/*jshint esversion: 6, loopfunc: true */ let fs = require('./fs.js'); let utils = require('../utils/utils.js'); let camelcase = require("underscore.string").camelcase; class Plugin { constructor(options) { this.config = {}; for (let opt in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(opt)) { this.config[opt] = options[opt]; } } let requiredOptions = ['name', 'pluginModule', 'pluginPath', 'config', 'interceptLogs', 'logger']; for (let i = 0; requiredOptions.length > i; i++) { if (!(utils.contains(Object.keys(this.config), requiredOptions[i]))) { throw new Error('Missing required plugin configuration key: ' + requiredOptions[i]); } } this.clientWeb3Providers = []; this.contractsGenerators = []; this.pipeline = []; this.pipelineFiles = []; this.console = []; this.contractsConfigs = []; this.contractsFiles = []; this.compilers = []; this.serviceChecks = []; this.pluginTypes = []; if (!(this instanceof Plugin)) { return new Plugin(); } } } Plugin.prototype.runPlugin = Plugin.prototype.run = function () { if (this.shouldInterceptLogs) { this.interceptLogs(this.pluginModule); } let fullyQualifiedPath = this.pathToFile(this.config.pluginModule); this.call(this.loadPluginFile(fullyQualifiedPath), this); }; Plugin.prototype.loadPluginFile = function (filename) { return fs.readFileSync(this.pathToFile(filename)).toString(); }; Plugin.prototype.pathToFile = function (filename) { return utils.joinPath(this.pluginPath, filename); }; Plugin.prototype.interceptLogs = function (context) { let self = this; // TODO: this is a bit nasty, figure out a better way context.console = context.console || console; //context.console.error = function(txt) { // // TODO: logger should support an array instead of a single argument // //self.logger.error.apply(self.logger, arguments); // self.logger.error(self.name + " > " + txt); //}; context.console.log = function (txt) { self.logger.info(self.name + " > " + txt); }; context.console.warn = function (txt) { self.logger.warn(self.name + " > " + txt); }; context.console.info = function (txt) { self.logger.info(self.name + " > " + txt); }; context.console.debug = function (txt) { // TODO: ue JSON.stringify self.logger.debug(self.name + " > " + txt); }; context.console.trace = function (txt) { self.logger.trace(self.name + " > " + txt); }; }; Plugin.prototype.register = function (classname, cb) { let camelCasedClassname = camelcase(classname); this[camelCasedClassname].push(cb); this.pluginTypes.push({class: classname, call: cb}); }; ["ClientWeb3Provider", "ContractsGeneration", "Pipeline", "Deployer", "ConsoleCommand", "ServiceCheck", "ContractConfiguration", "Compiler"].forEach(function (name) { Plugin.prototype["register" + name] = function (cb) { Plugin.prototype.register.call(name, cb); }; }); // TODO: add deploy provider Plugin.prototype.registerClientWeb3Provider = function (cb) { this.clientWeb3Providers.push(cb); this.pluginTypes.push('clientWeb3Provider'); }; Plugin.prototype.registerContractsGeneration = function (cb) { this.contractsGenerators.push(cb); this.pluginTypes.push('contractGeneration'); }; Plugin.prototype.registerPipeline = function (matcthingFiles, cb) { // TODO: generate error for more than one pipeline per plugin this.pipeline.push({matcthingFiles: matcthingFiles, cb: cb}); this.pluginTypes.push('pipeline'); }; Plugin.prototype.addFileToPipeline = function (file, intendedPath, options) { this.pipelineFiles.push({file: file, intendedPath: intendedPath, options: options}); this.pluginTypes.push('pipelineFiles'); }; Plugin.prototype.addContractFile = function (file) { this.contractsFiles.push(file); this.pluginTypes.push('contractFiles'); }; Plugin.prototype.registerConsoleCommand = function (cb) { this.console.push(cb); this.pluginTypes.push('console'); }; Plugin.prototype.registerServiceCheck = function (checkName, checkFn, time) { this.serviceChecks.push({checkName: checkName, checkFn: checkFn, time: time}); this.pluginTypes.push('serviceChecks'); }; Plugin.prototype.has = function (pluginType) { return this.pluginTypes.indexOf(pluginType) >= 0; }; Plugin.prototype.generateProvider = function (args) { return this.clientWeb3Providers.map(function (cb) { return cb.call(this, args); }).join("\n"); }; Plugin.prototype.generateContracts = function (args) { return this.contractsGenerators.map(function (cb) { return cb.call(this, args); }).join("\n"); }; Plugin.prototype.registerContractConfiguration = function (config) { this.contractsConfigs.push(config); this.pluginTypes.push('contractsConfig'); }; Plugin.prototype.registerCompiler = function (extension, cb) { this.compilers.push({extension: extension, cb: cb}); this.pluginTypes.push('compilers'); }; Plugin.prototype.runCommands = function (cmd, options) { return this.console.map(function (cb) { return cb.call(this, cmd, options); }).join("\n"); }; Plugin.prototype.runFilePipeline = function () { let self = this; return this.pipelineFiles.map(function (file) { let obj = {}; obj.filename = file.file.replace('./', ''); obj.content = self.loadPluginFile(file.file).toString(); obj.intendedPath = file.intendedPath; obj.options = file.options; obj.path = self.pathToFile(obj.filename); return obj; }); }; Plugin.prototype.runPipeline = function (args) { // TODO: should iterate the pipelines let pipeline = this.pipeline[0]; let shouldRunPipeline = utils.fileMatchesPattern(pipeline.matcthingFiles, args.targetFile); if (shouldRunPipeline) { return pipeline.cb.call(this, args); } else { return args.source; } }; module.exports = Plugin;