Fixed browser errors caused by tabler (bodyItems and headerItems complaints) as well as staticContext issues caused by using withRoute(NavLink)
Also added a response to fiddler deployment.
Added loading states to fiddler results, that shows the errors/warnings as having a loading state when compiling/deploying
Changed `fiddle` to an entity and removed unneeded fiddle reducer.
Added a selector for getting the entity.
Changed fiddle saga to `doRequest`.
Changed fiddle api call to the `post` method (did not see beofre the rebase).
Added `CompilerError` presentation component to handle displaying compiler errors and warnings.
Added spaces to css (as requested).
Removed extra space after function in solidity compiler (as requested).
Removed the compile contract event from the solidity compiler (as requested).
Handling of fatal api error in the UI.
Changed fiddle action to the one created with `createRequestTypes`.
Moved `Fiddle` nav tab before `Documentation`.
Changed `FiddleResults` DOM manipulation to be controlled via React state instead.