2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
const async = require('async');
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
const Web3 = require('web3');
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
const { getWeiBalanceFromString, buildUrl } = require('../../utils/utils.js');
const { readFileSync, dappPath } = require('../../core/fs');
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
class DevFunds {
constructor(blockchainConfig) {
this.web3 = null;
this.blockchainConfig = blockchainConfig;
this.accounts = [];
this.numAccounts = this.blockchainConfig.account.numAccounts || 0;
2018-07-16 21:19:01 +02:00
this.password = readFileSync(dappPath('config/development/password'), 'utf8').replace('\n', '');
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
this.web3 = new Web3();
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
this.balance = Web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether");
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
if (this.blockchainConfig.account.balance) {
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
console.dir('[blockchain/dev_funds]: converting balance from ' + this.blockchainConfig.account.balance);
this.balance = getWeiBalanceFromString(this.blockchainConfig.account.balance, this.web3);
console.dir('[blockchain/dev_funds]: converted balance to ' + this.balance);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
connectToNode(cb) {
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
this.web3.setProvider(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(buildUrl('ws', this.blockchainConfig.wsHost, this.blockchainConfig.wsPort), { headers: { Origin: "http://localhost:8000" } }));
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
this.web3.eth.getAccounts().then((accounts) => {
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
this.web3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0];
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
if (accounts.length > 1) {
this.accounts = accounts.slice(1);
console.dir('----- CURRENT ACCOUNTS ' + this.accounts);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
createAccounts(numAccounts, password, cb) {
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
const numAccountsToCreate = numAccounts - (this.accounts.length + 1);
if (numAccountsToCreate === 0) return cb();
console.dir("creating " + numAccountsToCreate + " new accounts with password " + password);
async.timesLimit(numAccountsToCreate, 1, (_, next) => {
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
console.dir("--- creating new account");
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
this.web3.eth.personal.newAccount(password, next);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
}, (err, accounts) => {
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
if (err) console.error(err);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
console.dir("-- accounts created are ");
this.accounts = accounts;
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
unlockAccounts(password, cb) {
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
console.dir('--- CURRENT ACCOUNTS ' + this.accounts);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
async.each(this.accounts, (account, next) => {
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
console.dir('-- unlocking account ' + account + ' with password ' + password);
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
this.web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account, password).then((result) => {
console.dir('-- unlocked account ' + account + ' with password ' + password + ' and result ' + result);
}, (err) => {
console.dir('-- FINISHED UNLOCKING ACCOUNTS, err= ' + err);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
fundAccounts(balance, cb) {
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
console.dir('-- funding accounts...');
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
async.each(this.accounts, (account, next) => {
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
this.web3.eth.getBalance(account).then(currBalance => {
const remainingBalance = balance - currBalance;
console.dir("---- account " + account + " balance needed = " + remainingBalance);
if (remainingBalance <= 0) return next();
console.dir("-- funding account " + account + " with balance " + remainingBalance);
this.web3.eth.sendTransaction({to: account, value: remainingBalance}).then((result) => {
console.dir('FUNDING ACCT result: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
}, (err) => {
console.dir('-- FINISHED FUNDING ACCOUNTS, err= ' + err);
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
createFundAndUnlockAccounts(cb) {
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
(next) => {
console.dir('--- CONNECTING TO NODE');
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
(next) => {
console.dir('--- CREATING THE ACCOUNTS');
this.createAccounts(this.numAccounts, this.password, next);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
(next) => {
console.dir('--- UNLOCKING THE ACCOUNTS');
this.unlockAccounts(this.password, next);
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
(next) => {
console.dir('--- FUNDING THE ACCOUNTS');
this.fundAccounts(this.balance, next);
], (err) => {
2018-07-16 21:19:01 +02:00
console.dir(`--- COMPLETED THE ACCOUNTS (${this.accounts.join(', ')} and funded with ${this.balance} wei)`);
2018-07-17 10:57:31 +02:00
if (err) console.error('Error creating, unlocking, and funding accounts', JSON.stringify(err));
2018-07-16 18:48:32 +02:00
// this.web3.eth.getAccounts().then((accounts) => {
// let numAccts = accounts.length;
// accounts.forEach((account) => {
// this.web3.eth.getBalance(account).then((balance) => {
// console.dir('[contracts/dev_funds]: account ' + account + ' has balance of ' + balance);
// if(--numAccts === 0) cb(err);
// });
// });
// });
2018-07-13 15:56:59 +03:00
module.exports = DevFunds;