var colors = require('colors'); var async = require('async'); var IPFS = function(options) { this.options = options; this.buildDir = options.buildDir || 'dist/'; this.plugins = options.plugins; this.storageConfig = options.storageConfig; this.configIpfsBin = this.storageConfig.ipfs_bin || "ipfs"; }; IPFS.prototype.deploy = function() { var self = this; async.waterfall([ function findBinary(callback) { var ipfs_bin = exec('which ' + self.configIpfsBin).output.split("\n")[0]; if (ipfs_bin === 'ipfs not found' || ipfs_bin === ''){ console.log(('=== WARNING: ' + self.configIpfsBin + ' not found or not in the path. Guessing ~/go/bin/ipfs for path').yellow); ipfs_bin = "~/go/bin/ipfs"; } return callback(null, ipfs_bin); }, function runCommand(ipfs_bin, callback) { var cmd = ipfs_bin + " add -r " + self.buildDir; console.log(("=== adding " + self.buildDir + " to ipfs").green); console.log(; var result = exec(cmd); return callback(null, result); }, function getHashFromOutput(result, callback) { var rows = result.output.split("\n"); var dir_row = rows[rows.length - 2]; var dir_hash = dir_row.split(" ")[1]; return callback(null, dir_hash); }, function printUrls(dir_hash, callback) { console.log(("=== DApp available at http://localhost:8080/ipfs/" + dir_hash + "/").green); console.log(("=== DApp available at" + dir_hash + "/").green); return callback(); } ], function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log("error uploading to ipfs".red); console.log(err); } }); }; module.exports = IPFS;