mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 01:37:26 +00:00
refactor code generation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
const ejs = require('ejs');
const Templates = {
utils: require('./code_templates/utils.js.ejs'),
vanilla_contract: require('./code_templates/vanilla-contract.js.ejs'),
embarkjs_contract: require('./code_templates/embarkjs-contract.js.ejs'),
exec_when_ready: require('./code_templates/exec-when-ready.js.ejs'),
load_manager: require('./code_templates/load-manager.js.ejs'),
define_when_env_loaded: require('./code_templates/define-when-env-loaded.js.ejs'),
main_context: require('./code_templates/main-context.js.ejs'),
define_web3_simple: require('./code_templates/define-web3-simple.js.ejs'),
web3_connector: require('./code_templates/web3-connector.js.ejs'),
do_when_loaded: require('./code_templates/do-when-loaded.js.ejs'),
exec_when_env_loaded: require('./code_templates/exec-when-env-loaded.js.ejs')
class CodeGenerator {
constructor(options) {
this.blockchainConfig = options.blockchainConfig || {};
@ -51,64 +66,11 @@ class CodeGenerator {
return "";
result += "\nfunction __reduce(arr, memo, iteratee, cb) {";
result += "\n if (typeof cb !== 'function') {";
result += "\n if (typeof memo === 'function' && typeof iteratee === 'function') {";
result += "\n cb = iteratee;";
result += "\n iteratee = memo;";
result += "\n memo = [];";
result += "\n } else {";
result += "\n throw new TypeError('expected callback to be a function');";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n";
result += "\n if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {";
result += "\n cb(new TypeError('expected an array'));";
result += "\n return;";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n";
result += "\n if (typeof iteratee !== 'function') {";
result += "\n cb(new TypeError('expected iteratee to be a function'));";
result += "\n return;";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n";
result += "\n (function next(i, acc) {";
result += "\n if (i === arr.length) {";
result += "\n cb(null, acc);";
result += "\n return;";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n";
result += "\n iteratee(acc, arr[i], function(err, val) {";
result += "\n if (err) {";
result += "\n cb(err);";
result += "\n return;";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n next(i + 1, val);";
result += "\n });";
result += "\n })(0, memo);";
result += "\n};";
result += Templates.utils();
let mainContext = "";
if (isDeployment) {
mainContext = "__mainContext.";
result += "\nvar __mainContext = __mainContext || this;";
} else {
result += "\nvar __mainContext = __mainContext || this;";
mainContext = "__mainContext.";
result += "\n" + mainContext + "__LoadManager = function() { this.list = []; this.done = false; }";
result += "\n" + mainContext + "__LoadManager.prototype.execWhenReady = function(cb) { if (this.done) { cb(); } else { this.list.push(cb) } }";
result += "\n" + mainContext + "__LoadManager.prototype.doFirst = function(todo) { var self = this; todo(function() { self.done = true; self.list.map((x) => x.apply()) }) }";
result += "\n" + mainContext + "__loadManagerInstance = new " + mainContext + "__LoadManager();";
result += "\nvar whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) {";
result += "\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null) {";
result += "\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);";
result += "\n } else {";
result += "\n cb();";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n}";
result += Templates.main_context();
result += Templates.load_manager();
result += Templates.define_when_env_loaded();
if (this.plugins) {
providerPlugins = this.plugins.getPluginsFor('clientWeb3Provider');
@ -119,50 +81,18 @@ result += "\n";
result += plugin.generateProvider(self) + "\n";
} else {
result += "\nwhenEnvIsLoaded(function(){" + mainContext + "__loadManagerInstance.doFirst(function(done) {\n";
result += "\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.web3 = undefined; }";
let web3Load;
if (isDeployment) {
let connection = "http://" + this.contractsConfig.deployment.host + ":" + this.contractsConfig.deployment.port;
result += '\n\tweb3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("' + connection + '"));';
result += '\n\tdone();';
web3Load = Templates.define_web3_simple({url: connection, done: 'done();'});
} else {
let connectionCode = "";
connectionCode += "\n__reduce([";
connectionCode += this.contractsConfig.dappConnection.map((x) => '"' + x + '"').join(',');
connectionCode += "], function(prev, value, next) {";
connectionCode += "\nif (prev === false) {";
connectionCode += "\n return next(null, false);";
connectionCode += "\n}";
connectionCode += "\n if (value === '$WEB3' && (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && typeof Web3 !== 'undefined')) {";
connectionCode += '\n\tweb3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);';
connectionCode += "\n } else if (value !== '$WEB3' && (typeof Web3 !== 'undefined' && ((typeof web3 === 'undefined') || (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && (!web3.isConnected || (web3.isConnected && !web3.isConnected())))))) {";
connectionCode += "\n\tweb3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(value));";
connectionCode += "\n}";
