let utils = require('../../utils/utils.js'); let fs = require('../../core/fs.js'); class Whisper { constructor(embark, options) { this.logger = embark.logger; this.events = embark.events; this.communicationConfig = options.communicationConfig; this.addCheck = options.addCheck; this.web3 = options.web3; this.embark = embark; this.setServiceCheck(); this.addWhisperToEmbarkJS(); this.addSetProvider(); } setServiceCheck() { const self = this; self.addCheck('Whisper', function (cb) { self.web3.version.getWhisper(function (err, version) { if (err) { return cb({name: 'Whisper', status: 'off'}); } else { return cb({name: 'Whisper (version ' + version + ')', status: 'on'}); } }); }); } addWhisperToEmbarkJS() { const self = this; // TODO: make this a shouldAdd condition if (this.communicationConfig === {}) { return; } if ((this.communicationConfig.available_providers.indexOf('whisper') < 0) && (this.communicationConfig.provider !== 'whisper' || this.communicationConfig.enabled !== true)) { return; } // TODO: possible race condition could be a concern this.events.request("version:get:web3", function(web3Version) { let code = ""; code += "\n" + fs.readFileSync(utils.joinPath(__dirname, 'js', 'message_events.js')).toString(); if (web3Version[0] === "0") { code += "\n" + fs.readFileSync(utils.joinPath(__dirname, 'js', 'embarkjs_old_web3.js')).toString(); code += "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.registerProvider('whisper', __embarkWhisperOld);"; } else { code += "\n" + fs.readFileSync(utils.joinPath(__dirname, 'js', 'embarkjs.js')).toString(); code += "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.registerProvider('whisper', __embarkWhisperNewWeb3);"; } self.embark.addCodeToEmbarkJS(code); }); } addSetProvider() { let connection = this.communicationConfig.connection || {}; // todo: make the add code a function as well let config = JSON.stringify({ server: connection.host || 'localhost', port: connection.port || '8546', type: connection.type || 'ws' }); let code = "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('whisper'," + config + ");"; let shouldInit = (communicationConfig) => { return (communicationConfig.provider === 'whisper' && communicationConfig.enabled === true); }; this.embark.addProviderInit('communication', code, shouldInit); } } module.exports = Whisper;