let http = require('follow-redirects').http; let https = require('follow-redirects').https; const {canonicalHost} = require('./host'); const balanceRegex = /([0-9]+) ?([a-zA-Z]*)/; function joinPath() { const path = require('path'); return path.join.apply(path.join, arguments); } function dirname() { const path = require('path'); return path.dirname.apply(path.dirname, arguments); } function filesMatchingPattern(files) { const globule = require('globule'); return globule.find(files, {nonull: true}); } function fileMatchesPattern(patterns, intendedPath) { const globule = require('globule'); return globule.isMatch(patterns, intendedPath); } function recursiveMerge(target, source) { const merge = require('merge'); return merge.recursive(target, source); } function checkIsAvailable(url, callback) { http.get(url, function (_res) { callback(true); }).on('error', function (_res) { callback(false); }); } function httpGetRequest(httpObj, url, callback) { httpObj.get(url, function (res) { let body = ''; res.on('data', function (d) { body += d; }); res.on('end', function () { callback(null, body); }); }).on('error', function (err) { callback(err); }); } function httpGet(url, callback) { httpGetRequest(http, url, callback); } function httpsGet(url, callback) { httpGetRequest(https, url, callback); } function httpGetJson(url, callback) { httpGetRequest(http, url, function (err, body) { try { let parsed = JSON.parse(body); return callback(err, parsed); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } }); } function httpsGetJson(url, callback) { httpGetRequest(https, url, function (err, body) { try { let parsed = JSON.parse(body); return callback(err, parsed); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } }); } function getJson(url, cb) { if (url.indexOf('https') === 0) { return httpsGetJson(url, cb); } httpGetJson(url, cb); } function pingEndpoint(host, port, type, protocol, origin, callback) { const options = { protocolVersion: 13, perMessageDeflate: true, origin: origin, host: host, port: port }; if (type === 'ws') { options.headers = { 'Sec-WebSocket-Version': 13, Connection: 'Upgrade', Upgrade: 'websocket', 'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions': 'permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits', Origin: origin }; } let req; // remove trailing api key from infura, ie rinkeby.infura.io/nmY8WtT4QfEwz2S7wTbl if (options.host.indexOf('/') > -1) { options.host = options.host.split('/')[0]; } if (protocol === 'https') { req = require('https').get(options); } else { req = require('http').get(options); } req.on('error', (err) => { callback(err); }); req.on('response', (_response) => { callback(); }); req.on('upgrade', (_res, _socket, _head) => { callback(); }); } function runCmd(cmd, options) { const shelljs = require('shelljs'); let result = shelljs.exec(cmd, options || {silent: true}); if (result.code !== 0) { console.log("error doing.. " + cmd); console.log(result.output); if (result.stderr !== undefined) { console.log(result.stderr); } exit(); } } function cd(folder) { const shelljs = require('shelljs'); shelljs.cd(folder); } function sed(file, pattern, replace) { const shelljs = require('shelljs'); shelljs.sed('-i', pattern, replace, file); } function exit(code) { process.exit(code); } function downloadFile(url, dest, cb) { const o_fs = require('fs-extra'); var file = o_fs.createWriteStream(dest); (url.substring(0, 5) === 'https' ? https : http).get(url, function (response) { response.pipe(file); file.on('finish', function () { file.close(cb); }); }).on('error', function (err) { o_fs.unlink(dest); if (cb) cb(err.message); }); } function extractTar(filename, packageDirectory, cb) { const o_fs = require('fs-extra'); const tar = require('tar'); o_fs.createReadStream(filename).pipe( tar.x({ strip: 1, C: packageDirectory }).on('end', function () { cb(); }) ); } function extractZip(filename, packageDirectory, opts, cb) { const decompress = require('decompress'); decompress(filename, packageDirectory, opts).then((_files) => { cb(); }); } function proposeAlternative(word, _dictionary, _exceptions) { const propose = require('propose'); let exceptions = _exceptions || []; let dictionary = _dictionary.filter((entry) => { return exceptions.indexOf(entry) < 0; }); return propose(word, dictionary, {threshold: 0.3}); } function pwd() { return process.env.PWD || process.cwd(); } function getExternalContractUrl(file) { const constants = require('../constants'); let url; const RAW_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/'; const MALFORMED_ERROR = 'Malformed Github URL for '; if (file.startsWith('https://github')) { const match = file.match(/https:\/\/github\.[a-z]+\/(.*)/); if (!match) { console.error(MALFORMED_ERROR + file); return null; } url = `${RAW_URL}${match[1].replace('blob/', '')}`; } else if (file.startsWith('git')) { // Match values // [0] entire input // [1] git:// // [2] user // [3] repository // [4] path // [5] branch const match = file.match( /(git:\/\/)?github\.[a-z]+\/([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&=]+)\/([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&=]+)\/([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~?\/&=]+)#?([a-zA-Z0-9\/_.-]*)?/ ); if (!match) { console.error(MALFORMED_ERROR + file); return null; } let branch = match[5]; if (!branch) { branch = 'master'; } url = `${RAW_URL}${match[2]}/${match[3]}/${branch}/${match[4]}`; } else if (file.startsWith('http')) { url = file; } else { return null; } const match = url.match( /\.