);
}, callback);
checkAndDeployContract(contract, params, callback) {
let self = this;
contract.error = false;
let accounts = [];
let deploymentAccount;
if (contract.deploy === false) {
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:undeployed", contract);
return callback();
function requestBlockchainConnector(callback) {
self.events.request("blockchain:object", (blockchain) => {
self.blockchain = blockchain;
// TODO: can potentially go to a beforeDeploy plugin
function getAccounts(next) {
deploymentAccount = self.blockchain.defaultAccount();
self.blockchain.getAccounts(function (err, _accounts) {
if (err) {
return next(new Error(err));
accounts = _accounts;
// applying deployer account configuration, if any
if (typeof contract.fromIndex === 'number') {
deploymentAccount = accounts[contract.fromIndex];
if (deploymentAccount === undefined) {
return next(__("error deploying") + " " + contract.className + ": " + __("no account found at index") + " " + contract.fromIndex + __(" check the config"));
if (typeof contract.from === 'string' && typeof contract.fromIndex !== 'undefined') {
self.logger.warn(__('Both "from" and "fromIndex" are defined for contract') + ' "' + contract.className + '". ' + __('Using "from" as deployer account.'));
if (typeof contract.from === 'string') {
deploymentAccount = contract.from;
deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount || accounts[0];
contract.deploymentAccount = deploymentAccount;
function applyArgumentPlugins(next) {
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:arguments', {contract: contract}, (_params) => {
function _determineArguments(next) {
self.determineArguments(params || contract.args, contract, accounts, (err, realArgs) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
contract.realArgs = realArgs;
function deployIt(next) {
let skipBytecodeCheck = false;
if (contract.address !== undefined) {
try {
} catch(e) {
self.logger.error(__("error deploying %s", contract.className));
contract.error = e.message;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:error", contract);
return next(e.message);
contract.deployedAddress = contract.address;
skipBytecodeCheck = true;
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:shouldDeploy', {contract: contract, shouldDeploy: true}, function(_err, params) {
let trackedContract = params.contract;
if (!params.shouldDeploy) {
return self.willNotDeployContract(contract, trackedContract, next);
if (!trackedContract.address) {
return self.deployContract(contract, next);
// deploy the contract regardless if track field is defined and set to false
if (trackedContract.track === false) {
self.logFunction(contract)(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" will be redeployed").green);
return self.deployContract(contract, next);
self.blockchain.getCode(trackedContract.address, function(_getCodeErr, codeInChain) {
if (codeInChain.length > 3 || skipBytecodeCheck) { // it is "0x" or "0x0" for empty code, depending on web3 version
self.contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, next);
} else {
self.deployContract(contract, next);
], callback);
willNotDeployContract(contract, trackedContract, callback) {
contract.deploy = false;
this.events.emit("deploy:contract:undeployed", contract);
contractAlreadyDeployed(contract, trackedContract, callback) {
const self = this;
this.logFunction(contract)(contract.className.bold.cyan + __(" already deployed at ").green + trackedContract.address.bold.cyan);
contract.deployedAddress = trackedContract.address;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:deployed", contract);
// TODO: can be moved into a afterDeploy event
// just need to figure out the gasLimit coupling issue
self.events.request('code-generator:contract:vanilla', contract, contract._gasLimit || false, (contractCode) => {
self.events.request('runcode:eval', contractCode, () => {}, true);
return callback();
logFunction(contract) {
return contract.silent ? this.logger.trace.bind(this.logger) : this.logger.info.bind(this.logger);
deployContract(contract, callback) {
let self = this;
let deployObject;
function doLinking(next) {
let contractCode = contract.code;
self.events.request('contracts:list', (_err, contracts) => {
for (let contractObj of contracts) {
let filename = contractObj.filename;
let deployedAddress = contractObj.deployedAddress;
if (deployedAddress) {
deployedAddress = deployedAddress.substr(2);
