let async = require('async'); //require("../utils/debug_util.js")(__filename, async); let Deploy = require('./deploy.js'); class DeployManager { constructor(options) { this.config = options.config; this.logger = options.logger; this.blockchainConfig = this.config.blockchainConfig; this.events = options.events; this.plugins = options.plugins; this.blockchain = options.blockchain; this.chainConfig = (options.trackContracts !== false) ? this.config.chainTracker : false; this.contractsManager = options.contractsManager; this.gasLimit = false; this.fatalErrors = false; this.deployOnlyOnConfig = false; this.onlyCompile = options.onlyCompile !== undefined ? options.onlyCompile : false; } deployContracts(done) { let self = this; if (self.blockchainConfig === {} || self.blockchainConfig.enabled === false) { self.logger.info(__("Blockchain component is disabled in the config").underline); this.events.emit('blockchainDisabled', {}); return done(); } async.waterfall([ function buildContracts(callback) { self.contractsManager.deployOnlyOnConfig = self.deployOnlyOnConfig; // temporary, should refactor self.contractsManager.build(() => { callback(); }); }, // TODO: shouldn't be necessary function checkCompileOnly(callback){ if(self.onlyCompile){ self.events.emit('contractsDeployed', self.contractsManager); return done(); } return callback(); }, // TODO: could be implemented as an event (beforeDeployAll) function checkIsConnectedToBlockchain(callback) { self.blockchain.onReady(() => { self.blockchain.assertNodeConnection((err) => { callback(err); }); }); }, // TODO: this can be done on the fly or as part of the initialization function determineDefaultAccount(callback) { self.blockchain.determineDefaultAccount((err) => { callback(err); }); }, function deployAllContracts(callback) { let deploy = new Deploy({ blockchain: self.blockchain, contractsManager: self.contractsManager, logger: self.logger, events: self.events, chainConfig: self.chainConfig, env: self.config.env, plugins: self.plugins, gasLimit: self.gasLimit }); deploy.deployAll(function (err) { if (!err) { self.events.emit('contractsDeployed', self.contractsManager); } if (err && self.fatalErrors) { return callback(err); } callback(); }); }, function runAfterDeploy(callback) { self.plugins.runActionsForEvent('contracts:deploy:afterAll', callback); //let afterDeployPlugins = self.plugins.getPluginsProperty('afterContractsDeployActions', 'afterContractsDeployActions'); //async.eachLimit(afterDeployPlugins, 1, function(plugin, nextEach) { // plugin.call(plugin, nextEach); //}, () => { // callback(); //}); } ], function (err, _result) { done(err); }); } } module.exports = DeployManager;