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synced 2025-03-03 08:30:29 +00:00
display last line on tx fix debugger call listen to source event only after jumping to the end keep track of last tx; add minimal debug feature; fix ast issue initial debugger apis & ui integration prevent crash when step is out of bounds; send all all available data in websocket add debugger commands fix line number tracking in editor; toggle breakpoints replace timeouts with callbacks add debugger manager & refactor refactor debugger api refactor cmd line debugger reduce debugger decoupling reduce debugger decoupling fix debug buttons trigger source update so api triggers ws event to update source location move locals and contracts vars to a json view improve debugger icons simplify debugger data update debug package add command handler to get a contract given a tx; update debugger so it can get a contract by its tx instead of tracking latest txs only update debugger package
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100 lines
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module.exports = {
// applies to all environments
default: {
enabled: true,
rpcHost: "localhost", // HTTP-RPC server listening interface (default: "localhost")
rpcPort: 8545, // HTTP-RPC server listening port (default: 8545)
rpcCorsDomain: "auto", // Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)
// When set to "auto", Embark will automatically set the cors to the address of the webserver
wsRPC: true, // Enable the WS-RPC server
wsOrigins: "auto", // Origins from which to accept websockets requests
// When set to "auto", Embark will automatically set the cors to the address of the webserver
wsHost: "localhost", // WS-RPC server listening interface (default: "localhost")
wsPort: 8546 // WS-RPC server listening port (default: 8546)
// default environment, merges with the settings in default
// assumed to be the intended environment by `embark run` and `embark blockchain`
development: {
networkType: "custom", // Can be: testnet, rinkeby, livenet or custom, in which case, it will use the specified networkId
networkId: "1337", // Network id used when networkType is custom
isDev: true, // Uses and ephemeral proof-of-authority network with a pre-funded developer account, mining enabled
datadir: ".embark/development/datadir", // Data directory for the databases and keystore
mineWhenNeeded: true, // Uses our custom script (if isDev is false) to mine only when needed
nodiscover: true, // Disables the peer discovery mechanism (manual peer addition)
maxpeers: 0, // Maximum number of network peers (network disabled if set to 0) (default: 25)
proxy: true, // Proxy is used to present meaningful information about transactions
targetGasLimit: 8000000, // Target gas limit sets the artificial target gas floor for the blocks to mine
simulatorMnemonic: "example exile argue silk regular smile grass bomb merge arm assist farm", // Mnemonic used by the simulator to generate a wallet
simulatorBlocktime: 0, // Specify blockTime in seconds for automatic mining. Default is 0 and no auto-mining.
account: {
// numAccounts: 3, // When specified, creates accounts for use in the dapp. This option only works in the development environment, and can be used as a quick start option that bypasses the need for MetaMask in development. These accounts are unlocked and funded with the below settings.
// password: "config/development/password", // Password for the created accounts (as specified in the `numAccounts` setting). If `mineWhenNeeded` is enabled (and isDev is not), this password is used to create a development account controlled by the node.
// balance: "5 ether" // Balance to be given to the created accounts (as specified in the `numAccounts` setting)
// merges with the settings in default
// used with "embark run privatenet" and/or "embark blockchain privatenet"
privatenet: {
networkType: "custom",
networkId: "1337",
isDev: false,
datadir: ".embark/privatenet/datadir",
// -- mineWhenNeeded --
// This options is only valid when isDev is false.
// Enabling this option uses our custom script to mine only when needed.
// Embark creates a development account for you (using `geth account new`) and funds the account. This account can be used for
// development (and even imported in to MetaMask). To enable correct usage, a password for this account must be specified
// in the `account > password` setting below.
// NOTE: once `mineWhenNeeded` is enabled, you must run an `embark reset` on your dApp before running
// `embark blockchain` or `embark run` for the first time.
mineWhenNeeded: true,
// -- genesisBlock --
// This option is only valid when mineWhenNeeded is true (which is only valid if isDev is false).
// When enabled, geth uses POW to mine transactions as it would normally, instead of using POA as it does in --dev mode.
// On the first `embark blockchain or embark run` after this option is enabled, geth will create a new chain with a
// genesis block, which can be configured using the `genesisBlock` configuration option below.
genesisBlock: "config/privatenet/genesis.json", // Genesis block to initiate on first creation of a development node
nodiscover: true,
maxpeers: 0,
proxy: true,
account: {
// "address": "", // When specified, uses that address instead of the default one for the network
password: "config/privatenet/password" // Password to unlock the account
targetGasLimit: 8000000,
wsHost: "localhost",
wsPort: 8546,
simulatorMnemonic: "example exile argue silk regular smile grass bomb merge arm assist farm",
simulatorBlocktime: 0
// merges with the settings in default
// used with "embark run testnet" and/or "embark blockchain testnet"
testnet: {
networkType: "testnet",
syncMode: "light",
account: {
password: "config/testnet/password"
// merges with the settings in default
// used with "embark run livenet" and/or "embark blockchain livenet"
livenet: {
networkType: "livenet",
syncMode: "light",
rpcCorsDomain: "http://localhost:8000",
wsOrigins: "http://localhost:8000",
account: {
password: "config/livenet/password"
// you can name an environment with specific settings and then specify with
// "embark run custom_name" or "embark blockchain custom_name"
//custom_name: {