var web3 = require('web3'); var fs = require('fs'); var grunt = require('grunt'); var readYaml = require('read-yaml'); var Compiler = require('./compiler.js'); var Config = require('./config/config.js'); var BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); // this is a temporary module to deploy a single contract, will be refactored SingleDeploy = function(compiledContracts, _web3) { if (_web3 !== undefined) { web3 = _web3; } this.compiledContracts = compiledContracts; }; SingleDeploy.waitForContract = function(transactionHash, cb) { web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash, function(e, receipt) { if (!e && receipt && receipt.contractAddress !== undefined) { cb(receipt.contractAddress); } else { Deploy.waitForContract(transactionHash, cb); } }); }; SingleDeploy.prototype.deploy_contract = function(contractObject, contractParams, cb) { var callback = function(e, contract) { if(!e && contract.address !== undefined) { cb(contract.address); } else { Deploy.waitForContract(contract.transactionHash, cb); } }; contractParams.push(callback); contractObject["new"].apply(contractObject, contractParams); }; Deploy.prototype.deploy_a_contract = function(className, args, cb) { var contract = this.compiledContracts[className]; var contractObject = web3.eth.contract(; contractParams = args.slice(); contractParams.push({ from: primaryAddress, data: contract.compiled.code, gas: contract.gasLimit, gasPrice: contract.gasPrice }); console.log('trying to obtain ' + className + ' address...'); this.deploy_contract(contractObject, contractParams, function(contractAddress) { if (web3.eth.getCode(contractAddress) === "0x") { console.log("========="); console.log("contract was deployed at " + contractAddress + " but doesn't seem to be working"); console.log("try adjusting your gas values"); console.log("========="); } cb(); }); }; SingleDeploy.prototype.generate_provider_file = function() { var result = ""; result += "if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && typeof Web3 !== 'undefined') {"; result += 'web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);'; result += "} else if (typeof Web3 !== 'undefined') {"; result += 'web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://' + this.blockchainConfig.rpcHost + ':' + this.blockchainConfig.rpcPort + '"));'; result += '}'; result += "web3.eth.defaultAccount = web3.eth.accounts[0];"; return result; }; SingleDeploy.prototype.generate_abi_file = function() { var result = ""; result += 'blockchain = '+JSON.stringify(this.blockchainConfig)+';'; for(className in this.deployedContracts) { var deployedContract = this.deployedContracts[className]; var contract = this.contractDB[className]; var abi = JSON.stringify(; var contractAddress = deployedContract; console.log('address is ' + contractAddress); result += className + "Abi = " + abi + ";"; result += className + "Contract = web3.eth.contract(" + className + "Abi);"; result += className + " = " + className + "'" + contractAddress + "');"; } result += 'contractDB = '+JSON.stringify(this.contractDB)+';' return result; }; SingleDeploy.prototype.generate_and_write_abi_file = function(destFile) { var result = this.generate_abi_file(); grunt.file.write(destFile, result); }; module.exports = SingleDeploy;