{ "contracts": { "fixtures/cont.sol": { "x": { "abi": [ { "constant": true, "inputs": [ { "name": "_foo", "type": "int256" }, { "name": "_bar", "type": "int256" } ], "name": "f", "outputs": [ { "name": "_addition", "type": "int256" } ], "payable": false, "stateMutability": "pure", "type": "function" }, { "constant": true, "inputs": [ { "name": "_bar", "type": "int256" } ], "name": "h", "outputs": [ { "name": "_great", "type": "bool" } ], "payable": false, "stateMutability": "pure", "type": "function" }, { "constant": false, "inputs": [ { "name": "_number", "type": "int256" } ], "name": "g", "outputs": [ { "name": "_multiplication", "type": "int256" } ], "payable": false, "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "function" }, { "inputs": [ { "name": "_name", "type": "string" } ], "payable": false, "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "type": "constructor" } ], "devdoc": { "methods": {} }, "evm": { "assembly": " /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":26:513 contract x {... */\n mstore(0x40, 0x80)\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":71:131 constructor(string _name)... */\n callvalue\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":8:17 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\n iszero\n tag_1\n jumpi\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":30:31 */\n 0x0\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":27:28 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":20:32 */\n revert\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\ntag_1:\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":71:131 constructor(string _name)... */\n pop\n mload(0x40)\n sub(codesize, bytecodeSize)\n dup1\n bytecodeSize\n dup4\n codecopy\n dup2\n add\n 0x40\n mstore\n dup1\n mload\n add\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":114:126 name = _name */\n dup1\n mload\n tag_4\n swap1\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":114:118 name */\n 0x1\n swap1\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":114:126 name = _name */\n 0x20\n dup5\n add\n swap1\n jump\t// in(tag_5)\ntag_4:\n pop\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":71:131 constructor(string _name)... */\n pop\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":26:513 contract x {... */\n jump(tag_6)\ntag_5:\n dup3\n dup1\n sload\n 0x1\n dup2\n 0x1\n and\n iszero\n 0x100\n mul\n sub\n and\n 0x2\n swap1\n div\n swap1\n 0x0\n mstore\n keccak256(0x0, 0x20)\n swap1\n 0x1f\n add\n 0x20\n swap1\n div\n dup2\n add\n swap3\n dup3\n 0x1f\n lt\n tag_8\n jumpi\n dup1\n mload\n not(0xff)\n and\n dup4\n dup1\n add\n or\n dup6\n sstore\n jump(tag_10)\ntag_8:\n dup3\n dup1\n add\n 0x1\n add\n dup6\n sstore\n dup3\n iszero\n tag_10\n jumpi\n swap2\n dup3\n add\ntag_9:\n dup3\n dup2\n gt\n iszero\n tag_10\n jumpi\n dup3\n mload\n dup3\n sstore\n swap2\n 0x20\n add\n swap2\n swap1\n 0x1\n add\n swap1\n jump(tag_9)\ntag_10:\n pop\n tag_11\n swap3\n swap2\n pop\n jump\t// in(tag_12)\ntag_11:\n pop\n swap1\n jump\t// out\ntag_12:\n tag_13\n swap2\n swap1\ntag_14:\n dup1\n dup3\n gt\n iszero\n tag_11\n jumpi\n 0x0\n dup2\n sstore\n 0x1\n add\n jump(tag_14)\ntag_13:\n swap1\n jump\t// out\ntag_6:\n dataSize(sub_0)\n dup1\n dataOffset(sub_0)\n 0x0\n codecopy\n 0x0\n return\nstop\n\nsub_0: assembly {\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":26:513 contract x {... */\n mstore(0x40, 0x80)\n jumpi(tag_1, lt(calldatasize, 0x4))\n and(div(calldataload(0x0), 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), 0xffffffff)\n 0xafdb4ea\n dup2\n eq\n tag_2\n jumpi\n dup1\n 0x1de69c5d\n eq\n tag_3\n jumpi\n dup1\n 0x7877b803\n eq\n tag_4\n jumpi\n tag_1:\n 0x0\n dup1\n revert\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":257:361 function f(int _foo, int _bar)... */\n tag_2:\n callvalue\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":8:17 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\n iszero\n tag_5\n jumpi\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":30:31 */\n 0x0\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":27:28 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":20:32 */\n revert\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\n tag_5:\n pop\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":257:361 function f(int _foo, int _bar)... */\n tag_6\n calldataload(0x4)\n calldataload(0x24)\n jump(tag_7)\n tag_6:\n 0x40\n dup1\n mload\n swap2\n dup3\n mstore\n mload\n swap1\n dup2\n swap1\n sub\n 0x20\n add\n swap1\n return\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":365:511 function h(int _bar)... */\n tag_3:\n callvalue\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":8:17 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\n iszero\n tag_8\n jumpi\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":30:31 */\n 0x0\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":27:28 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":20:32 */\n revert\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\n tag_8:\n pop\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":365:511 function h(int _bar)... */\n tag_9\n calldataload(0x4)\n jump(tag_10)\n tag_9:\n 0x40\n dup1\n mload\n swap2\n iszero\n iszero\n dup3\n mstore\n mload\n swap1\n dup2\n swap1\n sub\n 0x20\n add\n swap1\n return\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":135:253 function g(int _number)... */\n tag_4:\n callvalue\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":8:17 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\n iszero\n tag_11\n jumpi\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":30:31 */\n 0x0\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":27:28 */\n dup1\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":20:32 */\n revert\n /* \"--CODEGEN--\":5:7 */\n tag_11:\n pop\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":135:253 function g(int _number)... */\n tag_6\n calldataload(0x4)\n jump(tag_13)\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":257:361 function f(int _foo, int _bar)... */\n tag_7:\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":345:356 _foo + _bar */\n add\n swap1\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":257:361 function f(int _foo, int _bar)... */\n jump\t// out\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":365:511 function h(int _bar)... */\n tag_10:\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":413:424 bool _great */\n 0x0\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":444:446 25 */\n 0x19\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":437:441 _bar */\n dup3\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":437:446 _bar > 25 */\n sgt\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":434:507 if(_bar > 25) {... */\n iszero\n tag_16\n jumpi\n pop\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":463:467 true */\n 0x1\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":456:467 return true */\n jump(tag_17)\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":434:507 if(_bar > 25) {... */\n tag_16:\n pop\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":495:500 false */\n 0x0\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":434:507 if(_bar > 25) {... */\n tag_17:\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":365:511 function h(int _bar)... */\n swap2\n swap1\n pop\n jump\t// out\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":135:253 function g(int _number)... */\n tag_13:\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":179:198 int _multiplication */\n 0x0\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":208:224 number = _number */\n dup2\n swap1\n sstore\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":247:248 5 */\n 0x5\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":237:248 _number * 5 */\n mul\n swap1\n /* \"fixtures/cont.sol\":135:253 function g(int _number)... */\n jump\t// out\n\n auxdata: 0xa165627a7a72305820c971638cd2dfd9d71494bc48be2f33478792088221c22c68af8f597223ada59c0029\n}\n", "bytecode": { "linkReferences": {}, "object": 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