#!/usr/bin/env node var program = require('commander'); var path = require('path'); var wrench = require('wrench'); var grunt = require('grunt'); require('shelljs/global'); var run = function(cmd) { if (exec(cmd).code != 0) { exit(); } } program .version('0.5.0') program.command('new [name]').description('New application').action(function(name) { if (name === undefined) { console.log("please specify the app name"); exit; } var prefPath = path.join(__dirname + '/../boilerplate'); var targetDir = "./" + name; wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(prefPath, targetDir); cd(targetDir); run('npm install'); console.log('\n\ninit complete'); }); program.command('deploy [env]').description('deploy contracts').action(function(env_) { var env = env_ || 'development'; run("grunt deploy_contracts:" + env); }); program.command('build [env]').description('build dapp').action(function(env_) { var env = env_ || 'development'; run("grunt clean"); run("grunt deploy_contracts:" + env); run('grunt build:' + env); }); program.command('ipfs [env]').description('build dapp and make it available in ipfs').action(function(env_) { var env = env_ || 'development'; run("grunt clean") run("grunt deploy_contracts:" + env) run('grunt build:' + env) run('grunt ipfs:' + env) }); program.command('run [env]').description('run dapp').action(function(env_) { var env = env_ || 'development'; run('grunt deploy:' + env); }); program.command('spec').description('run specs').action(function() { run('jasmine'); }); program.command('blockchain [env]').description('run blockchain').action(function(env_) { var env = env_ || 'development'; run('grunt blockchain:' + env); }); program.command('demo').description('create a working dapp with a SimpleStorage contract').action(function() { var boilerPath = path.join(__dirname + '/../boilerplate'); var demoPath = path.join(__dirname + '/../demo'); var targetDir = "./embark_demo"; wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(boilerPath, targetDir); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(demoPath + "/app", targetDir + "/app", {forceDelete: true}); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(demoPath + "/config", targetDir + "/config", {forceDelete: true}); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(demoPath + "/spec", targetDir + "/spec", {forceDelete: true}); cd(targetDir); run('npm install'); console.log('\n\ninit complete'); }); program.parse(process.argv) if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) { program.outputHelp(); }