const vm = require('vm'); class RunCode { constructor() { this.context = Object.assign({}, {console, exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname}, global.this); } doEval(code) { try { return vm.runInNewContext(code, this.context); } catch(e) { console.log(e.message); } } registerVar(varName, code) { // TODO: Update all the code being dependent of web3 // To identify, look at the top of the file for something like: // /*global web3*/ if (varName === 'web3') { global.web3 = code; } this.context[varName] = code; } getWeb3Config() { return {defaultAccount: this.context.web3.eth.defaultAccount, provider: this.context.web3.currentProvider}; } } module.exports = RunCode;