let async = require('async'); const constants = require('./constants'); const _ = require('underscore'); const StorageProcessesLauncher = require('./processes/storageProcesses/storageProcessesLauncher'); // require("./utils/debug_util.js")(__filename, async); require('colors'); // Override process.chdir so that we have a partial-implementation PWD for Windows const realChdir = process.chdir; process.chdir = (...args) => { if (!process.env.PWD) { process.env.PWD = process.cwd(); } realChdir(...args); }; let Engine = require('./core/engine.js'); let version = require('../package.json').version; class Embark { constructor (options) { this.version = version; this.options = options || {}; } initConfig(env, options) { let Events = require('./core/events.js'); let Logger = require('./core/logger.js'); let Config = require('./core/config.js'); this.events = new Events(); this.logger = new Logger({logLevel: 'debug', events: this.events}); this.config = new Config({env: env, logger: this.logger, events: this.events, context: this.context}); this.config.loadConfigFiles(options); this.plugins = this.config.plugins; } isDev(env) { if (this.config && this.config.blockchainConfig && this.config.blockchainConfig.isDev) { return true; } else if (this.config && this.config.blockchainConfig && this.config.blockchainConfig.isDev === false) { return false; } return (env === 'development'); } blockchain(env, client) { this.context = [constants.contexts.blockchain]; return require('./cmds/blockchain/blockchain.js')(this.config.blockchainConfig, client, env, this.isDev(env)).run(); } simulator(options) { this.context = options.context || [constants.contexts.simulator, constants.contexts.blockchain]; let Simulator = require('./cmds/simulator.js'); let simulator = new Simulator({blockchainConfig: this.config.blockchainConfig, logger: this.logger}); simulator.run(options); } generateTemplate(templateName, destinationFolder, name) { this.context = [constants.contexts.templateGeneration]; let TemplateGenerator = require('./cmds/template_generator.js'); let templateGenerator = new TemplateGenerator(templateName); templateGenerator.generate(destinationFolder, name); } _checkStorageEndpoint(engine, platform, callback) { let checkFn; _.find(engine.servicesMonitor.checkList, (value, key) => { if(key.toLowerCase() === platform.toLowerCase()){ checkFn = value; return true; } }); if (!checkFn || typeof checkFn.fn !== 'function') { return callback(); } checkFn.fn(function (serviceCheckResult) { if (!serviceCheckResult.status || serviceCheckResult.status === 'off') { return callback('No node'); } callback(); }); } _startStorageNode(engine, platform, callback) { const storageProcessesLauncher = new StorageProcessesLauncher({ logger: engine.logger, events: engine.events, storageConfig: engine.config.storageConfig, webServerConfig: engine.config.webServerConfig }); return storageProcessesLauncher.launchProcess(platform.toLowerCase(), (err) => { if (err) { engine.logger.error(err); return callback(err); } callback(); }); } run(options) { let self = this; self.context = options.context || [constants.contexts.run, constants.contexts.build]; let Dashboard = require('./dashboard/dashboard.js'); let windowSize = require('window-size'); let engine = new Engine({ env: options.env, client: options.client, locale: options.locale, isDev: this.isDev(options.env), version: this.version, embarkConfig: options.embarkConfig || 'embark.json', logFile: options.logFile, logLevel: options.logLevel, context: self.context }); engine.init(); if (!options.useDashboard) { engine.logger.info('========================'.bold.green); engine.logger.info((__('Welcome to Embark') + ' ' + this.version).yellow.bold); engine.logger.info('========================'.bold.green); } async.parallel([ function startDashboard(callback) { if (!options.useDashboard) { return callback(); } let dashboard = new Dashboard({ events: engine.events, logger: engine.logger, plugins: engine.plugins, version: self.version, env: engine.env, contractsConfig: engine.config.contractsConfig }); dashboard.start(function () { engine.logger.info(__('dashboard start')); callback(); }); }, function (callback) { let pluginList = engine.plugins.listPlugins(); if (pluginList.length > 0) { engine.logger.info(__("loaded plugins") + ": " + pluginList.join(", ")); } engine.startMonitor(); engine.startService("libraryManager"); engine.startService("codeRunner"); engine.startService("web3"); engine.startService("pipeline"); engine.startService("deployment"); engine.startService('storage'); engine.startService("codeGenerator"); engine.startService("namingSystem"); engine.events.on('check:backOnline:Ethereum', function () { engine.logger.info(__('Ethereum node detected') + '..'); engine.config.reloadConfig(); engine.deployManager.deployContracts(function () { engine.logger.info(__('Deployment Done')); }); }); // Check storage const platform = engine.config.storageConfig.provider; self._checkStorageEndpoint(engine, platform, (err) => { if (!err) { return; } self._startStorageNode(engine, platform, (err) => { if (err) { engine.logger.error('Error while starting a storage process for ' + platform); engine.logger.error(err); } }); }); engine.events.on('outputDone', function () { engine.logger.info((__("Looking for documentation? You can find it at") + " ").cyan + "http://embark.status.im/docs/".green.underline + ".".cyan); engine.logger.info(__("Ready").underline); engine.events.emit("status", __("Ready").green); }); if (options.runWebserver) { engine.startService("webServer", { host: options.serverHost, port: options.serverPort }); } engine.startService("fileWatcher"); callback(); } ], function (err, _result) { if (err) { engine.logger.error(err.message); engine.logger.info(err.stack); } else { engine.events.emit('firstDeploymentDone'); let size = windowSize.get(); if (size.height < 40 || size.width < 118) { engine.logger.warn(__("tip: you can resize the terminal or disable the dashboard with") + " embark run --nodashboard".bold.underline); } } }); } build(options) { this.context = options.context || [constants.contexts.build]; let engine = new Engine({ env: options.env, client: options.client, locale: options.locale, isDev: this.isDev(options.env), version: this.version, embarkConfig: 'embark.json', interceptLogs: false, logFile: options.logFile, logLevel: options.logLevel, events: options.events, logger: options.logger, config: options.config, plugins: options.plugins, context: this.context }); engine.init(); async.waterfall([ function startServices(callback) { let pluginList = engine.plugins.listPlugins(); if (pluginList.length > 0) { engine.logger.info(__("loaded plugins") + ": " + pluginList.join(", ")); } engine.startService("libraryManager"); engine.startService("codeRunner"); engine.startService("web3"); engine.startService("pipeline"); engine.startService("deployment", {onlyCompile: options.onlyCompile}); engine.startService("storage"); engine.startService("codeGenerator"); callback(); }, function deploy(callback) { engine.deployManager.deployContracts(function (err) { callback(err); }); } ], function (err, _result) { if (err) { engine.logger.error(err.message); engine.logger.debug(err.stack); } else { engine.logger.info(__("finished building").underline); } // needed due to child processes process.exit(); }); } initTests(options) { this.context = options.context || [constants.contexts.test]; let Test = require('./tests/test.js'); options.context = this.context; return new Test(options); } graph(options) { this.context = options.context || [constants.contexts.graph]; options.onlyCompile = true; let engine = new Engine({ env: options.env, isDev: this.isDev(options.env), version: this.version, embarkConfig: options.embarkConfig || 'embark.json', logFile: options.logFile, context: this.context }); engine.init(); async.parallel([ function (callback) { let pluginList = engine.plugins.listPlugins(); if (pluginList.length > 0) { engine.logger.info(__("loaded plugins") + ": " + pluginList.join(", ")); } engine.startMonitor(); engine.startService("libraryManager"); engine.startService("pipeline"); engine.startService("deployment", {onlyCompile: true}); engine.startService("codeGenerator"); engine.deployManager.deployContracts(function (err) { callback(err); }); } ], (err, _result) => { if (err) { engine.logger.error(err.message); engine.logger.info(err.stack); } else { const GraphGenerator = require('./cmds/graph.js'); let graphGen = new GraphGenerator(engine); graphGen.generate(options); engine.logger.info(__("Done. %s generated", "./diagram.svg").underline); } process.exit(); }); } reset() { this.context = [constants.contexts.reset]; let resetCmd = require('./cmds/reset.js'); resetCmd(); } upload(options) { const self = this; this.context = options.context || [constants.contexts.upload, constants.contexts.build]; let engine = new Engine({ env: options.env, client: options.client, locale: options.locale, isDev: this.isDev(options.env), version: this.version, embarkConfig: 'embark.json', interceptLogs: false, logFile: options.logFile, logLevel: options.logLevel, events: options.events, logger: options.logger, config: options.config, plugins: options.plugins }); engine.init(); let platform = engine.config.storageConfig.upload.provider; let cmdPlugin; async.waterfall([ function startServices(callback) { engine.startService("libraryManager"); engine.startService("codeRunner"); engine.startService("web3"); engine.startService("pipeline"); engine.startService("deployment"); engine.startService('storage'); engine.startService("codeGenerator"); engine.startMonitor(); callback(); }, function checkStorageService(callback){ const errorObj = {message: __('Cannot upload: {{platform}} node is not running on {{protocol}}://{{host}}:{{port}}.', {platform: platform, protocol: engine.config.storageConfig.protocol, host: engine.config.storageConfig.host, port: engine.config.storageConfig.port})}; self._checkStorageEndpoint(engine, platform, function (err) { if (!err) { return callback(); } self._startStorageNode(engine, platform, (err) => { if (err) { engine.logger.error(err); return callback(errorObj); } // Check endpoint again to see if really did start self._checkStorageEndpoint(engine, platform, (err) => { if (err) { return callback(errorObj); } callback(); }); }); }); }, function setupStoragePlugin(callback){ let pluginList = engine.plugins.listPlugins(); if (pluginList.length > 0) { engine.logger.info(__("loaded plugins") + ": " + pluginList.join(", ")); } // check use has input existing storage plugin let cmdPlugins = engine.plugins.getPluginsFor('uploadCmds'); if (cmdPlugins.length > 0) { cmdPlugin = cmdPlugins.find((pluginCmd) => { return pluginCmd.uploadCmds.some(uploadCmd => { return uploadCmd.cmd === platform; }); }); } if (!cmdPlugin) { return callback({message: __('platform "{{platform}}" is specified as the upload provider, however no plugins have registered an upload command for "{{platform}}".', {platform: platform})}); } callback(); }, function deploy(callback) { // 2. upload to storage (outputDone event triggered after webpack finished) engine.events.on('outputDone', function () { cmdPlugin.uploadCmds[0].cb() .then((success) => { callback(null, success); }) .catch(callback); }); // 1. build the contracts and dapp webpack engine.deployManager.deployContracts(function (err) { engine.logger.info(__("finished deploying").underline); if(err){ callback(err); } }); } ], function (err, _result) { if (err) { engine.logger.error(err.message); engine.logger.debug(err.stack); } else { engine.logger.info((__("finished building DApp and deploying to") + " " + platform).underline); } // needed due to child processes process.exit(); }); } runTests(file) { this.context = [constants.contexts.test]; let RunTests = require('./tests/run_tests.js'); RunTests.run(file); } } // temporary until next refactor Embark.initTests = function(options) { let Test = require('./tests/test.js'); options.context = [constants.contexts.test]; return new Test(options); }; module.exports = Embark;