[a-z]+\/([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&\/=]+)/ ); return { url, filePath: constants.httpContractsDirectory + match[1] }; } function hexToNumber(hex) { const Web3 = require('web3'); return Web3.utils.hexToNumber(hex); } function isHex(hex) { const Web3 = require('web3'); return Web3.utils.isHex(hex); } function hashTo32ByteHexString(hash) { if (isHex(hash)) { if (!hash.startsWith('0x')) { hash = '0x' + hash; } return hash; } const multihash = require('multihashes'); let buf = multihash.fromB58String(hash); let digest = multihash.decode(buf).digest; return '0x' + multihash.toHexString(digest); } function isValidDomain(domain) { const isValidDomain = require('is-valid-domain'); return isValidDomain(domain); } function isValidEthDomain(ethDomain) { if (!isValidDomain(ethDomain)) { return false; } else { return ethDomain.substring(ethDomain.lastIndexOf('.'), ethDomain.length) === '.eth'; } } function decodeParams(typesArray, hexString) { var Web3EthAbi = require('web3-eth-abi'); return Web3EthAbi.decodeParameters(typesArray, hexString); } function toChecksumAddress(address) { const Web3 = require('web3'); return Web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(address); } function sha3(arg) { const Web3 = require('web3'); return Web3.utils.sha3(arg); } function soliditySha3(arg) { const Web3 = require('web3'); return Web3.utils.soliditySha3(arg); } function normalizeInput(input) { let args = Object.values(input); if (args.length === 0) { return ""; } if (args.length === 1) { if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { return args[0].join(','); } return args[0] || ""; } return ('[' + args.map((x) => { if (x === null) { return "null"; } if (x === undefined) { return "undefined"; } if (Array.isArray(x)) { return x.join(','); } return x; }).toString() + ']'); } /** * Builds a URL * * @param {string} protocol * The URL protocol, defaults to http. * @param {string} host * The URL host, required. * @param {string} port * The URL port, default to empty string. * @returns {string} the constructued URL, with defaults */ function buildUrl(protocol, host, port) { if (!host) throw new Error('utils.buildUrl: parameter \'host\' is required'); if (port) port = ':' + port; else port = ''; return `${protocol || 'http'}://${host}${port}`; } /** * Builds a URL * * @param {object} configObj Object containing protocol, host, and port to be used to construct the url. * * protocol {String} (optional) The URL protocol, defaults to http. * * host {String} (required) The URL host. * * port {String} (optional) The URL port, default to empty string. * @returns {string} the constructued URL, with defaults */ function buildUrlFromConfig(configObj) { if (!configObj) throw new Error('[utils.buildUrlFromConfig]: config object must cannot be null'); if (!configObj.host) throw new Error('[utils.buildUrlFromConfig]: object must contain a \'host\' property'); return this.buildUrl(configObj.protocol, canonicalHost(configObj.host), configObj.port); } function getWeiBalanceFromString(balanceString, web3){ if(!web3){ throw new Error(__('[utils.getWeiBalanceFromString]: Missing parameter \'web3\'')); } if (!balanceString) { return 0; } const match = balanceString.match(balanceRegex); if (!match) { throw new Error(__('Unrecognized balance string "%s"', balanceString)); } if (!match[2]) { return web3.utils.toHex(parseInt(match[1], 10)); } return web3.utils.toWei(match[1], match[2]); } function getHexBalanceFromString(balanceString, web3) { if(!web3){ throw new Error(__('[utils.getWeiBalanceFromString]: Missing parameter \'web3\'')); } if (!balanceString) { return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; } if (web3.utils.isHexStrict(balanceString)) { return balanceString; } const match = balanceString.match(balanceRegex); if (!match) { throw new Error(__('Unrecognized balance string "%s"', balanceString)); } if (!match[2]) { return web3.utils.toHex(parseInt(match[1], 10)); } return web3.utils.toHex(web3.utils.toWei(match[1], match[2])); } function compact(array) { return array.filter(n => n); } function groupBy(array, key) { return array.reduce(function (rv, x) { (rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x); return rv; }, {}); } function sample(array) { return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; } function last(array) { return array[array.length - 1]; } function interceptLogs(consoleContext, logger) { let context = {}; context.console = consoleContext; context.console.log = function () { logger.info(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.warn = function () { logger.warn(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.info = function () { logger.info(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.debug = function () { // TODO: ue JSON.stringify logger.debug(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.trace = function () { logger.trace(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.dir = function () { logger.dir(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; } function compact(array) { return array.filter(n => n); } function groupBy(array, key) { return array.reduce(function(rv, x) { (rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x); return rv; }, {}); } function sample(array) { return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; } function last(array) { return array[array.length - 1]; } function interceptLogs(consoleContext, logger) { let context = {}; context.console = consoleContext; context.console.log = function() { logger.info(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.warn = function() { logger.warn(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.info = function() { logger.info(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.debug = function() { // TODO: ue JSON.stringify logger.debug(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.trace = function() { logger.trace(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; context.console.dir = function() { logger.dir(normalizeInput(arguments)); }; } module.exports = { joinPath, dirname, filesMatchingPattern, fileMatchesPattern, recursiveMerge, checkIsAvailable, httpGet, httpsGet, httpGetJson, httpsGetJson, getJson, hexToNumber, isHex, hashTo32ByteHexString, isValidDomain, isValidEthDomain, pingEndpoint, decodeParams, runCmd, cd, sed, exit, downloadFile, extractTar, extractZip, proposeAlternative, pwd: pwd, getExternalContractUrl, toChecksumAddress, sha3, soliditySha3, normalizeInput, buildUrl, buildUrlFromConfig, getWeiBalanceFromString, getHexBalanceFromString, compact, groupBy, sample, last, interceptLogs };