const RunCode = require('./runCode.js'); const Utils = require('../../../utils/utils'); class CodeRunner { constructor(options) { this.config = options.config; this.plugins = options.plugins; this.logger = options.logger; =; this.ipc = options.ipc; this.commands = []; this.runCode = new RunCode({logger: this.logger}); this.registerIpcEvents(); this.IpcClientListen(); this.registerEvents(); this.registerCommands(); } registerIpcEvents() { if (!this.ipc.isServer()) { return; } this.ipc.on('runcode:getCommands', (_err, callback) => { let result = {web3Config: this.runCode.getWeb3Config(), commands: this.commands}; callback(null, result); }); } IpcClientListen() { if (!this.ipc.isClient() || !this.ipc.connected) { return; } this.ipc.listenTo('runcode:newCommand', (command) => { if (command.varName) {"runcode:register", command.varName, command.code); } else {"runcode:eval", command.code); } }); } registerEvents() {"runcode:register", this.registerVar.bind(this)); } registerCommands() {'runcode:getContext', (cb) => { cb(this.runCode.context); });'runcode:eval', this.evalCode.bind(this)); } registerVar(varName, code, toRecord = true) { if (this.ipc.isServer() && toRecord) { this.commands.push({varName, code}); this.ipc.broadcast("runcode:newCommand", {varName, code}); } this.runCode.registerVar(varName, code); } async evalCode(code, cb, forConsoleOnly = false) { cb = cb || function() {}; const awaitIdx = code.indexOf('await'); let awaiting = false; if (awaitIdx > -1) { awaiting = true; const instructions = Utils.compact(code.split(';')); const last = instructions.pop(); if (!last.trim().startsWith('return')) { instructions.push(`return ${last}`); } else { instructions.push(last); } code = `(async function() {${instructions.join(';')}})();`; } let result = this.runCode.doEval(code); if (forConsoleOnly && this.ipc.isServer()) { this.commands.push({code}); this.ipc.broadcast("runcode:newCommand", {code}); } if (!awaiting) { return cb(null, result); } try { const value = await result; cb(null, value); } catch (error) { // Improve error message when there's no connection to node if (error.message.indexOf('Invalid JSON RPC response') !== -1) { error.message += '. Are you connected to an Ethereum node?'; } cb(error); } } } module.exports = CodeRunner;