const async = require('async'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const Mocha = require('mocha'); const path = require('path'); const Test = require('./test'); function getFilesFromDir(filePath, cb) { fs.readdir(filePath, (err, files) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } const testFiles = files.filter((file) => { // Only keep the .js files // TODO: make this a configuration in embark.json return file.substr(-3) === '.js'; }).map((file) => { return path.join(filePath, file); }); cb(null, testFiles); }); } module.exports = { run: function(filePath) { const mocha = new Mocha(); if (!filePath) { filePath = 'test/'; } async.waterfall([ function getFiles(next) { if (filePath.substr(-1) !== '/') { mocha.addFile(filePath); return next(); } getFilesFromDir(filePath, (err, files) => { if (err) { console.error('Error while reading the directory'); return next(err); } files.forEach(file => { mocha.addFile(file); }); next(); }); }, function setupGlobalNamespace(next) { // TODO put default config const test = new Test(); global.embark = test; global.config = test.config.bind(test); // TODO: this global here might not be necessary at all global.web3 = global.embark.web3; global.contract = function(describeName, callback) { return Mocha.describe(describeName, callback); }; test.init(next); } ], (err) => { if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(1); } // Run the tests. { // Clean contracts folder for next test run fs.remove('.embark/contracts', (_err) => { process.on('exit', function () { process.exit(failures); // exit with non-zero status if there were failures }); process.exit(); }); }); }); } };