const fs = require('./fs.js'); const File = require('./file.js'); const Plugins = require('./plugins.js'); const utils = require('../utils/utils.js'); const path = require('path'); const httpContractDir = '.embark/contracts/'; var Config = function(options) { this.env = options.env; this.blockchainConfig = {}; this.contractsConfig = {}; this.pipelineConfig = {}; this.webServerConfig = {}; this.chainTracker = {}; this.assetFiles = {}; this.contractsFiles = []; this.configDir = options.configDir || 'config/'; this.chainsFile = options.chainsFile || './chains.json'; this.plugins = options.plugins; this.logger = options.logger; =; this.embarkConfig = {}; }; Config.prototype.loadConfigFiles = function(options) { var interceptLogs = options.interceptLogs; if (options.interceptLogs === undefined) { interceptLogs = true; } if (!fs.existsSync(options.embarkConfig)){ this.logger.error('Cannot find file ' + options.embarkConfig + '. Please ensure you are running this command inside the Dapp folder'); process.exit(1); } this.embarkConfig = fs.readJSONSync(options.embarkConfig); this.embarkConfig.plugins = this.embarkConfig.plugins || {}; this.plugins = new Plugins({plugins: this.embarkConfig.plugins, logger: this.logger, interceptLogs: interceptLogs, events:, config: this}); this.plugins.loadPlugins(); this.loadEmbarkConfigFile(); this.loadBlockchainConfigFile(); this.loadStorageConfigFile(); this.loadCommunicationConfigFile(); this.loadContractsConfigFile(); this.loadPipelineConfigFile(); this.loadContractsConfigFile(); this.loadExternalContractsFiles(); this.loadWebServerConfigFile(); this.loadChainTrackerFile(); this.loadPluginContractFiles(); }; Config.prototype.reloadConfig = function() { this.loadEmbarkConfigFile(); this.loadBlockchainConfigFile(); this.loadStorageConfigFile(); this.loadCommunicationConfigFile(); this.loadContractsConfigFile(); this.loadPipelineConfigFile(); this.loadContractsConfigFile(); this.loadExternalContractsFiles(); this.loadChainTrackerFile(); }; Config.prototype._mergeConfig = function(configFilePath, defaultConfig, env, enabledByDefault) { if (!configFilePath) { let configToReturn = defaultConfig['default'] || {}; configToReturn.enabled = enabledByDefault || false; return configToReturn; } if (!fs.existsSync(configFilePath)) { // TODO: remove this if if (this.logger) { this.logger.warn("no config file found at " + configFilePath + ". using default config"); } return defaultConfig['default'] || {}; } let config = fs.readJSONSync(configFilePath); let configObject = utils.recursiveMerge(defaultConfig, config); if (env) { return utils.recursiveMerge(configObject['default'] || {}, configObject[env]); } else { return configObject; } }; Config.prototype._getFileOrOject = function(object, filePath, property) { if (typeof (this.configDir) === 'object') { return this.configDir[property]; } return this.configDir + filePath; }; Config.prototype.loadBlockchainConfigFile = function() { var configObject = { "default": { "enabled": true } }; let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'blockchain.json', 'blockchain'); this.blockchainConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env, true); }; Config.prototype.loadContractsConfigFile = function() { var defaultVersions = { "web3": "1.0.0-beta", "solc": "0.4.17" }; var versions = utils.recursiveMerge(defaultVersions, this.embarkConfig.versions || {}); var configObject = { "default": { "versions": versions, "deployment": { "host": "localhost", "port": 8545, "type": "rpc" }, "dappConnection": [ "$WEB3", "localhost:8545" ], "gas": "auto", "contracts": { } } }; var contractsConfigs = this.plugins.getPluginsProperty('contractsConfig', 'contractsConfigs'); contractsConfigs.forEach(function(pluginConfig) { configObject = utils.recursiveMerge(configObject, pluginConfig); }); let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'contracts.json', 'contracts'); this.contractsConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env); }; Config.prototype.getExternalContractUrl = function (contract) { let url; const RAW_URL = ''; const MALFORMED_ERROR = 'Malformed Github URL for '; if (contract.file.startsWith('https://github')) { const match = contract.file.match(/https:\/\/github\.[a-z]+\/(.*)/); if (!match) { this.logger.error(MALFORMED_ERROR + contract.file); return ''; } url = `${RAW_URL}${match[1].replace('blob/', '')}`; } else if (contract.file.startsWith('git')) { // Match values // [0] entire input // [1] git:// // [2] user // [3] repository // [4] path // [5] branch const match = contract.file.match( /(git:\/\/)?github\.[a-z]+\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-7]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/.]+)#?([a-zA-Z0-1_\-.]*)?