connectionCode += "\nelse if (value === '$WEB3') {";
connectionCode += "\n\treturn next(null, '');";
connectionCode += "\n}";
connectionCode += "\nweb3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, account) { if(err) { next(null, true) } else { next(null, false) }})";
connectionCode += "\n}, function(err, _result) {";
connectionCode += "\nweb3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, accounts) {;";
connectionCode += "\nweb3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];";
connectionCode += '\ndone();';
connectionCode += "\n});";
connectionCode += "\n});";
result += connectionCode;
let connectionList = "[" + this.contractsConfig.dappConnection.map((x) => '"' + x + '"').join(',') + "]";
web3Load = Templates.web3_connector({connectionList: connectionList, done: 'done();'});
result += '\n})})';
result += Templates.do_when_loaded({block: web3Load});
return result;
@ -179,20 +109,11 @@ result += "\n";
for (let className in this.contractsManager.contracts) {
let contract = this.contractsManager.contracts[className];
let abi = JSON.stringify(contract.abiDefinition);
result += "\n" + className + "Abi = " + abi + ";";
result += "\n" + className + "Contract = web3.eth.contract(" + className + "Abi);";
result += "\n" + className + " = " + className + "Contract.at('" + contract.deployedAddress + "');";
result += Templates.vanilla_contract({className: className, abi: abi, contract: contract});
return result;
let mainContext = "";
if (isDeployment) {
mainContext = "__mainContext.";
} else {
mainContext = "__mainContext.";
if (self.blockchainConfig === {} || self.blockchainConfig.enabled === false) {
return "";
@ -212,28 +133,16 @@ result += "\n";
let abi = JSON.stringify(contract.abiDefinition);
let gasEstimates = JSON.stringify(contract.gasEstimates);
// TODO: refactor this
//result += "\nif (whenEnvIsLoaded === undefined) {";
//result += "\n var whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) {";
//result += "\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null) {";
//result += "\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);";
//result += "\n } else {";
//result += "\n cb();";
//result += "\n }";
//result += "\n }";
//result += "\n}";
let block = "";
result += "\n" + mainContext + "__loadManagerInstance.execWhenReady(function() {";
result += "\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window." + className + " = undefined; }";
if (useEmbarkJS) {
let contractAddress = contract.deployedAddress ? ("'" + contract.deployedAddress + "'") : "undefined";
result += "\n" + mainContext + "" + className + " = new EmbarkJS.Contract({abi: " + abi + ", address: " + contractAddress + ", code: '" + contract.code + "', gasEstimates: " + gasEstimates + "});";
block += Templates.embarkjs_contract({className: className, abi: abi, contract: contract, contractAddress: contractAddress, gasEstimates: gasEstimates});
} else {
result += "\n" + className + "Abi = " + abi + ";";
result += "\n" + className + "Contract = web3.eth.contract(" + className + "Abi);";
result += "\n" + className + " = " + className + "Contract.at('" + contract.deployedAddress + "');";
block += Templates.vanilla_contract({className: className, abi: abi, contract: contract});
result += '\n});';
result += Templates.exec_when_ready({block: block});
@ -247,19 +156,8 @@ result += "\n";
if (!useEmbarkJS || self.storageConfig === {}) return "";
if (self.storageConfig.provider === 'ipfs' && self.storageConfig.enabled === true) {
// TODO: make this more readable
result += "\nvar whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) {";
result += "\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null) {";
result += "\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);";
result += "\n } else {";
result += "\n cb();";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n}";
result += "\nwhenEnvIsLoaded(function() {\n";
result += "\nEmbarkJS.Storage.setProvider('" + self.storageConfig.provider + "', {server: '" + self.storageConfig.host + "', port: '" + self.storageConfig.port + "', getUrl: '" + self.storageConfig.getUrl + "'});";
result += '\n})';
let block = "\nEmbarkJS.Storage.setProvider('" + self.storageConfig.provider + "', {server: '" + self.storageConfig.host + "', port: '" + self.storageConfig.port + "', getUrl: '" + self.storageConfig.getUrl + "'});";
result += Templates.define_when_env_loaded({block: block});
return result;
@ -271,26 +169,20 @@ result += "\n";
if (!useEmbarkJS || self.communicationConfig === {}) return "";
result += "\nvar whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) {";
result += "\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null) {";
result += "\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);";
result += "\n } else {";
result += "\n cb();";
result += "\n }";
result += "\n}";
// TODO: don't repeat this twice; should have 'requirements' generator first
result += Templates.define_when_env_loaded();
let block;
if (self.communicationConfig.provider === 'whisper' && self.communicationConfig.enabled === true) {
result += "\nwhenEnvIsLoaded(function() {\n";
result += "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('" + self.communicationConfig.provider + "');";
result += '\n})';
block = "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('" + self.communicationConfig.provider + "');";
