2018-08-20 14:46:49 -04:00

77 lines
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// our contract object to test
const DReddit = require('Embark/contracts/DReddit');
// contract methods we'll be testing
const {numPosts, create, vote, posts, canVote, getVote} = DReddit.methods;
// variables that will be updated in the tests
let accounts;
let postId;
// set up our config test parameters
contracts: {
DReddit: {
// would pass constructor args here if needed
}, (err, theAccounts) => {
// this is the list of accounts our node / wallet controls.
accounts = theAccounts;
// other test parameters
const ipfsHash = 'Qmc5gCcjYypU7y28oCALwfSvxCBskLuPKWpK4qpterKC7z';
// Embark exposes a global contract method as an alias
// for Mocha.describe
contract("DReddit contract", function () {
it("should be able to create a post and receive it via contract event", async function () {
let receipt = await create(web3.utils.fromAscii(ipfsHash)).send();
const event = receipt.events.NewPost;
postId = event.returnValues.postId;
assert.equal(web3.utils.toAscii(event.returnValues.description), ipfsHash);
it("post should have correct data", async function (){
const post = await posts(postId).call();
assert.equal(web3.utils.toAscii(post.description), ipfsHash);
assert.equal(post.owner, accounts[0]);
it("one post should be registered", async function () {
const n = await numPosts().call();
assert.equal(n, 1);
it("should not be able to vote in an unexisting post", async function () {
const userCanVote = await canVote(123).call();
assert.equal(userCanVote, false);
it("should be able to vote in a post if account hasn't voted before", async function () {
const userCanVote = await canVote(postId).call();
assert.equal(userCanVote, true);
it("should be able to vote in a post", async function () {
const receipt = await vote(postId, 1).send();
const Vote = receipt.events.Vote;
assert.equal(Vote.returnValues.voter, accounts[0]);
it("should't be able to vote twice", async function () {
try {
const receipt = await vote(postId, 1).send();
assert.fail('should have reverted before');
} catch (error){
assert(error.message.search('revert') > -1, 'Revert should happen');