let linkReference = '__' + filename + ":" + contractObj.className;
if (contractCode.indexOf(linkReference.substr(0, 38)) < 0) { // substr to simulate the cut that solc does
if (linkReference.length > 40) {
return next(new Error(__("{{linkReference}} is too long, try reducing the path of the contract ({{filename}}) and/or its name {{contractName}}", {linkReference: linkReference, filename: filename, contractName: contractObj.className})));
let toReplace = linkReference + "_".repeat(40 - linkReference.length);
if (deployedAddress === undefined) {
let libraryName = contractObj.className;
return next(new Error(__("{{contractName}} needs {{libraryName}} but an address was not found, did you deploy it or configured an address?", {contractName: contract.className, libraryName: libraryName})));
contractCode = contractCode.replace(new RegExp(toReplace, "g"), deployedAddress);
// saving code changes back to the contract object
contract.code = contractCode;
self.events.request('contracts:setBytecode', contract.className, contractCode);
function applyBeforeDeploy(next) {
self.plugins.emitAndRunActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:beforeDeploy', {contract: contract}, (_params) => {
function getGasPriceForNetwork(next) {
self.events.request("blockchain:gasPrice", (err, gasPrice) => {
if (err) {
return next(new Error(__("could not get the gas price")));
contract.gasPrice = contract.gasPrice || gasPrice;
function createDeployObject(next) {
let contractCode = contract.code;
let contractObject = self.blockchain.ContractObject({abi: contract.abiDefinition});
let contractParams = (contract.realArgs || contract.args).slice();
try {
const dataCode = contractCode.startsWith('0x') ? contractCode : "0x" + contractCode;
deployObject = self.blockchain.deployContractObject(contractObject, {arguments: contractParams, data: dataCode});
} catch(e) {
if (e.message.indexOf('Invalid number of parameters for "undefined"') >= 0) {
return next(new Error(__("attempted to deploy %s without specifying parameters", contract.className)) + ". " + __("check if there are any params defined for this contract in this environment in the contracts configuration file"));
return next(new Error(e));
function estimateCorrectGas(next) {
if (contract.gas === 'auto') {
return self.blockchain.estimateDeployContractGas(deployObject, (err, gasValue) => {
if (err) {
return next(err);
let increase_per = 1 + (Math.random() / 10.0);
contract.gas = Math.floor(gasValue * increase_per);
function deployTheContract(next) {
let estimatedCost = contract.gas * contract.gasPrice;
self.logFunction(contract)(__("deploying") + " " + contract.className.bold.cyan + " " + __("with").green + " " + contract.gas + " " + __("gas at the price of").green + " " + contract.gasPrice + " " + __("Wei, estimated cost:").green + " " + estimatedCost + " Wei".green);
self.blockchain.deployContractFromObject(deployObject, {
from: contract.deploymentAccount,
gas: contract.gas,
gasPrice: contract.gasPrice
}, function(error, receipt) {
if (error) {
contract.error = error.message;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:error", contract);
if (error.message && error.message.indexOf('replacement transaction underpriced') !== -1) {
self.logger.warn("replacement transaction underpriced: This warning typically means a transaction exactly like this one is still pending on the blockchain");
return next(new Error("error deploying =" + contract.className + "= due to error: " + error.message));
self.logFunction(contract)(contract.className.bold.cyan + " " + __("deployed at").green + " " + receipt.contractAddress.bold.cyan + " " + __("using").green + " " + receipt.gasUsed + " " + __("gas").green);
contract.deployedAddress = receipt.contractAddress;
contract.transactionHash = receipt.transactionHash;
receipt.className = contract.className;
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:receipt", receipt);
self.events.emit("deploy:contract:deployed", contract);
// TODO: can be moved into a afterDeploy event
// just need to figure out the gasLimit coupling issue
self.events.request('code-generator:contract:vanilla', contract, contract._gasLimit, (contractCode) => {
self.events.request('runcode:eval', contractCode, () => {}, true);
self.plugins.runActionsForEvent('deploy:contract:deployed', {contract: contract}, () => {
return next(null, receipt);
], callback);
module.exports = ContractDeployer;