dreddit-dapp/instructions/6 Coding: dApp.md

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2018-08-20 14:42:27 -04:00
## Coding our dApp
Let's use our DReddit JS Object, and the `EmbarkJS` API to interact with our contract and IPFS. While we update oru files, notice how Embark watches and recompiles any asset we modify when we save the changes:
###### `Create.js`
1. Start by importing EmbarkJS, web3 and the contract object
import EmbarkJS from 'Embark/EmbarkJS';
import EtherPress from 'Embark/contracts/EtherPress';
import web3 from 'Embark/web3';
> Both EmbarkJS and web3 are normally imported whenever there's a need to interact with web3 technologies. You'll see these imports present in both `App.js` and `Post.js`
2. Update the `handleClick` event, that is triggered when you press the 'Publish' button. This will save the post on IPFS, and invoke our contract. We need to obtain a gas estimate and add our post using the contract's `create` function.
Save the content of the post in IPFS
const ipfsHash = await EmbarkJS.Storage.saveText(JSON.stringify(textToSave));
Then, estimate the gas needed to execute the `create` function
const {create} = DReddit.methods;
const toSend = await create(web3.utils.toHex(ipfsHash));
const estimatedGas = await toSend.estimateGas();
Finally, generate the transaction
const receipt = await toSend.send({from: web3.eth.defaultAccount,
gas: estimatedGas + 1000});
> Notice that we added 1000 wei to the estimated gas. There are situations where the estimated gas is incorrect depending on the state of the contractor if you're deleting items from an array. Adding a extra wei value helps avoid running into an Out of Gas exception.
###### `App.js`
1. Edit `componentDidMount()`. Execute `this._loadPosts()` as soon as EmbarkJS initializes.
EmbarkJS.onReady(() => {
> `onReady()` is used if you want to execute any action that uses EmbarkJS or web3 as soon as the page loads.
2. Edit `_loadPosts`. Extract the functions `posts` and `numPosts` from the contract in order to read the posts content.
const {posts, numPosts} = DReddit.methods;
Using `numPosts` obtain the number of posts our contract has.
const total = await numPosts().call();
And then, inside the loop, invoke `posts` to obtain each post individually
const post = posts(i).call();
> Notice we aren't using `await` here. It's not a good practice to `await` inside a loop. It's better to load all the promises inside an array, and then, call `Promise.all()` on this array.
###### `Post.js`
1. Edit `_loadAttributes`. Obtain the post from IPFS
const ipfsText = await EmbarkJS.Storage.get(ipfsHash);
Convert the text retrieved from IPFS into a JSON object an populate `title` and `content`
const jsonContent = JSON.parse(ipfsText);
const title = jsonContent.title;
const content = jsonContent.content;
Determine if the user can vote on this post
const canVote = await DReddit.methods.canVote(this.props.id).call();
2. Edit `_vote`. Estimate the cost of invoking the `vote` function of our DReddit contract
const {vote} = DReddit.methods;
const toSend = vote(this.props.id, choice);
const estimatedGas = await toSend.estimateGas();
Send the transaction
const receipt = await toSend.send({gas: estimatedGas + 1000});
#### Check the dApp
Open a browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000 and admire your creation! and also try to fix any bug we may have introduced.