/ ); if (!match) { this.logger.error(MALFORMED_ERROR + contract.file); return ''; } let branch = match[5]; if (!branch) { branch = 'master'; } url = `${RAW_URL}${match[2]}/${match[3]}/${branch}/${match[4]}`; } else { url = contract.file; } return url; }; Config.prototype.loadExternalContractsFiles = function() { let contracts = this.contractsConfig.contracts; for (let contractName in contracts) { let contract = contracts[contractName]; if (!contract.file) { continue; } if (contract.file.startsWith('http') || contract.file.startsWith('git')) { const url = this.getExternalContractUrl(contract); const localFile = httpContractDir + path.basename(url); this.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: localFile, type: File.types.http, basedir: '', path: url})); } else if (fs.existsSync(contract.file)) { this.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: contract.file, type: File.types.dapp_file, basedir: '', path: contract.file})); } else if (fs.existsSync(path.join('./node_modules/', contract.file))) { this.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: path.join('./node_modules/', contract.file), type: File.types.dapp_file, basedir: '', path: path.join('./node_modules/', contract.file)})); } else { this.logger.error("contract file not found: " + contract.file); } } }; Config.prototype.loadStorageConfigFile = function() { var versions = utils.recursiveMerge({"ipfs-api": "17.2.4"}, this.embarkConfig.versions || {}); var configObject = { "default": { "versions": versions, "enabled": true, "available_providers": ["ipfs"], "ipfs_bin": "ipfs", "provider": "ipfs", "host": "localhost", "port": 5001, "getUrl": "http://localhost:8080/ipfs/" } }; let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'storage.json', 'storage'); this.storageConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env); }; Config.prototype.loadCommunicationConfigFile = function() { var configObject = { "default": { "enabled": true, "provider": "whisper", "available_providers": ["whisper", "orbit"], "connection": { "host": "localhost", "port": 8546, "type": "ws" } } }; let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'communication.json', 'communication'); this.communicationConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, this.env); }; Config.prototype.loadWebServerConfigFile = function() { var configObject = { "enabled": true, "host": "localhost", "port": 8000 }; let configFilePath = this._getFileOrOject(this.configDir, 'webserver.json', 'webserver'); this.webServerConfig = this._mergeConfig(configFilePath, configObject, false); }; Config.prototype.loadEmbarkConfigFile = function() { var contracts = this.embarkConfig.contracts; this.contractsFiles = this.loadFiles(contracts); // determine contract 'root' directories this.contractDirectories = => { return dir.split("**")[0]; }).map((dir) => { return dir.split("*.")[0]; }); this.contractDirectories.push(httpContractDir); this.buildDir = this.embarkConfig.buildDir; this.configDir = this.embarkConfig.config; }; Config.prototype.loadPipelineConfigFile = function() { var assets =; for(var targetFile in assets) { this.assetFiles[targetFile] = this.loadFiles(assets[targetFile]); } }; Config.prototype.loadChainTrackerFile = function() { if (!fs.existsSync(this.chainsFile)) { + ' file not found, creating it...'); fs.writeJSONSync(this.chainsFile, {}); } this.chainTracker = fs.readJSONSync(this.chainsFile); }; function findMatchingExpression(filename, filesExpressions) { for (let fileExpression of filesExpressions) { var matchingFiles = utils.filesMatchingPattern(fileExpression); for (let matchFile of matchingFiles) { if (matchFile === filename) { return path.dirname(fileExpression).replace(/\*/g, ''); } } } return path.dirname(filename); } Config.prototype.loadFiles = function(files) { var self = this; var originalFiles = utils.filesMatchingPattern(files); var readFiles = []; originalFiles.filter(function(file) { return (file[0] === '$' || file.indexOf('.') >= 0); }).filter(function(file) { let basedir = findMatchingExpression(file, files); readFiles.push(new File({filename: file, type: File.types.dapp_file, basedir: basedir, path: file})); }); var filesFromPlugins = []; var filePlugins = self.plugins.getPluginsFor('pipelineFiles'); filePlugins.forEach(function(plugin) { try { var fileObjects = plugin.runFilePipeline(); for (var i=0; i < fileObjects.length; i++) { var fileObject = fileObjects[i]; filesFromPlugins.push(fileObject); } } catch(err) { self.logger.error(err.message); } }); filesFromPlugins.filter(function(file) { if (utils.fileMatchesPattern(files, file.intendedPath)) { readFiles.push(file); } }); return readFiles; }; Config.prototype.loadPluginContractFiles = function() { var self = this; var contractsPlugins = this.plugins.getPluginsFor('contractFiles'); contractsPlugins.forEach(function(plugin) { plugin.contractsFiles.forEach(function(file) { var filename = file.replace('./',''); self.contractsFiles.push(new File({filename: filename, type: File.types.custom, resolver: function(callback) { callback(plugin.loadPluginFile(file)); }})); }); }); }; module.exports = Config;