import {combineReducers} from 'redux'; import {REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE, CONTRACT_COMPILE, FILES, LOGOUT, AUTHENTICATE, FETCH_CREDENTIALS, INIT_ETHER_CONVERSIONS, UPDATE_ETHER_CONVERSIONS} from "../actions"; const BN_FACTOR = 10000; const VOID_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; const DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost:8000'; const MAX_ELEMENTS = 200; const entitiesDefaultState = { accounts: [], blocks: [], transactions: [], processes: [], processLogs: [], contracts: [], contractProfiles: [], contractFunctions: [], contractDeploys: [], contractCompiles: [], contractLogs: [], commands: [], messages: [], messageChannels: [], versions: [], plugins: [], ensRecords: [], files: [], gasOracleStats: [], currentFiles: [] }; const sorter = { blocks: function(a, b) { return b.number - a.number; }, transactions: function(a, b) { return ((BN_FACTOR * b.blockNumber) + b.transactionIndex) - ((BN_FACTOR * a.blockNumber) + a.transactionIndex); }, processLogs: function(a, b) { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp; }, contractLogs: function(a, b) { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp; }, messages: function(a, b) { return a.time - b.time; }, commands: function(a, b) { return b.timestamp - a.timestamp; }, files: function(a, b) { if ( < return -1; if ( > return 1; return 0; } }; const filtrer = { processes: function(process, index, self) { return index === self.findIndex((t) => ===; }, contracts: function(contract, index, self) { return index === self.findIndex((t) => t.className === contract.className); }, accounts: function(account, index, self) { return index === self.findIndex((t) => t.address === account.address); }, blocks: function(block, index, self) { if (index > MAX_ELEMENTS) { return false; } return index === self.findIndex((t) => t.number === block.number); }, transactions: function(tx, index, self) { if (index > MAX_ELEMENTS) { return false; } return index === self.findIndex((t) => ( t.blockNumber === tx.blockNumber && t.transactionIndex === tx.transactionIndex )); }, ensRecords: function(record, index, self) { return && record.address && record.address !== VOID_ADDRESS && index === self.findIndex((r) => ( r.address === record.address && === )); }, files: function(file, index, self) { return index === self.findIndex((f) => ( === )); }, gasOracleStats: function(stat, index, _self) { return index === 0; // Only keep last one }, versions: function(version, index, self) { return index === self.findIndex((v) => v.value === version.value && ===; } }; function entities(state = entitiesDefaultState, action) { if (action.type === FILES[SUCCESS]) { return {...state, files: action.files}; } for (let name of Object.keys(state)) { let filter = filtrer[name] || (() => true); let sort = sorter[name] || (() => true); if (action[name] && action[name].length > 1) { return {...state, [name]: [...action[name], ...state[name]].filter(filter).sort(sort)}; } if (action[name] && action[name].length === 1) { let entity = action[name][0]; let nested = Object.keys(state).reduce((acc, entityName) => { if (entity[entityName] && entity[entityName].length > 0) { let entityFilter = filtrer[entityName] || (() => true); let entitySort = sorter[entityName] || (() => true); acc[entityName] = [...entity[entityName], ...state[entityName]].filter(entityFilter).sort(entitySort); } return acc; }, {}); return { ...state, ...nested, [name]: [...action[name], ...state[name]].filter(filter).sort(sort) }; } } return state; } function errorMessage(_state = null, action) { return action.error || null; } function errorEntities(state = {}, action) { if (!action.type.endsWith(SUCCESS)) { return state; } let newState = {}; for (let name of Object.keys(entitiesDefaultState)) { if (action[name] && action[name].length > 0) { newState[name] = action[name][0].error; } } return {...state, ...newState}; } function loading(_state = false, action) { return action.type.endsWith(REQUEST) && !action.noLoading; } function compilingContract(state = false, action) { if (action.type === CONTRACT_COMPILE[REQUEST]) { return true; } else if (action.type === CONTRACT_COMPILE[FAILURE] || action.type === CONTRACT_COMPILE[SUCCESS]) { return false; } return state; } const DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_STATE = {host: DEFAULT_HOST, token: '', authenticated: false}; function credentials(state = DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_STATE, action) { if (action.type === LOGOUT[SUCCESS]) { return DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS_STATE; } if (action.type === AUTHENTICATE[FAILURE]) { return {error: action.error, authenticated: false}; } if (action.type === AUTHENTICATE[SUCCESS]) { return {...state, ...{authenticated: true, token: action.token, host:, error: null}}; } if (action.type === FETCH_CREDENTIALS[SUCCESS]) { return {...state, ...{token: action.token, host:}}; } return state; } function etherConversions(state = [], action) { if ([INIT_ETHER_CONVERSIONS, UPDATE_ETHER_CONVERSIONS].includes(action.type)) { return action.payload; } return state; } const rootReducer = combineReducers({ entities, loading, compilingContract, errorMessage, errorEntities, credentials, etherConversions }); export default rootReducer;