process.on('uncaughtException', function(e){ process.send({error: e.stack}); }); const constants = require('../../constants'); const Events = require('./eventsWrapper'); class ProcessWrapper { /** * Class from which process extend. Should not be instantiated alone. * Manages the log interception so that all console.* get sent back to the parent process * Also creates an Events instance. To use it, just do `[on|request]` * * @param {Options} options pingParent: true by default */ constructor(options = {}) { this.options = Object.assign({pingParent: true}, options); this.interceptLogs(); this.env = _options ? _options.env : 'development'; = new Events(); if(this.options.pingParent) { this.pingParent(); } } // Ping parent to see if it is still alive. Otherwise, let's die pingParent() { const self = this; self.retries = 0; function error() { if (self.retries > 2) { self.kill(); process.exit(); } self.retries++; } setInterval(() => { try { let result = self.send({action: 'ping'}); if (!result) { return error(); } self.retries = 0; } catch (e) { error(); } }, 500); } interceptLogs() { const context = {}; context.console = console; context.console.log = this._log.bind(this, 'log'); context.console.warn = this._log.bind(this, 'warn'); context.console.error = this._log.bind(this, 'error'); = this._log.bind(this, 'info'); context.console.debug = this._log.bind(this, 'debug'); context.console.trace = this._log.bind(this, 'trace'); context.console.dir = this._log.bind(this, 'dir'); } _log(type, ...messages) { const isHardSource = messages.some(message => { return (typeof message === 'string' && message.indexOf('hardsource') > -1); }); if (isHardSource) { return; } this.send({result: constants.process.log, message: messages, type}); } send() { if (!process.connected) { return false; } return process.send(...arguments); } kill() { // Should be implemented by derived class console.log('Process killed'); } } process.on('exit', () => { process.exit(0); }); module.exports = ProcessWrapper;