mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 23:56:25 +00:00
291 lines
8.5 KiB
291 lines
8.5 KiB
const SourceMap = require('./source_map');
class ContractSource {
constructor(file, body) {
let self = this;
this.file = file;
this.body = body;
this.lineLengths = body.split("\n").map((line) => { return line.length; });
this.lineCount = this.lineLengths.length;
this.lineOffsets = this.lineLengths.reduce((sum, _elt, i) => {
sum[i] = (i == 0) ? 0 : self.lineLengths[i-1] + sum[i-1] + 1;
return sum;
}, []);
this.contracts = {};
sourceMapToLocations(sourceMap) {
var [offset, length, ..._] = sourceMap.split(":").map((val) => {
return parseInt(val, 10);
var locations = {};
for(let i = 0; i < this.lineCount; i++) {
if(this.lineOffsets[i+1] <= offset) continue;
locations.start = {line: i, column: offset - this.lineOffsets[i]};
for(var i = locations.start.line; i < this.lineCount; i++) {
if(this.lineOffsets[i+1] <= offset + length) continue;
locations.end = {line: i, column: ((offset + length) - this.lineOffsets[i])};
// Ensure we return an "end" as a safeguard if the marker ends up to be
// or surpass the offset for last character.
if(!locations.end) {
var lastLine = this.lineCount - 1;
locations.end = {line: lastLine, column: this.lineLengths[lastLine]};
// Istanbul likes lines to be 1-indexed, so we'll increment here before returning.
return locations;
parseSolcOutput(source, contracts) {
this.id = source.id;
this.ast = source.ast;
this.contractBytecode = {};
for(var contractName in contracts) {
this.contractBytecode[contractName] = {};
var contract = contracts[contractName];
var bytecodeMapping = this.contractBytecode[contractName];
var opcodes = contract.evm.deployedBytecode.opcodes.trim().split(' ');
var sourceMaps = contract.evm.deployedBytecode.sourceMap.split(';');
var bytecodeIdx = 0;
var pc = 0;
var instructions = 0;
do {
var instruction = opcodes[bytecodeIdx];
var length = this._instructionLength(instruction);
bytecodeMapping[pc] = {
instruction: instruction,
sourceMap: sourceMaps[instructions],
seen: false
pc += length;
bytecodeIdx += (length > 1) ? 2 : 1;
} while(bytecodeIdx < opcodes.length);
/*eslint complexity: ["error", 27]*/
generateCodeCoverage(trace) {
if(!this.ast || !this.contractBytecode) throw new Error('Error generating coverage: solc output was not assigned');
var coverage = {
code: this.body.split("\n"),
l: {},
path: this.file,
s: {},
b: {},
f: {},
fnMap: {},
statementMap: {},
branchMap: {}
var nodesRequiringVisiting = [this.ast];
var sourceMapToNodeType = {};
do {
var node = nodesRequiringVisiting.pop();
if(!node) continue;
var children = [];
var markLocations = [];
switch(node.nodeType) {
case 'Identifier':
case 'Literal':
case 'VariableDeclaration':
case 'PragmaDirective':
// We don't need to do anything with these. Just carry on.
case 'IfStatement':
coverage.b[node.id] = [0,0];
var location = this.sourceMapToLocations(node.src);
var trueBranchLocation = this.sourceMapToLocations(node.trueBody.src);
var falseBranchLocation;
if(node.falseBody) {
falseBranchLocation = this.sourceMapToLocations(node.falseBody.src);
} else {
falseBranchLocation = trueBranchLocation;
coverage.branchMap[node.id] = {
type: 'if',
locations: [trueBranchLocation, falseBranchLocation],
line: location.start.line
children = [node.condition]
if(node.falseBody) children = children.concat(node.falseBody.statements);
markLocations = [location, trueBranchLocation, falseBranchLocation];
if(node.trueBody.statements[0]) {
node.trueBody.statements[0]._parent = {type: 'b', id: node.id, idx: 0};
if(node.falseBody && node.falseBody.statements[0]) {
node.falseBody.statements[0]._parent = {type: 'b', id: node.id, idx: 1};
sourceMapToNodeType[node.src] = [{type: 'b', id: node.id, body: {loc: location}}];
case 'BinaryOperation':
children = [node.leftExpression, node.rightExpression];
case 'Return':
// Return is a bit of a special case, because the statement src is the
// return "body". We don't `break` here on purpose so it can share the
// same logic below.
node.src = node.expression.src;
// falls through
case 'Assignment':
case 'ExpressionStatement':
coverage.s[node.id] = 0;
location = this.sourceMapToLocations(node.src);
coverage.statementMap[node.id] = location;
if(!sourceMapToNodeType[node.src]) sourceMapToNodeType[node.src] = [];
type: 's',
id: node.id,
body: {loc: coverage.statementMap[node.id]},
parent: node._parent
children = node.expression ? [node.expression] : [];
markLocations = [location];
case 'ContractDefinition':
case 'SourceUnit':
children = node.nodes;
case 'FunctionDefinition':
// Istanbul only wants the function definition, not the body, so we're
// going to do some fun math here.
var functionSourceMap = new SourceMap(node.src);
var functionParametersSourceMap = new SourceMap(node.parameters.src);
var functionDefinitionSourceMap = new SourceMap(
(functionParametersSourceMap.offset + functionParametersSourceMap.length) - functionSourceMap.offset
var fnName = node.isConstructor ? "(constructor)" : node.name;
location = this.sourceMapToLocations(functionDefinitionSourceMap);
coverage.f[node.id] = 0;
coverage.fnMap[node.id] = {
name: fnName,
line: location.start.line,
loc: location
// Record function positions.
sourceMapToNodeType[node.src] = [{type: 'f', id: node.id, body: coverage.fnMap[node.id]}];
if(node.body) children = node.body.statements;
markLocations = [location];
// console.log(`Don't know how to handle node type ${node.nodeType}`);
nodesRequiringVisiting = nodesRequiringVisiting.concat(children);
markLocations.forEach((location) => {
for(var i = location.start.line; i <= location.end.line; i++) {
coverage.l[i] = 0;
} while(nodesRequiringVisiting.length > 0);
var contractMatches = true;
for(var contractName in this.contractBytecode) {
var bytecode = this.contractBytecode[contractName];
// Try to match the contract to the bytecode. If it doesn't,
// then we bail.
contractMatches = trace.structLogs.every((step) => { return bytecode[step.pc]; });
if(!contractMatches) break;
trace.structLogs.forEach((step) => {
step = bytecode[step.pc];
if(!step.sourceMap || step.sourceMap == '') return;
var nodes = sourceMapToNodeType[step.sourceMap];
if(!nodes) return;
var recordedLineHit = false;
nodes.forEach((node) => {
if(node.body && node.body.loc && !recordedLineHit) {
for(var line = node.body.loc.start.line; line <= node.body.loc.end.line; line++) {
recordedLineHit = true;
if(node.type != 'b') coverage[node.type][node.id]++;
if(!node.parent) return;
switch(node.parent.type) {
case 'b':
// do nothing
return coverage;
_instructionLength(instruction) {
if(instruction.indexOf('PUSH') == -1) return 1;
return parseInt(instruction.match(/PUSH(\d+)/m)[1], 10) + 1;
module.exports = ContractSource;