2014-07-20 17:05:52 +02:00

156 lines
3.9 KiB

import std.stdio;
import std.container;
import std.conv;
import std.typecons;
import std.traits;
public class ISlot
void Execute(void*[] arguments) {}
enum Type {
UnknownType = 0, Bool = 1, Int = 2, UInt = 3, LongLong = 4, ULongLong = 5,
Double = 6, Long = 32, Short = 33, Char = 34, ULong = 35, UShort = 36,
UChar = 37, Float = 38,
VoidStar = 31,
QChar = 7, QString = 10, QStringList = 11, QByteArray = 12,
QBitArray = 13, QDate = 14, QTime = 15, QDateTime = 16, QUrl = 17,
QLocale = 18, QRect = 19, QRectF = 20, QSize = 21, QSizeF = 22,
QLine = 23, QLineF = 24, QPoint = 25, QPointF = 26, QRegExp = 27,
QEasingCurve = 29, QUuid = 30, QVariant = 41, QModelIndex = 42,
QRegularExpression = 44,
QJsonValue = 45, QJsonObject = 46, QJsonArray = 47, QJsonDocument = 48,
QObjectStar = 39, SChar = 40,
Void = 43,
QVariantMap = 8, QVariantList = 9, QVariantHash = 28,
QFont = 64, QPixmap = 65, QBrush = 66, QColor = 67, QPalette = 68,
QIcon = 69, QImage = 70, QPolygon = 71, QRegion = 72, QBitmap = 73,
QCursor = 74, QKeySequence = 75, QPen = 76, QTextLength = 77, QTextFormat = 78,
QMatrix = 79, QTransform = 80, QMatrix4x4 = 81, QVector2D = 82,
QVector3D = 83, QVector4D = 84, QQuaternion = 85, QPolygonF = 86,
QSizePolicy = 121,
User = 1024
public int GetMetaType(T)()
if (is (T == bool))
return 1;
else if (is (T == int))
return 2;
else if (is (T == uint))
return 3;
else if (is (T == double))
return 6;
else if (is (T == long))
return 32;
else if (is (T == short))
return 33;
else if (is (T == float))
return 38;
else if (is (T == int))
return 2;
else if (is( T == void))
return 43;
return 0;
public class DSlot(T) : ISlot
alias ReturnType!T SlotReturnType;
alias ParameterTypeTuple!T Arguments;
this(T callable)
_callable = callable;
_parameterMetaTypes[0] = GetMetaType!SlotReturnType();
foreach (i, arg; Arguments)
_parameterMetaTypes[i+1] = GetMetaType!arg();
override void Execute(void*[] arguments)
Arguments argumentsTuple;
foreach (i, arg; argumentsTuple) {
argumentsTuple[i] = *cast(Arguments[i]*)arguments[i + 1];
static if (is(SlotReturnType == void))
auto result = new SlotReturnType;
*result = opCall(argumentsTuple);
arguments[0] = result;
ReturnType!T opCall(Arguments arguments)
return _callable(arguments);
int[] GetParameterMetaTypes() { return _parameterMetaTypes; }
T _callable;
int[] _parameterMetaTypes = new int[Arguments.length + 1];
public DSlot!(T) CreateDSlot(T)(T t) if (isCallable!(T))
return new DSlot!(T)(t);
// Initialize the test case
int a = 10;
char b = 'a';
string c = "prova";
void*[] arguments = new void*[4];
arguments[0] = cast(void*)&a;
arguments[1] = cast(void*)&a;
arguments[2] = cast(void*)&b;
arguments[3] = cast(void*)&c;
// Testing with a function
auto testFunction = (int a, char b, string c) {
writeln("The other values are: ", to!string(a), ", ", to!string(b), ", ", c);
auto slot = CreateDSlot(testFunction);
// Testing with a delegate
int outerValue = 20;
auto testDelegate = (int a, char b, string c) {
outerValue += outerValue;
writeln("The other values are: ", to!string(a), ", ", to!string(b), ", ", c, ", ", outerValue);
auto slot2 = CreateDSlot(testDelegate);
// Testing with a callable
auto testCallable = new class {
void opCall(int a, char b, string c) {
writeln("The other values are: ", to!string(a), ", ", to!string(b), ", ", c);
auto slot3 = CreateDSlot(testCallable);