let async = require('async'); let Deploy = require('./deploy.js'); let ContractsManager = require('./contracts.js'); const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; let DeployManager = function(options) { this.config = options.config; this.logger = options.logger; this.blockchainConfig = this.config.blockchainConfig; this.plugins = options.plugins; this.web3 = options.web3; this.chainConfig = (options.trackContracts !== false) ? this.config.chainTracker : false; }; DeployManager.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype); DeployManager.prototype.deployContracts = function(done) { let self = this; if (self.blockchainConfig === {} || self.blockchainConfig.enabled === false) { self.logger.info("Blockchain component is disabled in the config".underline); this.emit('blockchainDisabled', {}); return done(); } async.waterfall([ function buildContracts(callback) { let contractsManager = new ContractsManager({ contractFiles: self.config.contractsFiles, contractsConfig: self.config.contractsConfig, logger: self.logger, plugins: self.plugins }); contractsManager.build(callback); }, function checkWeb3IsConnected(contractsManager, callback) { if (!self.web3) { return callback(Error("no web3 instance found")); } if (self.web3.currentProvider.isConnected !== undefined && !self.web3.isConnected()) { self.logger.error(("Couldn't connect to an Ethereum node are you sure it's on?").red); self.logger.info("make sure you have an Ethereum node or simulator running. e.g 'embark blockchain'".magenta); return callback(Error("error connecting to blockchain node")); } if (self.web3.currentProvider.isConnected === undefined) { self.web3.version.getNode(function(err, version) { if (err) { return callback(Error("error connecting to blockchain node")); } return callback(null, contractsManager, self.web3); }); } else { return callback(null, contractsManager, self.web3); } }, function setDefaultAccount(contractsManager, web3, callback) { web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, accounts) { if (err) { return callback(new Error(err)); } let accountConfig = self.config.blockchainConfig.account; let selectedAccount = accountConfig && accountConfig.address; web3.eth.defaultAccount = (selectedAccount || accounts[0]); callback(null, contractsManager, web3); }); }, function deployAllContracts(contractsManager, web3, callback) { let deploy = new Deploy({ web3: web3, contractsManager: contractsManager, logger: self.logger, chainConfig: self.chainConfig, env: self.config.env }); deploy.deployAll(function() { self.emit('contractsDeployed', contractsManager); callback(null, contractsManager); }); } ], function(err, result) { if (err) { done(err, null); } else { done(null, result); } }); }; module.exports = DeployManager;