const fs = require('../core/fs.js'); const path = require('path'); const async = require('async'); const ProcessLauncher = require('../core/processes/processLauncher'); const utils = require('../utils/utils.js'); const constants = require('../constants'); class Pipeline { constructor(options) { this.env = options.env; this.buildDir = options.buildDir; this.contractsFiles = options.contractsFiles; this.assetFiles = options.assetFiles; =; this.logger = options.logger; this.plugins = options.plugins; this.pipelinePlugins = this.plugins.getPluginsFor('pipeline'); const self = this;"files:contract", (filename, cb) => { // handle case where we have a fiddle file and not a file stored in the dapp if(filename.indexOf('.embark/fiddles') > -1){ return fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', (err, source) => { if (err) return cb({error: err}); cb(source); }); } let file = self.contractsFiles.find((file) => file.filename === filename); if (!file) { return cb({error: filename + " not found"}); } file.content(cb); }); let plugin = this.plugins.createPlugin('deployment', {}); plugin.registerAPICall( 'get', '/embark-api/files/contracts/', (req, res) => {'files:contract', req.query.filename, res.send.bind(res)); } ); plugin.registerAPICall( 'get', '/embark-api/files/lastfiddle', (req, res) => { fs.readFile(fs.dappPath('.embark/fiddles/temp.sol'), 'utf8', (err, source) => { if (err) return res.send({error: err.message}); res.send(source); }); } ); plugin.registerAPICall( 'get', '/embark-api/files/', (req, res) => { const walk = (dir, filelist = []) => fs.readdirSync(dir).map(file => { if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory()) { return {name: file, children: walk(path.join(dir, file), filelist)}; } return {name: file}; }); const files = walk(fs.dappPath()); res.send(files); } ); } build(abi, contractsJSON, path, callback) { let self = this; const importsList = {}; let placeholderPage; if (!this.assetFiles || !Object.keys(this.assetFiles).length) { return callback(); } async.waterfall([ function createPlaceholderPage(next){'embark-building-placeholder', (html) => { fs.mkdirpSync(self.buildDir); // create dist/ folder if not already exists fs.writeFile(self.buildDir + 'index.html', html, next); }); }, function buildTheContracts(next) { self.buildContracts(next); }, function buildWeb3(next) { self.buildWeb3JS(next); }, function createImportList(next) { importsList["Embark/EmbarkJS"] = fs.dappPath(".embark", 'embark.js'); importsList["Embark/web3"] = fs.dappPath(".embark", 'web3_instance.js'); importsList["Embark/contracts"] = fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", ''); self.plugins.getPluginsProperty('imports', 'imports').forEach(function (importObject) { let [importName, importLocation] = importObject; importsList[importName] = importLocation; }); next(); }, function writeContracts(next) {'contracts:list', (_err, contracts) => { // ensure the .embark/contracts directory exists (create if not exists) fs.mkdirp(fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", ''), (err) => { if(err) return next(err); // Create a file .embark/contracts/index.js that requires all contract files // Used to enable alternate import syntax: // e.g. import {Token} from 'Embark/contracts' // e.g. import * as Contracts from 'Embark/contracts' let importsHelperFile = fs.createWriteStream(fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", 'index.js')); importsHelperFile.write('module.exports = {\n'); async.eachOf(contracts, (contract, idx, eachCb) => {'code-generator:contract', contract.className, (contractCode) => { let filePath = fs.dappPath(".embark/contracts", contract.className + '.js'); importsList["Embark/contracts/" + contract.className] = filePath; fs.writeFile(filePath, contractCode, eachCb); // add the contract to the exports list to support alternate import syntax importsHelperFile.write(`"${contract.className}": require('./${contract.className}').default`); if(idx < contracts.length - 1) importsHelperFile.write(',\n'); // add a comma if we have more contracts to add }); }, function(){ importsHelperFile.write('\n}'); // close the module.exports = {} importsHelperFile.close(next); // close the write stream }); }); }); }, function assetFileWrite(next) { async.eachOf(self.assetFiles, function (files, targetFile, cb) {, function (file, fileCb) { self.logger.trace("reading " + file.filename); // Not