/*global describe, it, before*/ const assert = require('assert'); let TestLogger = require('../lib/utils/test_logger'); const Web3 = require('web3'); const i18n = require('../lib/core/i18n/i18n.js'); const constants = require('../lib/constants.json'); const DevFunds = require('../lib/modules/blockchain_process/dev_funds'); const async = require('async'); const FakeIpcProvider = require('./helpers/fakeIpcProvider'); const utils = require('../lib/utils/utils'); i18n.setOrDetectLocale('en'); describe('embark.DevFunds', function() { let config = { networkType: 'livenet', genesisBlock: 'foo/bar/genesis.json', geth_bin: 'geth', datadir: '/foo/datadir/', mineWhenNeeded: true, rpcHost: 'someserver', rpcPort: 12345, rpcApi: ['eth', 'web3', 'net', 'debug'], rpcCorsDomain: true, networkId: 1, port: 123456, nodiscover: true, maxpeers: 25, mine: true, vmdebug: false, whisper: false, account: { password: './test/test1/password', numAccounts: 3, // this conversion is normally done when constructing a Config object balance: utils.getWeiBalanceFromString("5 ether", Web3) }, bootnodes: "", wsApi: ["eth", "web3", "net", "shh", "debug"], wsHost: "localhost", wsOrigins: false, wsPort: 8546, wsRPC: true, targetGasLimit: false, syncMode: undefined, verbosity: undefined, proxy: true }; if (config.proxy) { config.wsPort += constants.blockchain.servicePortOnProxy; config.rpcPort += constants.blockchain.servicePortOnProxy; } describe('#create, fund, and unlock accounts', function() { let provider = new FakeIpcProvider(); const web3 = new Web3(provider); let devFunds; before(async () => { provider.injectResult(['0x47d33b27bb249a2dbab4c0612bf9caf4c1950855']); // getAccounts: return --dev account devFunds = await DevFunds.new({blockchainConfig: config, provider: provider, logger: new TestLogger({})}); }); // TOCHECK: DevFunds does not provide this function anymore, please consider to remove this test it('should create correct number of accounts', function(done) { provider.injectResult('0x11f4d0a3c12e86b4b5f39b213f7e19d048276dae'); // createAccount #1 provider.injectResult('0x22f4d0a3c12e86b4b5f39b213f7e19d048276dab'); // createAccount #2 devFunds.createAccounts(config.account.numAccounts, 'test_password', (err) => { assert.equal(err, null); // TODO: make FakeIpcProvider smart enough to keep track of created accounts provider.injectResult(['0x47d33b27bb249a2dbab4c0612bf9caf4c1950855', '0x11f4d0a3c12e86b4b5f39b213f7e19d048276dae', '0x22f4d0a3c12e86b4b5f39b213f7e19d048276dab']); web3.eth.getAccounts().then((accts) => { assert.equal(accts.length, config.account.numAccounts); assert.strictEqual(accts[0], '0x47D33b27Bb249a2DBab4C0612BF9CaF4C1950855'); // --dev acct assert.strictEqual(accts[1], '0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe'); // created acct #1 assert.strictEqual(accts[2], '0x22F4d0A3C12E86b4b5F39B213f7e19D048276DAb'); // created acct #2 done(); }); }); }); // TOCHECK: DevFunds does not provide this function anymore, please consider to remove this test it('should unlock accounts', function(done) { if (devFunds.accounts.length === 0) { assert.equal(true, true, "no accounts to unlock"); return done(); } devFunds.accounts.forEach(_acct => { provider.injectResult(true); // account unlock result }); devFunds.unlockAccounts(devFunds.password, (errUnlock) => { assert.equal(errUnlock, null); done(); }); }); it('should fund accounts', function(done) { if (devFunds.accounts.length === 0) { assert.equal(true, true, "no accounts to fund"); return done(); } devFunds.accounts.forEach(_acct => { provider.injectResult('1234567890'); // account balance // provider.injectResult('0x11f4d0A3c12e86B4b5F39B213F7E19D048276DAe'); // send tx response }); devFunds.fundAccounts(devFunds.balance, (errFundAccounts) => { assert.equal(errFundAccounts, null); // inject response for web3.eth.getAccounts // TODO: make FakeIpcProvider smart enough to keep track of created accounts provider.injectResult(['0x47d33b27bb249a2dbab4c0612bf9caf4c1950855', '0x11f4d0a3c12e86b4b5f39b213f7e19d048276dae', '0x22f4d0a3c12e86b4b5f39b213f7e19d048276dab']); web3.eth.getAccounts().then((accts) => { const weiFromConfig = config.account.balance; async.each(accts, (acct, cb) => { // inject response for web3.eth.getBalance. // essentially, this will always return the amount we specified // in the config. // this is dodgy. really, we should be letting the FakeIpcProvider // at this point tell us how many wei we have per account (as it would // in a real node), but the FakeIpcProvider is not smart enough... yet. // TODO: make FakeIpcProvider smart enough to keep track of balances provider.injectResult(web3.utils.numberToHex(weiFromConfig)); web3.eth.getBalance(acct).then((wei) => { assert.equal(wei, weiFromConfig); cb(); }).catch(cb); }, function(errAcctsBalance) { if (errAcctsBalance) throw errAcctsBalance; done(); }); }).catch((errGetAccts) => { if (errGetAccts) throw errGetAccts; done(); }); }); }); }); });