## First run Now let’s run our website quickly to see what embark will do for us. ``` npm install embark run ``` You should see the Embark console and it's components. * *Contracts* - the top left shows which contracts are deployed and their address. * Modules loaded and running - the top right shows the status of the loaded modules running (or not running) in Embark. * *Log* - the middle shows log output. * *Console* - on the bottom row there is a console that will let us interact with `web3` and `ipfs` (try it out by typing `help` to see available commands). ### Embark output You’ll notice from the logs and from the modules that Embark has started Go-ethereum and IPFS processes, compiled and deployed our contract, and webpacked our website for us. > The contract warning in orange will disappear once we update our contract. ### Take a tour of the barebones DReddit site The website has several features that *are not yet hooked up to our contract*, but let’s take a look around at the website anyway. Launch `http://localhost:8000` in your browser. Functionality you'll see: * Create a post * Upvote / Downvote a post * Search and view posts Later, we'll hook this functionality up to a contract.