result += Templates.define_when_env_loaded({block: block});
} else if (self.communicationConfig.provider === 'orbit' && self.communicationConfig.enabled === true) {
result += "\nwhenEnvIsLoaded(function() {\n";
if (self.communicationConfig.host === undefined && self.communicationConfig.port === undefined) {
result += "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('" + self.communicationConfig.provider + "');";
block = "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('" + self.communicationConfig.provider + "');";
} else {
result += "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('" + self.communicationConfig.provider + "', {server: '" + self.communicationConfig.host + "', port: '" + self.communicationConfig.port + "'});";
block = "\nEmbarkJS.Messages.setProvider('" + self.communicationConfig.provider + "', {server: '" + self.communicationConfig.host + "', port: '" + self.communicationConfig.port + "'});";
result += '\n})';
result += Templates.define_when_env_loaded({block: block});
return result;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
__mainContext.web3 = undefined;
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("<%- url -%>'"));
<%- done %>
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
var whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) {
if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);
} else {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance.doFirst(function(done) {
<%- block %>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
__mainContext.<%- className %> = new EmbarkJS.Contract({abi: <%- abi %>, address: <%- contractAddress %>, code: '<%- contract.code %>', gasEstimates: <%- gasEstimates %>});
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
whenEnvIsLoaded(function() {
<%- block %>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance.execWhenReady(function() {
<%- block %>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
__mainContext.__LoadManager = function() { this.list = []; this.done = false; }
__mainContext.__LoadManager.prototype.execWhenReady = function(cb) { if (this.done) { cb(); } else { this.list.push(cb) } }
__mainContext.__LoadManager.prototype.doFirst = function(todo) { var self = this; todo(function() { self.done = true; self.list.map((x) => x.apply()) }) }
__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance = new __mainContext.__LoadManager();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
var __mainContext = __mainContext || this;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
function __reduce(arr, memo, iteratee, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== 'function') {
if (typeof memo === 'function' && typeof iteratee === 'function') {
cb = iteratee;
iteratee = memo;
memo = [];
} else {
throw new TypeError('expected callback to be a function');
if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
cb(new TypeError('expected an array'));
if (typeof iteratee !== 'function') {
cb(new TypeError('expected iteratee to be a function'));
(function next(i, acc) {
if (i === arr.length) {
cb(null, acc);
iteratee(acc, arr[i], function(err, val) {
if (err) {
next(i + 1, val);
})(0, memo);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<%- className %>Abi = <%- abi %>;
<%- className %>Contract = web3.eth.contract(<%- className %>Abi);
<%- className %> = <%= className %>Contract.at('<%- contract.deployedAddress %>');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
__mainContext.web3 = undefined;
__reduce(<%- connectionList %>,function(prev, value, next) {
if (prev === false) {
return next(null, false);
if (value === '$WEB3' && (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && typeof Web3 !== 'undefined')) {
web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
} else if (value !== '$WEB3' && (typeof Web3 !== 'undefined' && ((typeof web3 === 'undefined') || (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && (!web3.isConnected || (web3.isConnected && !web3.isConnected())))))) {
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(value));
} else if (value === '$WEB3') {
return next(null, '');
web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, account) {
if (err) {
next(null, true)
} else {
next(null, false)
}, function(err, _result) {
web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, accounts) {
web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];
<%- done %>
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ function doEval(code, _web3) {
web3 = _web3;
return eval(code); // jshint ignore:line
try {
return eval(code); // jshint ignore:line
} catch(e) {
throw new Error(e + "\n" + code);
module.exports = {
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"chokidar": "^1.6.0",
"colors": "^1.1.2",
"commander": "^2.8.1",
"ejs": "^2.5.7",
"ethereumjs-testrpc": "3.9.2",
"finalhandler": "^0.5.0",
"follow-redirects": "^1.2.4",
@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ describe('embark.CodeGenerator', function() {
let generator = new CodeGenerator({contractsConfig: {"dappConnection": [ "$WEB3", "http://somehost:1234" ] }, contractsManager: {}});
it('should generate code to connect to a provider', function() {
