import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.traits; import std.conv; import core.memory; import std.functional; import dotherside; import dobject; import dslot; class MyObject : DObject { this() { //foo = registerSlot("foo", &_foo); bar = registerSlot("bar", &_bar); } DSlot!(void delegate(int)) foo; void _foo(int fooValue) { writeln("D: Called foo slot with argument ", fooValue , "!!"); } DSlot!(int delegate(int)) bar; int _bar(int barValue) { writeln("D: Called bar slot with argument " , barValue, "!!"); return 666; } } void main() { try { auto app = new GuiApplication; scope(exit) clear(app); auto view = new QuickView; scope(exit) clear(view); auto myObject = new MyObject(); auto context = view.rootContext(); context.setContextProperty("myObject", new QVariant(myObject)); view.setSource("Test.qml");; app.exec(); } catch {} }