var RemixDebug = require('remix-debug-debugtest'); var CmdLine = RemixDebug.CmdLine; var DebuggerManager = require('./debugger_manager.js'); class TransactionDebugger { constructor(embark, _options) { const self = this this.embark = embark this.debugger_manager = new DebuggerManager("http://localhost:8545")'contracts:compile:solc', this.debugger_manager.setInputJson.bind(this.debugger_manager))'contracts:compiled:solc', this.debugger_manager.setOutputJson.bind(this.debugger_manager)) this.tx_tracker = {} this.last_tx = "" this.isDebugging = false this.listenToEvents() this.listenToCommands() this.listentoAPI() } listenToEvents() { const self = this'blockchain:tx', (tx) => {"contracts:contract",, (contract) => { self.tx_tracker[tx.transactionHash] = {tx: tx, contract: contract} self.last_tx = tx.transactionHash if (tx.status !== '0x0') return"Transaction failed"); self.debugger_manager.getLastLine(tx.transactionHash, contract.filename, (lines) => { lines.forEach((line) => { self.embark.logger.error(line) }) }) }) }) } listentoAPI() { this.debuggerData = {} this.apiDebugger = false this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/start', (req, res) => { let txHash = req.body.params.txHash"contracts:contract:byTxHash", txHash, (err, contract) => { if (err) { this.embark.logger.error(err); return res.send({error: err}) } let filename = contract.filename this.debuggerData = {} this.apiDebugger = this.debugger_manager.createDebuggerSession(txHash, filename, () => { }) res.send({ok :true}) }) }); this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/JumpBack', (req, res) => { this.apiDebugger.stepJumpNextBreakpoint() res.send({ok :true}) }) this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/JumpForward', (req, res) => { this.apiDebugger.stepJumpPreviousBreakpoint() res.send({ok :true}) }) this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/StepOverForward', (req, res) => { this.apiDebugger.stepOverForward(true) res.send({ok :true}) }) this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/StepOverBackward', (req, res) => { this.apiDebugger.stepOverBack(true) res.send({ok :true}) }) this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/StepIntoForward', (req, res) => { this.apiDebugger.stepIntoForward(true) res.send({ok :true}) }) this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/StepIntoBackward', (req, res) => { this.apiDebugger.stepIntoBack(true) res.send({ok :true}) }); this.embark.registerAPICall('post', '/embark-api/debugger/breakpoint', (req, res) => { console.dir("new breakpoint") res.send({ok :true}) }); this.embark.registerAPICall('ws', '/embark-api/debugger', (ws, _req) => { if (!this.apiDebugger) return"source", (lineColumnPos, rawLocation) => { this.debuggerData.sources = {lineColumnPos, rawLocation} ws.send(JSON.stringify(this.debuggerData), () => {}) })"locals", (data) => { this.debuggerData.locals = this.simplifyDebuggerVars(data) ws.send(JSON.stringify(this.debuggerData), () => {}) })"globals", (data) => { this.debuggerData.globals = this.simplifyDebuggerVars(data) ws.send(JSON.stringify(this.debuggerData), () => {}) }) }); } simplifyDebuggerVars(data) { let new_data = {}; for (let key in data) { let field = data[key]; new_data[`${key} (${field.type})`] = field.value } return new_data } listenToCommands() { const self = this this.cmdDebugger = false this.embark.registerConsoleCommand((cmd, _options) => { let cmdName = cmd.split(" ")[0] let txHash = cmd.split(" ")[1] return { match: () => cmdName === 'debug', process: (cb) => { if (txHash) {"contracts:contract:byTxHash", txHash, (err, contract) => { if (err) { this.embark.logger.error(err); return; } let filename = contract.filename self.cmdDebugger = self.debugger_manager.createDebuggerSession(txHash, filename, () => { self.cmdDebugger.getSource().forEach((line) => { console.dir(line) }) }) }); return } let filename = self.tx_tracker[self.last_tx].contract.filename self.cmdDebugger = self.debugger_manager.createDebuggerSession(self.last_tx, filename, () => { self.cmdDebugger.getSource().forEach((line) => { console.dir(line) }) }) } }; }) this.embark.registerConsoleCommand((cmd, _options) => { return { match: () => (cmd === 'next' || cmd === 'n'), process: (cb) => { if (!self.cmdDebugger.currentStep()) { console.dir("end of execution reached") return self.cmdDebugger.unload() } self.cmdDebugger.stepOverForward(true) self.cmdDebugger.getSource().forEach((line) => { console.dir(line) }) } }; }) this.embark.registerConsoleCommand((cmd, _options) => { return { match: () => (cmd === 'previous' || cmd === 'p'), process: (cb) => { if (!self.cmdDebugger.currentStep()) { console.dir("end of execution reached") return self.cmdDebugger.unload() } self.cmdDebugger.stepOverBack(true) self.cmdDebugger.getSource().forEach((line) => { console.dir(line) }) } }; }) this.embark.registerConsoleCommand((cmd, _options) => { return { match: () => (cmd === 'var local' || cmd === 'v l' || cmd === 'vl'), process: (cb) => { self.cmdDebugger.displayLocals() } }; }) this.embark.registerConsoleCommand((cmd, _options) => { return { match: () => (cmd === 'var global' || cmd === 'v g' || cmd === 'vg'), process: (cb) => { self.cmdDebugger.displayGlobals() } }; }) } } module.exports = TransactionDebugger