a JS file if (file.filename.indexOf('.js') < 0) { return file.content(function (fileContent) { self.runPlugins(file, fileContent, fileCb); }); } // JS files async.waterfall([ function runWebpack(next) { let built = false; const webpackProcess = new ProcessLauncher({ modulePath: utils.joinPath(__dirname, 'webpackProcess.js'), logger: self.logger, events:, exitCallback: function (code) { if (!built) { return next(`File building of ${file.filename} exited with code ${code} before the process finished`); } if (code) { self.logger(__('File building process exited with code ', code)); } } }); webpackProcess.send({action: constants.pipeline.init, options: {env: self.env}}); webpackProcess.send({action:, file, importsList}); webpackProcess.once('result', constants.pipeline.built, (msg) => { built = true; webpackProcess.kill(); return next(msg.error); }); }, function readFile(next) { fs.readFile('./.embark/' + file.filename, (err, data) => { if (err) { return next(err); } next(null, data.toString()); }); }, function runPluginsOnContent(fileContent, next) { self.runPlugins(file, fileContent, next); } ], function (err, contentFile) { if (err) { self.logger.error(err); return fileCb(err); } fileCb(null, contentFile); }); }, function (err, contentFiles) { if (err) { self.logger.error(__('errors found while generating') + ' ' + targetFile); } let dir = targetFile.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'); self.logger.trace("creating dir " + self.buildDir + dir); fs.mkdirpSync(self.buildDir + dir); // if it's a directory if (targetFile.slice(-1) === '/' || targetFile.indexOf('.') === -1) { let targetDir = targetFile; if (targetDir.slice(-1) !== '/') { targetDir = targetDir + '/'; } async.each(contentFiles, function (file, mapCb) { let filename = file.filename.replace(file.basedir + '/', '');"writing file " + (self.buildDir + targetDir + filename).bold.dim); fs.copy(file.path, self.buildDir + targetDir + filename, {overwrite: true}, mapCb); }, cb); return; } let content = (file) { if (file === undefined) { return ""; } return file.content; }).join("\n");"writing file") + " " + (self.buildDir + targetFile).bold.dim); if(new RegExp(/^index.html?/i).test(targetFile)){ targetFile = targetFile.replace('index', 'index-temp'); placeholderPage = targetFile; } fs.writeFile(self.buildDir + targetFile, content, cb); } ); }, next); }, function removePlaceholderPage(next){ let placeholderFile = self.buildDir + placeholderPage; fs.access(self.buildDir + placeholderPage, (err) => { if (err) return next(); // index-temp doesn't exist, do nothing // rename index-temp.htm/l to index.htm/l, effectively replacing our placeholder page // with the contents of the built index.html page fs.move(placeholderFile, placeholderFile.replace('index-temp', 'index'), {overwrite: true}, next); }); } ], callback); } runPlugins(file, fileContent, fileCb) { const self = this; if (self.pipelinePlugins.length <= 0) { return fileCb(null, {content: fileContent, filename: file.filename, path: file.path, basedir: file.basedir, modified: true}); } async.eachSeries(self.pipelinePlugins, function(plugin, pluginCB) { if (file.options && file.options.skipPipeline) { return pluginCB(); } fileContent = plugin.runPipeline({targetFile: file.filename, source: fileContent}); file.modified = true; pluginCB(); }, function (err) { if (err) { self.logger.error(err.message); } return fileCb(null, {content: fileContent, filename: file.filename, path: file.path, basedir: file.basedir, modified: true}); } ); } buildContracts(cb) { const self = this; async.waterfall([ function makeDirectory(next) { fs.mkdirp(fs.dappPath(self.buildDir, 'contracts'), (err, _result) => { next(err); }); }, function getContracts(next) {'contracts:list', (err, contracts) => { next(err, contracts); }); }, function writeContractsJSON(contracts, next) { async.each(contracts, (contract, eachCb) => { fs.writeJson(fs.dappPath(self.buildDir, 'contracts', contract.className + ".json"), contract, {spaces: 2}, eachCb); }, () => { next(); }); } ], cb); } buildWeb3JS(cb) { const self = this; async.waterfall([ function makeDirectory(next) { fs.mkdirp(fs.dappPath(".embark"), (err, _result) => { next(err); }); }, function getWeb3Code(next) {'code-generator:web3js', next); }, function writeFile(code, next) { fs.writeFile(fs.dappPath(".embark", 'web3_instance.js'), code, next); } ], cb); } } module.exports = Pipeline;