var providerCode = "\nfunction __reduce(arr, memo, iteratee, cb) {\n if (typeof cb !== 'function') {\n if (typeof memo === 'function' && typeof iteratee === 'function') {\n cb = iteratee;\n iteratee = memo;\n memo = [];\n } else {\n throw new TypeError('expected callback to be a function');\n }\n }\n\n if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {\n cb(new TypeError('expected an array'));\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof iteratee !== 'function') {\n cb(new TypeError('expected iteratee to be a function'));\n return;\n }\n\n (function next(i, acc) {\n if (i === arr.length) {\n cb(null, acc);\n return;\n }\n\n iteratee(acc, arr[i], function(err, val) {\n if (err) {\n cb(err);\n return;\n }\n next(i + 1, val);\n });\n })(0, memo);\n};\nvar __mainContext = __mainContext || this;\n__mainContext.__LoadManager = function() { this.list = []; this.done = false; }\n__mainContext.__LoadManager.prototype.execWhenReady = function(cb) { if (this.done) { cb(); } else { this.list.push(cb) } }\n__mainContext.__LoadManager.prototype.doFirst = function(todo) { var self = this; todo(function() { self.done = true; self.list.map((x) => x.apply()) }) }\n__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance = new __mainContext.__LoadManager();\nvar whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) {\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null) {\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);\n } else {\n cb();\n }\n}\nwhenEnvIsLoaded(function(){__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance.doFirst(function(done) {\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.web3 = undefined; }\n__reduce([\"$WEB3\",\"http://somehost:1234\"], function(prev, value, next) {\nif (prev === false) {\n return next(null, false);\n}\n if (value === '$WEB3' && (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && typeof Web3 !== 'undefined')) {\n\tweb3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);\n } else if (value !== '$WEB3' && (typeof Web3 !== 'undefined' && ((typeof web3 === 'undefined') || (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && (!web3.isConnected || (web3.isConnected && !web3.isConnected())))))) {\n\tweb3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(value));\n}\nelse if (value === '$WEB3') {\n\treturn next(null, '');\n}\nweb3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, account) { if(err) { next(null, true) } else { next(null, false) }})\n}, function(err, _result) {\nweb3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, accounts) {;\nweb3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];\ndone();\n});\n});\n})})";
var providerCode = "function __reduce(arr, memo, iteratee, cb) {\n if (typeof cb !== 'function') {\n if (typeof memo === 'function' && typeof iteratee === 'function') {\n cb = iteratee;\n iteratee = memo;\n memo = [];\n } else {\n throw new TypeError('expected callback to be a function');\n }\n }\n\n if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {\n cb(new TypeError('expected an array'));\n return;\n }\n\n if (typeof iteratee !== 'function') {\n cb(new TypeError('expected iteratee to be a function'));\n return;\n }\n\n (function next(i, acc) {\n if (i === arr.length) {\n cb(null, acc);\n return;\n }\n\n iteratee(acc, arr[i], function(err, val) {\n if (err) {\n cb(err);\n return;\n }\n next(i + 1, val);\n });\n })(0, memo);\n};\n\nvar __mainContext = __mainContext || this;\n__mainContext.__LoadManager = function() { this.list = []; this.done = false; }\n__mainContext.__LoadManager.prototype.execWhenReady = function(cb) { if (this.done) { cb(); } else { this.list.push(cb) } }\n__mainContext.__LoadManager.prototype.doFirst = function(todo) { var self = this; todo(function() { self.done = true; self.list.map((x) => x.apply()) }) }\n__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance = new __mainContext.__LoadManager();\nvar whenEnvIsLoaded = function(cb) {\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document !== null) {\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);\n } else {\n cb();\n }\n}\nwhenEnvIsLoaded(function(){__mainContext.__loadManagerInstance.doFirst(function(done) {\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.web3 = undefined; }\n__reduce([\"$WEB3\",\"http://somehost:1234\"], function(prev, value, next) {\nif (prev === false) {\n return next(null, false);\n}\n if (value === '$WEB3' && (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && typeof Web3 !== 'undefined')) {\n\tweb3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);\n } else if (value !== '$WEB3' && (typeof Web3 !== 'undefined' && ((typeof web3 === 'undefined') || (typeof web3 !== 'undefined' && (!web3.isConnected || (web3.isConnected && !web3.isConnected())))))) {\n\tweb3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(value));\n}\nelse if (value === '$WEB3') {\n\treturn next(null, '');\n}\nweb3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, account) { if(err) { next(null, true) } else { next(null, false) }})\n}, function(err, _result) {\nweb3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, accounts) {;\nweb3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];\ndone();\n});\n});\n})})";
assert.equal(generator.generateProvider(), providerCode);
assert.equal(generator.generateProvider().split('\n'), providerCode.split('\n'));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user