{ "new_application": "new_application", "Contract Name": "Contract Name", "New Application": "New Application", "create a barebones project meant only for contract development": "create a barebones project meant only for contract development", "create a working dapp with a SimpleStorage contract": "create a working dapp with a SimpleStorage contract", "filename to output logs (default: none)": "filename to output logs (default: none)", "level of logging to display": "level of logging to display", "deploy and build dapp at ": "deploy and build dapp at ", "port to run the dev webserver (default: %s)": "port to run the dev webserver (default: %s)", "host to run the dev webserver (default: %s)": "host to run the dev webserver (default: %s)", "disable the development webserver": "disable the development webserver", "simple mode, disables the dashboard": "simple mode, disables the dashboard", "no colors in case it's needed for compatbility purposes": "no colors in case it's needed for compatbility purposes", "filename to output logs (default: %s)": "filename to output logs (default: %s)", "run dapp (default: %s)": "run dapp (default: %s)", "Use a specific ethereum client or simulator (supported: %s)": "Use a specific ethereum client or simulator (supported: %s)", "run blockchain server (default: %s)": "run blockchain server (default: %s)", "run a fast ethereum rpc simulator": "run a fast ethereum rpc simulator", "use testrpc as the rpc simulator [%s]": "use testrpc as the rpc simulator [%s]", "port to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)": "port to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)", "host to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)": "host to run the rpc simulator (default: %s)", "number of accounts (default: %s)": "number of accounts (default: %s)", "Amount of ether to assign each test account (default: %s)": "Amount of ether to assign each test account (default: %s)", "custom gas limit (default: %s)": "custom gas limit (default: %s)", "run tests": "run tests", "resets embarks state on this dapp including clearing cache": "resets embarks state on this dapp including clearing cache", "generates documentation based on the smart contracts configured": "generates documentation based on the smart contracts configured", "Upload your dapp to a decentralized storage": "Upload your dapp to a decentralized storage", "output the version number": "output the version number", "Logs": "Logs", "Environment": "Environment", "Status": "Status", "Available Services": "Available Services", "Contracts": "Contracts", "Console": "Console", "Welcome to Embark": "Welcome to Embark", "dashboard start": "dashboard start", "loaded plugins": "loaded plugins", "loading solc compiler": "loading solc compiler", "compiling solidity contracts": "compiling solidity contracts", "%s doesn't have a compatible contract compiler. Maybe a plugin exists for it.": "%s doesn't have a compatible contract compiler. Maybe a plugin exists for it.", "assuming %s to be an interface": "assuming %s to be an interface", "{{className}}: couldn't find instanceOf contract {{parentContractName}}": "{{className}}: couldn't find instanceOf contract {{parentContractName}}", "did you mean \"%s\"?": "did you mean \"%s\"?", "%s has no code associated": "%s has no code associated", "deploying contracts": "deploying contracts", " already deployed at ": " already deployed at ", "Pending": "Pending", "Interface or set to not deploy": "Interface or set to not deploy", "Deployed": "Deployed", "Address": "Address", "running beforeDeploy plugin %s .": "running beforeDeploy plugin %s .", "deploying": "deploying", "with": "with", "gas": "gas", "error deploying": "error deploying", "due to error": "due to error", "error deploying contracts": "error deploying contracts", "finished deploying contracts": "finished deploying contracts", "error running afterDeploy: ": "error running afterDeploy: ", "ready to watch file changes": "ready to watch file changes", "Starting Server": "Starting Server", "webserver available at": "webserver available at", "Webserver": "Webserver", "versions": "versions", "possible commands are:": "possible commands are:", "display versions in use for libraries and tools like web3 and solc": "display versions in use for libraries and tools like web3 and solc", "instantiated web3.js object configured to the current environment": "instantiated web3.js object configured to the current environment", "to immediatly exit (alias: exit)": "to immediatly exit (alias: exit)", "The web3 object and the interfaces for the deployed contracts and their methods are also available": "The web3 object and the interfaces for the deployed contracts and their methods are also available", "versions in use": "versions in use", "language to use (default: en)": "language to use (default: en)", "executing": "executing", "writing file": "writing file", "errors found while generating": "errors found while generating", "Looking for documentation? You can find it at": "Looking for documentation? You can find it at", "Ready": "Ready", "Graph will not include undeployed contracts": "Graph will not include undeployed contracts", "Graph will not include functions": "Graph will not include functions", "Graph will not include events": "Graph will not include events", "Embark Blockchain Using: %s": "Embark Blockchain Using: %s", "running: %s": "running: %s", "Initializing Embark Template....": "Initializing Embark Template....", "Init complete": "Init complete", "App ready at ": "App ready at ", "already initialized": "already initialized", "deployed at": "deployed at" }