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/*global web3*/
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('underscore');
const ContractFuzzer = require('../fuzzer');
class GasEstimator {
constructor(embark) {
this.embark = embark;
this.logger = embark.logger;
this.events = embark.events;
this.fuzzer = new ContractFuzzer(embark);
estimateGas(contractName, cb) {
const self = this;
let gasMap = {};
self.events.request('contracts:contract', contractName, (contract) => {
let fuzzMap = self.fuzzer.generateFuzz(3, contract);
let contractObj = new web3.eth.Contract(contract.abiDefinition, contract.deployedAddress);
async.each(contract.abiDefinition.filter((x) => x.type !== "event"),
(abiMethod, gasCb) => {
let name = abiMethod.name;
2018-06-15 17:24:19 -04:00
if (abiMethod.type === "constructor") {
// already provided for us
gasMap['constructor'] = contract.gasEstimates.creation.totalCost.toString();
return gasCb(null, name, abiMethod.type);
} else if (abiMethod.type == "fallback") {
gasMap['fallback'] = contract.gasEstimates.external[""].toString();
return gasCb(null, name, abiMethod.type);
} else if (
(abiMethod.inputs === null || abiMethod.inputs === undefined || abiMethod.inputs.length === 0)
) {
// just run it and register it
.apply(contractObj.methods[name], [])
.estimateGas((err, gasAmount) => {
if (err) return gasCb(err, name, abiMethod.type);
gasMap[name] = gasAmount;
return gasCb(null, name, abiMethod.type);
} else {
// async concatenate all the fuzz values and their gas cost outputs and check for equality
async.concat(fuzzMap[name], (values, getVarianceCb) => {
contractObj.methods[name].apply(contractObj.methods[name], values)
.estimateGas((err, gasAmount) => {
getVarianceCb(err, gasAmount);
}, (err, variance) => {
if (err) {
return gasCb(err, name, abiMethod.type);
} else if (_.isEqual(variance[0], variance[1]) && _.isEqual(variance[1], variance[2])) {
gasMap[name] = variance[0];
} else {
let sum = _.reduce(variance, function(memo, num) { return memo + num; }, 0);
let average = sum / variance.length;
gasMap[name] = average;
return gasCb(null, name, abiMethod.type);
(err, name, type) => {
if (err) {
2018-06-15 17:24:19 -04:00
if (type === "constructor" || type === "fallback") name = type;
return cb(err, null, name);
cb(null, gasMap, null);
module.exports = GasEstimator;